MovieChat Forums > Politics > Good Job there pro Trump rioters

Good Job there pro Trump rioters

These morons undermined their own cause by gifting those "evil lefties"/ Democrats and the Republicans who oppose Trump's election fraud claims with the moral high ground. Not to mention a much needed change in subject for them. No, instead of fighting for the election fraud investigation, team Trump now has to be on the defensive, pointing fingers over this sideshow debacle.

"I bet "Antifa" is somehow to blame!" I'm sure Team Biden really appreciates you guys coming through down the stretch to secure minimal resistance to his fraudulent election win going forward.


They were Antifa dressed up to look like trumpers. Tried and true tactic of radicals.


How do you know that?


In order to hide the sins of the far alt wrong wing, they hold up a mirror to their own behavior and claim it's the other guys doing all the bad stuff.


Like earlier in the year with the unsubstantiated claims of whyte supreemacysts dressing up as antifa?

2 Sides, 1 Coin.


Nothing better than that?

Need some better burns my man, shits old and rather lame. Let's see some sick burns my mentally inept compadre.




Yup, no sick burns. As usual.




Damn, was hoping for a sick burn... need to get out more my man.


You know the Proud Boys openly admitted they planned to dress up like Antifa right?


Yup... Tit for tat.


Tat for tit. So you encourage treason?


Fuck off, the government has become tyrannical...this is exercising their 1st, and 2nd amendment right, and guess what? Today, the veil was lifted from America's "All powerful government".

They're scared, they are REALLY fucking scared. And they should be. The people rule America, not the politicians and they needed a little reminder of this.

"Who says protests need to be peaceful?" -Gov. Cuomo.

Do you agree or disagree with the Governor?


You have no idea what tyrannical is my man.

How does this sound?

Let's shoot all of the protestors in the Capitol. For TREASON.


"Tyrannical rule is the opposite of democratic rule, which places the power in the people, the majority of whom makes the decisions."

Tell me again how the people are making the decisions of the USA?

Let's shoot all of the protestors in the Capitol. For TREASON.

Only if we can do the same to the rioters from earlier in the year.


They voted an idiot out of office, in record numbers too.

Awww poor baby, do you live in a shithole red state?

Is the economy bad there?

That's what happens when you live in a shithole red state.
Nobody lives there. Therefore there is nobody to spend money. Therefore you have a bad economy.

Shit is what it is. Suck it up buttercup.


You would be right if they were doing wanton destruction yet all they did was break a few windows and injure at most 4-5 officers. Did ANTIFA learn MAGA tactics and go all light on the violence?


Yeah that's true. Nothing is actually on fire. Isn't this technically what the end game of occupy was? To take over the buildings in DC?


Yeah, thanks alot. ;)


I bet that was it. I bet it was always just AntiFa dressed up like Trumpers to make the right "look like" morons. That was it, yeah.
