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Does Trump deserve credit for fast tracking this vaccine?

And will he get it? I’d say if he is responsible and his cutting through the red tape really made a huge difference then he deserves a high recognition. If Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize for doing fuck all Trump should get the Congressional Medal of Honor.




Agree. He deserves at least 1 of the 3 peace prize nominations he got this year.

Regarding the vaccine. I actually think he will get that credit. The media did a good job vilifying him and shoving under the rug much of the good Trump has done but the one thing they couldn't do was deny the fact he got the vaccine out using Warp Speed. I try and think 20 years from now when biographies and movies are made, what is going to be the narrative? They can convolute the timeline of the virus and Trump's role. They can manipulate the peace deals. but they may not be able to hide Warp Speed and who was behind it.

But we'll see. Thanks to the media bias, Trump will never get the recognition he really deserved as President.


Trump has never been in the military, he is ineligible for Congressional Medal of Honor.


BTW: I agree that Obama should never have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize. He was in office less than a week when the nominations were closed. What could he have done?


None of you Trumpers can even describe what fast-tracking did. Moderna had the vaccine back in January 2020.

Then after Moderna got all that government money to "fast track" what they had already created, Trump failed to secure their doses. So Moderna takes all those tax dollars and then gives most of the vaccine to Europe, while most of the US will have to wait until summer.

And you want Trump to get a Nobel Prize for this? Obama's Nobel Prize was 11 years ago, and you're still triggered by it, lmao. Trumpers are just as much babies as their pathetic cult leader.


That’s correct
He’s responsible for actually holding it up !
Operation fast track to jail for that dunderhead!


fast track to where


Remember last spring when Fauci said the best we could hope for was a vaccine in 2-3 years. Me too.

This is what happens when you elect accomplished men into political office vs unaccomplished career politicians. They get things done.


He didn't think you could handle the real timeline of the vaccine.


Only if causes wide spread Bell's palsy and death.


The UK was the first country to approve the Pfizer vaccine though, so no.

Europe was giving vaccines before the USA did so I'm not sure how he fast tracked anything.
