MovieChat Forums > Politics > You can't make absurdities like this up

You can't make absurdities like this up

Dems in swing state cities block GOP observers, find boxes of secret votes in the wee hours of the night and electronically rig the vote, but when President Trump exercises his 12th Amendment Constitutional right to fix the rampant Dem FRAUD, they accuse him of staging a “coup"?

This is a case of guilt projection.


Welcome to commie-land, comrade.


commie bump


“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” ― H.L. Mencken

"A sucker if born every minute." - PT Barnum

Donald J Trump: King of the Rubes


I forgot to add that the only fraud to be found is Trump himself, a laughable one:


See my reply to PresidentAckbar below.


China Joe and Kommie Harris now rule this land with an iron fist. Welcome to China 2.0.


Nah, Trump was legitimately elected in an unprecedented landslide and will thus be reinaugurated; mark my words. The Dems' brazen fraud will be proven. Like all dimwitted criminals they made mistakes in their blind carnal passion; and they were caught.


If your posts aren't satire, my sympathies to your friends and loved ones.


Do you honestly believe what you’re writing? I’m a strong conservative who voted the 2nd time for Trump. I read everyday where people like yourself believe Trump will rise from the ashes. I told my husband over a year ago he was going to lose. This was before Covid-19.

It didn’t matter how well the country was doing, record low unemployment for Blacks. It didn’t matter people were working again. It didn’t matter he did his best to keep illegals from swamping us by the thousands...illegals who would tax our system by being on the government dole. It didn’t matter Muslims flooded our country. The very people who hate us and our system of government. Instead of kissing the ground such as Omar, a Somalian refugee, they are attempting to change US!

It didn’t matter BLM & Antifa are anarchists burning, looting, murdering, destroying our cities. He was impeached with nothing but lies as their proof. They got away with it. Hillary got away with it. It doesn’t matter Biden & son are up to their necks in deep caca. They are getting away with it.
So, their goal was to get rid of Trump by any means necessary which included an election rife with fraud. This too they shall get away with it. This is why Harris/Biden will be seated. Their voters voted for their hatred of Donald Trump. They hated him more than they loved our country.


Yeah, but none of their constant attacks have worked. They couldn't stop Trump no matter what they did (because they're merely slanderous losers). They couldn't pull him down with the false "Russian collusion" narrative & the corresponding Mueller witch hunt or the fake crimeless impeachment. So they destroyed Trump's kick axx economy with their idiotic lockdowns, blaming the intentionally-released China virus. Then they unleashed their lawless ground troops -- klANTIFA & Burn/Loot/Murder -- to destroy blocks of Dem-controlled cities. None of these unjust, wicked attacks stopped Trump from winning in an incredible landslide victory in November, going by only legit votes, of course.

Their current counterfeit Biden/Harris victory will fail too. The lamestream media doesn't have the power to coronate a president; so Biden isn't really the "President-Elect" (more like Prison-Elect, lol). Simply put, Dems overplayed their hand with the gross fraud and got caught (they've been committing such fraud for decades, of course, but this time they overdid it). Thus Trump will be reinaugurated (even if we have to wait until 2025). Mark my word.

If you don't believe this, it's okay. I'll believe for the both of us. :)


You are brainwashed by your own ignorance. You never believed Covid was a real threat. The president told you what you wanted to hear about the pandemic, that it was the media's hoax, masks weren't all that necessary, China China China, and that made you so excited that you assumed it was the majority's opinion. It wasn't.

As Trump was campaigning to get people to vote for him, he was campaigning even more effectively to get people to vote against him. He and his base just didn't know it. So now they are claiming fraud because of their own ignorance.


Oh, look, a pro-Left comment from Ultravioletx; big surprise! (lol)


Oh, look. A non-reply from Wuchak because he prefers to live in a fantasy and ignore reality.


”... masks weren't all that necessary...” Come on now! How can you forget the on again, off again stance Lord Fauci took from week to week? The following is an inconvenient truth.

”At the start of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., federal officials told the public they did not need to wear face masks. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, said “THEY ONLY MADE PEOPLE FEEL BETTER BUT WERE PRETTY MUCH POINTLESS.

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams even told Americans in a late February tweet that they need to “STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”

More proof Fauci was not the know all, see all:

”THE LIST: Fauci’s Many Mistakes and Lies: NIH Director Said One Thing Weeks-Months Ago but Today Tries to Blame President Trump (Video)

In his own words. It doesn’t matter where this video and his lies came from you can’t deny Fauci was as ignorant about this virus as the populace was.

None of us thought it was any worse than the H1N1, or any other type flu. You are the one who chooses to believe what you want to believe. It’s all over the web how Lord Fauci, the CDC, WHO, and doctors didn’t know what they were dealing with, so don’t blame Trump. Only the elderly were vulnerable back in February/ the officials said.


The efficacy of masks was not fully known in February and early March because we had no pandemic team to do its due diligence on masks and the coronavirus. We had to wait until people started wearing them to collect the data.

By the end of March, Fauci and the CDC understood masks were very effective at preventing people from spreading the virus.

But Trump was stuck in the same "media hoax" mode he was in back in February. And he never snapped out of it because Trumpers enjoyed hearing it so much.


Oh we did not! You assume too much about Trump voters. I am a Trump voter, but not necessarily a supporter.

Dr. Fauci Made the Coronavirus Pandemic Worse by Lying About Masks

Fauci didn’t just fail to promote masks early on, he actively discouraged the use of masks, saying they didn’t work. Americans are now paying the price because too many people think masks are useless to combat the coronavirus. In reality, masks have been shown to help prevent the spread of covid-19, as the CDC now admits.

The following is dated May 22,2020. Notice the date April 3, not your belief.

”Preliminary research published this week suggests widespread mask wearing in public could substantially reduce the spread of COVID-19. YET IT WAS NOT UNTIL APRIL 3 that the Centers for Disease Control formally recommended that Americans wear masks in public, after two months of stating precisely the opposite. As elected officials try to understand resistance to their mask-wearing orders among some segments of the population, it is worth looking back on the CDC’s evolving guidance on the topic.

The rapidly evolving scientific knowledge about COVID-19 has largely forced fact-checking organizations to simply refer to the public statements of health officials, pointing to recommendations that would later be reversed.”

It’s no wonder Trump didn’t know how to handle the situation with Fauci and the gang changing their minds every other day,


I said Trumper, not Trump voter. Trumpers and Trumpists are the same thing, one who falls for every conspiracy that favors Trump.

Fauci said masks didn't work in preventing you from getting it. He was correct. However, by late March, enough people had been wearing them that the CDC had enough data to learn how effective masks were in preventing people with covid from spreading it.

"It’s no wonder Trump didn’t know how to handle the situation with Fauci and the gang changing their minds every other day,"

Complete and total BS. When Fauci and the CDC had figured out masks were very effective in preventing sick people from spreading covid, Trump was canceling the 650 million USPS mask initiative while pushing hydroxychloroquine, just to appease the Trumpers who were busy convincing themselves masks made it so hard to breathe that it was killing them.


It’s not only “Trumpers” who complain about the masks, it’s also people like me who have difficulty breathing with them. I’m not referring to the cheap paper blue medical masks, which are useless against Covid-19. I’m referring to my drawer full of so many types. After wearing them for awhile I become short of breath, develop a headache and/or nausea. I have to lower it below my nose.

Many people I’ve spoken to about the situation agree with me. From cashiers to nurses! You continue to post what you believe are facts without taking into consideration there may be people who believe the opposite. In other words
don’t judge until you’ve walked in a person’s shoes.

Again you completely dismiss others in the fight against Covid-19.

Hydro xy chloroquine Rated ‘Most Effective Therapy’ By Doctors For Coronavirus: Global Survey

The three most commonly prescribed treatments amongst COVID-19 treaters are 56% analgesics, 41% Azithromycin, and 33% Hydroxychloroquine

Hydroxychloroquine usage amongst COVID-19 treaters is 72% in Spain, 49% in Italy, 41% in Brazil, 39% in Mexico, 28% in France, 23% in the U.S., 17% in Germany, 16% in Canada, 13% in the UK and 7% in Japan

Hydroxychloroquine was overall chosen as the most effective therapy amongst COVID-19 treaters from a list of 15 options (37% of COVID-19 treaters)

75% in Spain, 53% Italy, 44% in China, 43% in Brazil, 29% in France, 23% in the U.S. and 13% in the U.K.

Are the above “Trumpers” also?


Fauci is a jerk for letting this mask wearing bs nonsense go on for as long as it has. Simply stated, people are still getting coronavirus while wearing their masks religiously. Proof, it DOESN'T work!!!!!!


Because the people with covid aren't wearing them enough.

Why is it masks work everywhere else but not in the US? Because the US is the only country where 30% refuse to believe masks work.

Trumpism has carpet-bombed the intellectual landscape with conspiratorial BS.


"klANTIFA!" I like that. 😆

My thoughts are in sync with yours throughout this thread (just finished reading 46 posts) and I have made similar statements throughout this board.
Ultravioletx believes I'm alone on this board to believe the truth. Guess he was wrong--AGAIN. 😆
If only 2 of us are on this train, you're in good company. There are MILLIONS of true Patriots out there to overflow that train. It's a higher number than 74M! 😉
Keep fighting the good fight, Wuchak! Thanks to Obama we got President Trump. And with President Trump, a sleeping giant has been awoken! 😇

I sure hope businesses kept those boards for their windows because they're going to need them.


Such an encouraging post, Norma; thanks. I have no worries that Trump will be re-inaugurated in 2021. After all, he won in an unprecedented landslide. It's just a matter of legally proving the gross Dem FRAUD. Then heads are gonna roll.


Where did ya go?


Republican presidential candidate's percentage of the popular vote since 2000:

2000: 47.9
2004: 50.7
2008: 45.7
2012: 47.2
2016: 46.1
2020: 46.9

I'll state again, the only fraud is currently residing in the WH, a laughable one:


The cheating started 25 years ago. After the Clintons took the WH with 37%. Since then Republicans have magically never gotten over 50%. Wonder why.


Reading comprehension is evidently not your strong point as my post shows a Republican got over 50% in 2004.

Clinton never won with 37% of the vote. In '92 and '96, he got 43 and 49 percent respectively, races that were unusual in that they involved a strong third party candidate.


If it wasn’t for Ross Perot I believe as others did Daddy Bush would have won a second term. Dems as a rule take the prize when there’s a 3rd party running. So many Republicans voted for Perot so he syphoned votes from Bush.

I know people who voted for the 3rd party this time (don’t even know his name) because they couldn’t stand Trump or Biden. Doing so threw the vote to Biden.


Hard to say Bush would've won. He angered many in the Republican party by breaking his pledge on taxes and the economy was in a recession.

If all third party votes had gone to Trump this election Biden still would've won the popular vote by 2.8%:

Biden: 51.4
Trump: 46.9
Other: 1.7


But, only if the election wasn’t fraudulent. You are basing your percentages on unknown facts. I don’t care what they say, there’s no way that many people turned against Trump. It is time to move on though. Dems are street fighters and they don’t turn on each other. Not the case with the fractured Republicans. How could he win when his White House, the Congress and Senate didn’t support him. The pos Romney, John Kasich, Christy, etc. who didn’t give support. A person can’t win if the supporters become traitors. Now I know how Christ felt.


Trump's share of the vote not only squares with Republican numbers since 2000 (which I posted above) but his approval rating over the last four years, rebutting any unsubstantiated claims of fraud.

Trump increased his share of the vote by .8% from 2016.


”...but his approval rating over the last four years, rebutting any unsubstantiated claims of fraud.”

Not so! I believe, as every Trump voter feels, the numbers were skewed based on human nature to be in defense mode. I’m not saying he won, but his voters belie the mantra that Biden won with such a huge gap. People were too afraid to admit they were Trump voters. Coming out of the voting booth it was safer to stay quiet and not admit they voted for Trump. You saw the news which confirmed it wasn’t safe to carry a Trump sign, wear a MAGA hat, etc.

Did you not see the thug who ripped off a small kid’s MAGA hat? I stopped my husband from wearing his due to the fact he was elderly and used a cane. One push and he would be down!

His approval rating did take a nosedive, but it didn’t stop his voters from voting for him. Also, it depends how the polling was done. If the question “Do you approve of President Trump?” was asked of me my answer would have been “Personally I don’t like him. He doesn’t know how to curb his mouth! But, I’m going to vote for him again because he’s good for the country.” Of course the Biden media would edit out my last sentence!


Trump's approval ratings square with his share of the vote in two elections, confirming both. That these numbers square with the share of the vote received by every Republican candidate since 2000 provides further evidence of their accuracy.

I understand what you're saying and where you're coming from, but you fail to recognize that Trump's never had a majority of Americans behind him. He's the only president besides Benjamin Harrison to lose the popular vote twice.


Wrong. Perot affected Bill Clinton more. In 92, he had the lowest percentage of the popular vote in the last 100 years (for a winner). He still won the popular vote, but it was the lowest percentage in the last 100 years.


Republican presidential candidate's percentage of the popular vote since 2000:

2000: 47.9
2004: 50.7
2008: 45.7
2012: 47.2
2016: 46.1
2020: 46.9

And you believe those numbers? The Dems have been committing voter fraud for decades now; it's become a big joke. That's why they were so emboldened this time out. But they were caught.


Dems in swing state cities block GOP observers, find boxes of secret votes in the wee hours of the night and electronically rig the vote
There's no credible evidence of any of these points, let alone proof. Perhaps you should take a closer look at the sorts of legal challenges that Trump's lawyers tried to seriously mount in courts in most states.

Take the one case in which they got closest to a State Supreme Court overturning a result - the recent 4-3 decision in Wisconsin. That case turned on a series of constitutional objections to electoral procedures that had been legal in Wisconsin for some time. The Majority rejected all those constitutional claims as unfounded but also as just late (Laches): Trump's team could and should have raised these constitutional objections to current Wisconsin procedures *before* people started voting in good faith using those procedures.

Most of Trump's legal cases were like this one - very few claims of fraud were ever made by Trump's team in court. Of course Trump's team talks a much bigger game *outside of court*, for the rubes as it were. Being played/scammed by the Scammer-in-Chief just as so many of his business partners, creditors, contractors, and customers have been over the years must *suck*. But, really, you all knew what Trump was like. You did it to yourselves.


There's no credible evidence of any of these points, let alone proof.

You lost all credibility right out of the gate, brah.


I'm from the UK so don't really know how trump is seen in America but he's always been the butt of every joke here.

All I see is people claiming voter fraud but without anything to back it up. If we are going down this road what about the whole thing with trump and Russia


It depends on who you hang with and listen to in the UK. If you listen to the lamestream media and hang with LIEberals you'll hear the typical (eye-rolling) Trump Derangement Syndrome slander. But there are gazillions of people with common sense -- Conservatives & Independents -- who strongly support Trump and refuse to cave to Leftwing social pressure to hate Trump based on laughable lies.

I listed the glaring fraud in my opening post: Dems in swing state cities blocking GOP observers on Election day, stopping the counting in the wee hours of the night and mysteriously "finding" suitcases of secret votes after sending people home (all in swing states where Trump was winning by hundreds of thousands of votes), electronically rigging the vote, destroying or trashing Trump votes, illegal votes, underaged votes, repeat votes, etc. There is video proof, hundreds of eyewitnesses & sworn affidavits, plus glaring evidence from the Dominion machines.

In Pennsylvania there were 205,000 more votes than there were voters. This alone flips the state to Trump.

As for the "Russian collusion" delusion, it was proven to be just that, false, by a Dem-led committee after 2 years employing 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, issuing 2800 subpoenas, executing 500 search warrants, interviewing 500 witnesses and costing tax-payers somewhere in the ballpark of $35 million. The Dem-led witch hunt failed to indict a SINGLE member of Trump's campaign for collusion with Russia to influence the 2016 election. I said "Dem-led" because Muellers' a RINO and everyone on his team was a Dem supporter/donator, no conservatives. These facts speak for themselves.

Did you see the Mueller hearing in July, 2019? It was painfully clear that Bob didn't know what was in his "own" report. It was so pathetic I actually felt sorry for him.


In Pennsylvania there were 205,000 more votes than there were voters.
Hadn't heard this flim-flammery before! I don't doubt that it's another piece of bogus math and misinterpreted data like all the others. Shouldn't all the other times that this sort of *very surprising* sweeping assertion has been comprehensively debunked give you pause, e.g. on Dec 21 Trump (re)tweeted claims that:
"'Simple Math' Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted in 2020 Election".

Those *very surprising* claims were shown to depend on a simple misunderstanding about how voter turnout figures are calculated (they're shares of the number of eligible voters including all the unregistered, not shares of the registered voters). So it was big waste of time that served no purpose other than for Trump to get his easily led followers very excited for about 24 hours.

*That's* what this, again, *very surprising claim* about Pennsylvania will turn out to be (almost certainly).

I'm sorry Wuchak. You're leaving in a paranoid dream-world that evidently goes back years, maybe decades. I feel very sad for you.


Show me the beef!
There’s nothing there.
Throw in the towel and send Don the con another check


Just open your eyes, brah, and you'll see all the proof you'll need. The Dem FRAUD was so glaring and brazen it was laughable. That's why Kommie-la hasn't resigned her seat yet; she knows they might not get away with stealing the election.

But, let me guess, you have no interest in opening your eyes and seeing the truth, aka reality? That's your preogative.


That's a lotta talk with ZERO proof.

Open your eyes where? On Trumps Twitter? Rudy's briefcase?

You've been had BRAH!


"That's why Kommie-la hasn't resigned her seat yet; she knows they might not get away with stealing the election."

I want you to know there's something fundamentally broken about you that can't be fixed. A normal person presented with the fact that Harris is yet to resign may do a five-second Google search and reflect upon history. For example, when did Joe Biden resign from the senate after become VP elect in 2008. Answer: He resigned on January 15, 2009, five days before becoming vice president of the United States during the presidency of Barack Obama.


I want you to know there's something fundamentally broken about you that can't be fixed. A normal person presented with the glaring facts that (1) the Dems brazenly cheated to "win" the election, (2) Biden hasn't done anything worthwhile in government in 47 years and (3) socialism/communism doesn't work -- proven by history -- so why support these things and several other lunacies that Dems/Libs advocate, like the absurd (and expensive) Green New Deal and identity politics, to name a couple?


"A normal person presented with the glaring facts that the Dems brazenly cheated to "win" the election"

These "glaring facts" were all presented to normal judges and justices, some appointed by Trump, and were laughed out of court. 60+ cases filed. Zero wins. How many times more would you like to lose this election before reality sinks in?


They obviously follow Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" to the letter. One of the most popular things that book tells you to do, is to accuse the other side of doing the very thing you are doing.

Strangely enough, offensive as it is for the Democraps to accuse Trump of staging a coup (or anything else for that matter), it paints a really good picture of what the DemonRats are doing themselves. For example:

Democraps to Republicans: "You're all a bunch of Fascists and racists!"
Democrap's actions: "We are the ones behaving like Fascists and racists!"

Democraps to Republicans: "You don't respect women or treat them fairly!"
Democraps to women who are not powerful: They're ignored, they don't matter unless they are a tool to be used, rape is okay if it's one of our guys doing it, and Republican women are fair game when it comes to treating them like crap.

The "Rules for Radicals" book is the Democraps' bible if you ever wanta know how they operate.


Good stuff. I heard of the book, of course, and am aware of what it basically advocates; just haven't read it.

Dem tactics all line up with their spiritual father -- lie/slander/deceive, repeat. They're predictable and one-dimensional.


No kidding. There are about a half dozen wrong wing fringe nut-loons habitually posting disinformation here with such unconvincing conviction the absurdity is more than evident.

Oh, of course all the credible sources are lying while all the liars are credible. Effed up people pushing an effed up agenda.
I feel sorry for young people these days who are being so misled by anyone who thinks rump and his type have their best interest at heart. He entered office through sheer venality and the manipulation of a gullible public.


NO ONE in political office has anyone’s best interest at heart.

Are you that naive?

Your liberal cronies you support are just as bad as anything Donald Trump has done. He is just more unprofessional, and also happens to say mean things to people and hurts sensitive feelings.

The fact that you can say with a straight face that ANYONE in Washington actually gives a shit about the American people is laughable.

They are ALL effed up people with effed up agendas. You just happen to agree with one side’s agenda.


Wuchak, muh bro fro, get off the Trump train man, it's on fire. I know you're at the back of the coach and can only see the smoke but I am telling you man, the front here is burning and burning fast.

Some of these comments will severely not age well so I hope you've all screenshot them all or refer to them come Jan.6th to spite them.



It's always darkest before the dawn.




We'll see who has the last laugh, Yatz, even if we have to wait until Election Day, 2024, and Trump's reinauguration in 2025.


Spoiler Alert, it was the democrats.
