MovieChat Forums > Politics > Republicans & Trumpists Desperate for So...

Republicans & Trumpists Desperate for Socialism aka: Stimulus Check

More hypocrisy from Trump supporters.

They shouldn't need any stimulus check since they believe Trump made America great and every American is better off financially.


Hey, you're making posts again, that's good. House GOP already blocked the check raise though sadly even though Pelosi wanted to go through with it.


Pelosi is playing up GOP hypocrisy. No Republican should get a check nor vaccine. I see Pence pushed a bunch of people out of the way to get his.


"Hey, you're making posts again, that's good. "

No it's not.


Wait what? You constantly complain about Trump not helping people, now you are complaining about Trump helping people.
I wish you Communists would make up your minds.


So you, as a Trump supporter, are admitting that socialism helps people and you need your socialist check for economic survival because the economy is in a shambles from Trump's lack of leadership and overall incompetence.

I'm satisfied that you finally admitted the truth!


China unleashed this on the world not Trump. When Trump closed flights you all called him racist and Pelosi said "come down to ChinaTown and celebrate with us". It was Trumps operation warp speed that got us 2 vaccines and it's Trump trying to help the American people not send billions to Pakistan for gender studies classes. Trump also wants to open the country up so people can get back to work and life can continue you leftists want us all stuck in our homes so why don't you get your facts right and start saying something halfway intelligent


Trump is the reason why the U.S. has 20% of the world's death even though Americans are only 4% of the population.

Trump only mentions repeatedly demonizes China because he knows his base are racists.

The UK is a present threat and Trump has done nothing.

Russia is a present threat and Trump has done nothing.

Trump is trying to install himself as dictator in a coup and you still support him. You're antiAmerican and have no values.

You also avoided answering the question about your socialist check. I'm going to answer for you. RandallGraves will gladly accept his socialist check because he has no real values.


For 1 I'm an independent not a Republican

2) the WuFlu came from China

3) How is the UK a threat to us? They've been our allies for years

4) Russia Russia Russia bullshit

5) the only coup is from you on the left blatant committing election fraud cause you want trump out by any means necessary even overthrowing our democracy cause YOU have no values except OrAnGe MaN BaD, WhItE MeN HaD

6) You don't know my political opinions which is obvious but do keep trolling


The OP is calling you out. When democrats do it you call it "socialism," but when Trump does it you call it "helping people."




Socialism is a way of life. It's a type of government. A one-off payment isn't exactly a good comparison, but then again you are a nutty liberal and make terrible arguments.


No, socialism is an economic system!

Socialism redistributes money by taking it from wealthier citizens and giving it to poorer citizens.

Trumpites and Republicans repeatedly complain about it and say they hate it.

But, you and other hypocrites have your hand out trying to steal money which I worked hard for. I don't mind helping people who appreciate it, but I have a major problem with ingrates and hypocrites aka: Trumpites & Republicans.

If you weren't a hypocrite, you would send it back. You should at least thank me for supporting you even though you're a hypocrite and don't deserve it.


So where does this socialism work?.
.I mean, where has it worked before?


You're changing the subject. If you hate socialism, are you going to return your check?


Couple things:
1.I never said I hated socialism; I asked a question.

2. I'd have to get a stimulus check first before I am able to return it.


1. All countries are more or less socialist including the U.S.. The Norwegian Model is very successful.

2. "...are you going to return your check?" My question was in the future tense and you avoided answering it.

But, if your position is neutral or positive re: socialism, then there is no conflict if you decide to keep the check.


1. I see what you're saying.

2. What part of I don't get any fucking checks do you not understand?....I won't be getting any future checks either...go ahead, misunderstand it again.


2. Me neither. But, I'm less angry about it than you.


Why would I be angry about it?


Your last reply sounded very angry.


I know I don't have a life, but I get the feeling nobody ever told you that you do not...


People who resort to cursing tend to be angry.

And your insults usually mean you lost an argument.

Thanks to the moron in the WH, most people have no life since everything is closed.


I didn't insult you.


I didn't know we were arguing.


That's interesting you take observations as an insult.


No, I take your insult as a deflection from the main topic and a demonstration of anger and frustration from you because Trump betrayed his supporters. Four years later and you're worst off with a pandemic, food lines and no job.

Unlike you, if a politician breaks campaign promises, I don't continue to support him/her.


I don't support any politician. .


You have given up all hope. That's sad. Now, I understand your misplaced anger.


I think it's sad you have not given up all hope...I root for D& do not...who do you think is more likely to get what they wished for in this world?.... I root for the virus. I'm Fender from cyborg
...why would you want to stop it?


Don't feel sorry for me. I don't feel sorry/pity/compassion for anybody in this world, not even myself. It is a weak emotion.


I don't believe isln the idea of misplaced anger ...or morals...or any of that stupid shit.




You're a cynic. Some politicians do believe in public service. Your attitude likely reflects your personality instead of them.



I'm neutral about socialism...but it's a moot point for me. Get it?


Well I shouldn't have to give it back because to me it's a tax cut as it's considerably less than what I paid in income taxes this year. Now if you don't pay taxes then you do have a point, they should send the money back.


It's not a tax cut for three reasons:

1. Upper middle-class and wealthier taxpayers won't receive a check.

2. Its a redistribution of money from the wealthier to the poor which is the very definition of socialism.

3. It's not a tax cut since your taxes were never used to pay for it.

I only want you to be honest and reject a socialist check!


1. People who paid far more in income taxes like myself will receive one if it passes , to me it’s a tax refund, but yes I have no problem with people who don’t pay taxes returning them or giving them to me.

2. Not in my case, it’s a tax refund but thanks for taking a stand against socialism, I trust you’ll show the same enthusiasm when Biden and Harris attempt to do it

3. The money will come from tax revenue, my money is in there which is considerably more than I’ll be getting back so yes to me it’s simply a tax refund

Nice try son but you are so far off.


It can't be a tax refund when the money isn't from taxes, Einstein.

I find it interesting how you need to lie to yourself in order to justfy accepting a socialist check.

If you were really making a lot of money, then you wouldn't qualify for any stimulus check. You're a Republican pauper with your hand out.


The federal gets their money from taxes you nincompoop, they are just giving me back a very small percentage of the money I gave them.

LOL, it's not a handout, I'm just getting back some of my own money, it would be like if I overpaid for something and the business gives me back the difference. People making up to 99,000 are supposed to get something back, that is a huge percentage of the population (roughly 34% of the US population makes over $100,000 meaning 2/3 of the US population qualifies for the stimulus or in some cases the tax break) and it's not a handout for those who are paying more in taxes than what the stimulus check is but for those who don't pay taxes it very much is a handout and they should give it back (I am not one of them).


It's a handout. SSI recipients who pay no taxes will receive a full check. Wealthy taxpayers will receive no check. It's a redistribution of wealth.

You are owed nothing. Your taxes pay for the police, public schools, libraries, army, parks, post office, many services like passport, courts, etc..

You support redistribution of wealth. I think you're a commie!


When I get back every last penny I've given the federal government in taxes then it'll be a handout, until then I'm just getting back a very small portion of the money I gave them.

I never said I was owed anything, but if the government wants to give me back a small percentage of the money I already gave them then that's fine with me. It's not a handout though. Also since you seem to care so much about police, public schools, library, etc. I am guessing you will stand by your principles and donate the percentage of your income that the wealthy pay.

LOL how is it redistribution when it was my money to begin with?

Your premise is beyond flawed and fallacious, if you want to talk to anyone about receiving a handout go talk to the people who don't pay taxes to begin with, I don't know why you're wasting your time with me that is unless you have a political agenda and you don't actually care about what you claim to????


You have major cognitive dissonance!

You remind me of a flat earther I know. Like I did with him, I'll leave you in your fantasy world. It's obvious the truth is causing you distress.


Hahahahaha, you are the one who believes in the magical sky Daddy, you are the one who thinks some invisible deity no one has ever seen just poofed the universe into existence out of nothing so yeah you don't really have much room to talk about anyone's "fantasy world" especially when I can justify this "fantasy world" with numbers.


"No, socialism is an economic system!"

Semantics. It's permanent. Ongoing. And a one-off isn't socialism. Your argument is wrong. End of story. Periodt.

"But, you and other hypocrites have your hand out trying to steal money which I worked hard for. I don't mind helping people who appreciate it, but I have a major problem with ingrates and hypocrites aka: Trumpites & Republicans.

If you weren't a hypocrite, you would send it back. You should at least thank me for supporting you even though you're a hypocrite and don't deserve it. "

I voted for Biden, you whackjob.


The topic is about Republican hatred of socialism and their acceptance of a socialist check. Yes, doing a socialist act even one time does count. You shouldn't do it at all.

It's like a woman saying she only had sex once, but it doesn't count and she's still a virgin. A man who tells the judge I only robbed the bank once, therefore it doesn't count.

"You're wrong" says nothing. That's not a counter argument.


"socialism is an economic system!"

One check once or twice a year is not "an economic system." You make bad arguments. You are rabid, fanatical, and unstable.


You're resorting to a Strawman Fallacy.

My original argument stands. A stimulus check is socialist because the money originates from a pool of wealthier citizens in order to support poorer citizens. It's redistribution of wealth!

Your strawman argument holds no water. The U.S., like all countries, is socialist, but with a capitalist leaning. Much of our society is very socialist. Examples: public school, highways, public libraries, medicare, social security, police, free vaccines, FDIC, WIC, public hospitals, government loans, parks, post office, food inspection, EPA, consumer protection and stimulus checks.

Republicans need to draw the line somewhere. Reject your socialist government check!


"You're resorting to a Strawman Fallacy. "

Literally the basis of your OP and many of your arguments.


Nevertheless, Republicans still have their hand out for a freebie check.


I agree. However, that is not the argument made by republicans. Socialism is evil marxist communism when dems do it, but it's a way of life when repubs do it. See the problem there?


When do Republicans "do socialism"? We agreed a one-off isn't socialism.


You're cherrypicking. Don't call Democrats "socialists" and then accept a socialist check. That's hypocrisy!


It's not a socialist check if it's less than what you've paid in taxes. If it's less than what you've paid in taxes then it's a tax refund. Typical libtard sense of entitlement, someone receiving back a very small percentage of their own money you call a "handout".


No. Calling a stimulus check a tax refund doesn't change it into a tax refund. It's a redistribution of wealth.

You shouldn't need a check at all. Didn't your cult leader Trump give you high-paying factory jobs like he promised?

The only one entitled is you since you want wealthier Americans to support your lazy butt.

You need to thank me instead of calling me names. You're being an ingrate.


Except it is a tax refund, I paid more in taxes than I'm giving back so this year I still would have given the government over 10 grand.

Regardless of whether I need the money or not is none of your business as it is my money.

LOL, no kid again this was my money to begin with.

Hahahahahahaha, I understand your debate strategy completely and it's laughably ineffective. Again the people who don't pay taxes did receive a handout, maybe you should be talking to them since you are so passionate about defeating socialism.


Nope. It's a government handout and redistribution of wealth.

You can't be paying much in taxes if you're poor enough to get a welfare, Oops, I mean stimulus check.

You're either a leech, commie or both.

You're also triggered because deep inside you know I'm right.


How is it a handout when I've given the government an amount that is magnitudes higher?

Sooo anyone making under $100,000 is poor? Also it's not welfare unless I'm not putting any money into the system, I clearly am, far more than I'm getting back, it's a tax refund


Hahahahahaha, I'm not triggered, I'm frustrated that you seem to be immune to common sense and logic and that you are a deluded partisan but I'm far from triggered.


Trump is pushing for $2k after we already passed $1200. That doesn't sound like a one-off to me. That sounds like $3200 within a year, even for people who weren't working before the pandemic.


2 checks in a year, totally "Socialism." Sit down, you goof.


2 checks to us worth a total of $1800. Billions to McConnell's and Mnuchin's buddies.

But that's not socialism, because they are already rich. Right?


The people who don’t pay taxes yes they are receiving a socialist handout, but tax payers like myself who pay far more than 600 dollars per year in taxes (I paid at least 12 grand last year) it’s not a socialist handout , it’s the government giving me a very very tiny tax refund. It was my money to begin with.


You proved my point. The check is socialistic because it goes to everyone whether they work or not. The same for medicare for all. It goes to those who pay taxes and those who don't. But because it lowers repub donor profits, they propagandize it by whipping out the scary s word.


If it goes to people who don't work then it's socialism and I disagree with that. But when it goes to me it's a tax refund because I paid several orders of magnitude a higher amount than what the check is. The government is just giving me back a very small percentage (the "crumbs") of what I already gave them.

So when you say to me that I should give the check back you're not making a whole lot of sense because that was my money to begin with. You should be talking to those people on welfare who don't pay taxes (although I'm betting you won't because most of them probably vote Democrat and you're a partisan hypocrite)


I didn't say you should give the check back. I said repubs are okay with it when they do it, but it's socialism when dems do it. They whip out the s word to appease their donors who don't give a shit about people.


You know damn well that if the stimulus Bill only gave money to actual tax payers the Democrat controlled house would never pass it and then they’d accuse republicans of favoring the rich like they always do so quit being disingenuous

Yes it is socialism (although it isn’t when I get a check)and it had to be in the bill or else the Demkkkrat terrorists would have blocked it


Wow. You mean democrats would not waste their time with a stimulus bill that only helps people with jobs? You mean democrats would prefer to do what the people elected them to do?

Yes. I agree.

Demkkkrat terrorists

Spoken like a typical Trumptard.


Thank you so much for proving my point. Basically demokkkrats will only vote for socialist bills then when the republicans give in (like they always do)they accuse them of supporting socialism. Typical libtard logic


So, when you receive YOUR check, are you going to return it?🙄


1. I'm not a Republican complaining about Socialism. My issue is Republican hypocrisy.

2. Therefore, I throw your question back to you. As an antiSocialist, will you return YOUR check?

3. I did use my last stimulus check for a 1-year subscription to the Washington Post to stick it to Trump because I knew he hated that newspaper. If I had received more, I was planning to send it to Biden's campaign and subscribe to the NYTs.


Your guy won. Why are you so bitter? It sounds like A psychosis... 🙄


I just want my topic addressed and you to be honest. Admit you're a hypocrite for taking a socialist check.

Your name-calling is a cheap cop-out when you want to deflect and you have no true defense for your hypocritical behavior.


Are you naturally nasty -- or do you have to work at it?

"Cop-out, denial, projecting and deflecting" are the only words you know.

BTW, you still sound like a bitter, angry woman. 🙄


More name-calling from you. And you still haven't answered the question, therefore I'll answer for you:

Gubbio, like all MAGA-hat wearing Fox viewers, hates socialism. He has railed against those commie aka socialist libtards for years like a good Republican.

Uh, oh! A socialist check is on the way, again! What will Gubbio do? Before you can say "Holy cognitive dissonance!", Gubbio will spend his socialist check, then before the sun sets, he will rail against "those" socialists once more.

Look in the mirror, Gubbio! You'll see a socialist staring back!


You continue to sound like a raving maniac, demanding answers from people who owe you nothing.


Keelai is your typical leftist, a total sense of entitlement and will politicize just about everything. Last Spring Keelai was actively rooting for people to die from the virus so he/she could score cheap political points from it. Keelai even made excuses for the BLM riots and even referred to them as "civil rights movements".


"Last Spring Keelai was actively rooting for people to die from the virus so he/she could score cheap political points from it. Keelai even made excuses for the BLM riots and even referred to them as "civil rights movements".

That doesn't surprise me..... There is something evil and sinister about some of these leftists. They hide behind "compassion and caring," while all the while they have their own selfish agenda.

Without a doubt, Keelai would eat your children -- and then try to sue you for indigestion! 🤣


All the left cares about is power and control that's it. Their strategy is to convince other people that they are victims and that the other side is persecuting them so they can manipulate people into voting for them. They claim to want to help them by "redistributing wealth" but even then it's just so they can buy votes. And in the meantime they don't give a good damn who gets hurt in the process. It's very very sick and disturbing.

EDIT: Your analogy is spot on, Keelai was one of the ones calling the presidents travel ban "racist and xenophobic" then complained that the virus entered the United States. So basically he blames the president when people get infected with the virus while actively trying to undermine the president's efforts to stop the virus. Very dishonest and hypocritical.


Very dishonest and hypocritical.

I still think there is an underlying mental illness.

How can some of these Libs say the things they do and keep a completely straight face?

I laugh that them on the TV... It's as if they live in an alternate reality.

If we didn't laugh, we'd cry. They are frightening! 😲


Someone else tried to tell me that if you "punch up" at society then it's OK as he was desperately trying to justify the rioting, looting and murder that the BLM thugs did last summer. The thing is there is very little evidence in the first place that the cops just want to kill black people which is their alleged justification for acting like terrorists.


You're stereotyping! You're watching Fox propaganda and then applying it to me.

If you hate socialism, then you shouldn't accept a socilist check. It's that simple.


For me it’s not a socialist check, for me it’s a tax refund, I actually work and I fork over far more than 600 dollars to the feds each year. That’s just the government giving me back some of my own money. I know that’s a foreign concept to someone who doesn’t even pay taxes but those of us who get up at 6am , shove some coffee down our throats and go out and work do have to pay taxes


It can't be a tax refund when the money clearly isn't from your taxes.

You are lying to yourself in order to have a clear conscience in accepting a socialist check.

Your argument is that the world owes you something because money was taken from your paycheck to pay taxes. Now, you sound like a "libtard"that Republicans complain about.

The truth is that Republicans LOVE socialism. You just don't like to admit it. AKA: You lie to yourself.


OK kid the federal governments gets their money FROM TAXES!!! I paid far more than a measly $600 this year (you know the "crumbs") so therefore at the end of the day I still gave the federal government more than they gave me back so to me it's not a handout. This is basic math son, it's really not that hard. I never said anyone owes me anything, how can that be when I'm just getting my own money back (and not even close to all of it). I gave the federal government around $12,000 last year and many years before that so the government has received at least $100,000 of my money in my lifetime. If the stimulus check was for over $100,000 then for me it could be considered a handout but I will have received $1800 in stimulus money which is a complete drop in the bucket from what I have given them. After this "handout" as you call it has gone through I still would have given the government at least $98,200 dollars (and that is lowballing it). Maybe you should send me a check for $98,200 and once you do that then you can accuse me of receiving a handout. However the people who don't pay taxes and received a stimulus check they did receive a handout so maybe you should go talk to them and tell them they need to send it back.

I trust you will take a firm stand against socialism when Biden and Harris try to force it on us, you know stand by your principles and everything since apparently you hate socialism so much.


Redistribution of wealth. You're a commie!


Nope simply a tax refund, I am getting a very small portion of my money back. Tell you what, send me a check for $98,200 and then we'll talk about me sending back the $600 tax refund if that makes you feel better


Trump took all you taxes to play golf. Ask him!


I'll take that as your concession. FYI: Obummer played quite a lot of golf as well and you said nothing so you forfeit the right to talk about that.


Why should I? To me it's a tax refund, I paid far more in income taxes this year.

Although I do not blame President Trump for not approving of the bill, there's far too much pork and money to foreign countries in it while the people only get what Nancy Pelosi refers to as "crumbs". She's the one who held the bill up for months because she was playing politics, she is one sadistic witch.


They shouldn't need any stimulus check since they believe Trump made America great and every American is better off financially.

You’re such a tool. A worldwide pandemic caused people to suffer financially, not any political figure. The GOVERNMENT is trying to force people not to be able to work to stop the spread of the virus. Therefore, if the GOVERNMENT is not allowing people to work, then the GOVERNMENT should be responsible for helping those people while they destroy their collective livelihoods. I, for one, am happy to see people defy the government and open their businesses anyway.

And dipshits like you mock them when they are FORCED into what you would call “socialism”. It’s like being a doctor, and going out into the world and snapping people’s limbs so they will have to come and see you to perform surgery, and then you laugh at them for it.

The way I see it, with all of the tax dollars the government stole from everyone over the years, this isn’t socialism, it’s just paying back the American people for sucking them dry for generations. The only problem is, you can’t just keep printing money like this, as it’s going to have to be paid back at some point some day, and the American people are most likely going to have to pay the bills again.


Joe Biden is not your President.


Biden is president-elect.

Trump refused to sign the stimulus bill during Christmas causing immense worry for struggling families.

Why do you support Trump when he has so much contempt for you?


You fucktards are looney.


We've been laid off and re-hired two or three times. Wearing mask's and sharing memories behind a plastic see thru wall.

For a fucking year...

Give us the $2k checks already or better yet...take 2k out of your phony pay stub's Republicans and share it with the rest of the America.

