MovieChat Forums > Politics > Has anyone ever produced any evidence of...

Has anyone ever produced any evidence of Trump being a racist?

All I hear is bullshit claims about his supposed deeply rooted racism and being a pedophile etc. yet these all seem to be based on his exaggerated and maligned public image. I’ve never seen any proof, other than the Chinese virus bullshit or wanting to build a wall, neither of which make him genuinely racist. If anything just catering to his voter base, which isn’t a direct reflection of him.


Didn’t you hear? He’s the least racist person in the room.



Well, obviously, he's done more for blacks than anyone except *maybe* Abraham Lincoln. He couldn't do that if he was racist.


So true. He's a modern-day MLK and all about BLM. Of course there are good people on both sides, but still, not a racist. Not on your Nelly. That whole Barrack Hussein thing was a total misunderstanding. He swears on that bible he held up that one time he got the protesters moved on by the army for that church photo opp.

If you don't believe me just ask Kanye.


I don't think he's racist per se but that he hates thugs, illegals, the poor, and criminals in general (besides himself). Other than that he's happy with everyone else.


Trump's going to make Juneteenth a national holiday.
