MovieChat Forums > Politics > More Republicans are losing patience wit...

More Republicans are losing patience with Trump's legal absurdities

President Donald Trump's effort to overturn the election he lost is being increasingly undermined by the inanity of his legal claims and is causing some high-profile Republicans to peel off even with most of his party mute amid his constitutional arson.

The President's legal team, ruining time-honored traditions of a peaceful transfer of power, is firing off long-shot court challenges and heaping pressure on state election officials. His aides are stoking a political storm apparently designed to destroy Joe Biden's presidency before it starts and to shield Trump from the historic humiliation that comes with losing an election after only a single term.

Goodbye Trump. Your time as president is soon over.



Of all the stupid inane egositstical self serving unproductive shit he's pulled ,and obviosly theres a lot to choose from , this final act of temper tantrum democracy mockery really takes the cake.
He should be executed for this attempted coup.
Get the fuck out.
"you're fired"


They should dress up Rudy as a vampire or a scary clown for the next one.

Also if a little bird flew out of his mouth. That would be neat.

And a laugh track...these press conferences need a laugh track.
