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High Court will declare Trump the winner

Only solicited ballots are legal.


No. Courts need evidence.


With no proof that these unsolicited ballots were the vote of the person named, they're not valid.


"my evidence is I have no evidence"

contard through and through


You've got the whole process backwards. You're trying to put the burden of proof on the defendant.

It is up to you to prove the ballots are fraudulent. You don't get to file a claim demanding proof the ballots are legit.

That would be like if I charged you with a crime, you asked me what the crime was, and I said your crime was your inability to prove you didn't commit a murder.


The American people have already declared Trump the winner. Just a matter of eliminating the Democrats illegal ballots.


The American people declared what?
Do you live in a cave?


Only sheep and fake news follow the fake narrative. Gd5150 is woke.


You'd have to be delusional to believe that and this is coming from someone who voted for him.

Tell you what. How about a gentlemens bet of $1,000 USD PayPal that Biden will take the White House? On your honor and anyone who reads this will be a witness. What do ya say?


I'll happily witness this for you.


I think she’s being facetious.


Could have fooled me.


I think you’re right. I looked up solicited ballots. Lol I guess it’s a thing some people are grasping at. 🙄


The problem with this forum is you can make a very credible argument in one place, but the same dumb issue will come up somewhere else. It's like pulling dandelions or Whack-A-Mole.

We can make earnest and cogent arguments why the rump time has been a catastrophe for the ideals of what America means in the big picture -- but the idjits will keep finding their way here like soapy water from an unnecessary driveway car wash. They persist regardless if they are not important.


Lol. Did trump make this argument in 2016?? I’m thinking no...


No he didn't. Brilliant observation, considering what a catastrophe his incumbency has been.
This is all so depressing, I should stop commenting here.
No matter what anyone says, rumpers will keep lying to promote the brand.
It's pointless, and I'm embarrassed to be a part of it. My bad for participating.


I'm pretty sure he was whining about voter fraud then as well.
Though no evidence has been shown throughout US history it has happened.
Basically he whined because he lost the popular vote by 3 milllion.


So, the mail-in votes in Arizona were perfectly fine and legal for years... up until a Republican lost? Then magically, they suddenly were no longer valid the moment the state went Democratic? Ballots in Arizona are mailed to all registered voters regardless of party. Where was the concern for mail-in voting for solidly Republican Arizona all these years?

"A Timeline of Arizona’s Long History of Early Voting" by Jessica Swarner (Originally Published
October 13, 2020 11:29 am MST)
"About 80% of Arizonans vote by mail, while the national average is only 21%..."

Trump's Supreme Court is going to vacate all votes in Arizona over a voting practice that has been legal (and turning out Republicans) for decades? And if it's legal in Arizona, why wouldn't it be legal everywhere else? So you're basically saying the state of Arizona has been holding illegal elections for the last 30 years (since 1991), but the GOP didn't notice it until now.


I know, its almost like russian interference lmao.


It's exactly like it... and the results on January 6th will be the same. The guy with the most Electoral votes won then and he will now. It happens to be Biden this time (or will be on January 6th).


President-Elect Gore's reign was 36 days...


Gore was never referred to as President Elect, or even if he was, it was maybe for an hour or two. Gore was projected to win, but then later in the night the projection was flipped to Bush. Bush and Gore needed the same couple of hundred votes from exactly the same precinct in exactly the same state. Since the state was officially announced for Bush by many news agencies and he was ahead in the vote count the Bush camp held the upper hand. The position Gore was in was entirely dissimilar to the position Biden is in now. However, neither Biden nor Trump will officially be president until the states certify their votes and the Electoral college votes and then finalizes the vote in early January.


they called Florida for Gore at around 730 and retracted the call 2 hours later, before results came in from the west coast. Gore was never referred to as President-Elect


Thanks. I don't recall that either.


Correct. The race was a lot closer between Gore & Bush than this race is.


I almost wonder if Trump has known about this for a long time, and set everyone up in a trap...that would be insane.


QAnon and the "four dimensional chess" meme don't die easily, do they?




WWOJD = What Would Orange Jesus Do?


I have no clue what qanon is.


its trailer park scientology


Do you know what the word "solicited" means?


Arizona has been voting with "unsolicited" ballots since 1991, and consistently elected Republicans until this year. So, Arizona has been committing voter fraud for 30 years but the Republicans were unaware of it until a week ago?


They should arm wrestle for it
