MovieChat Forums > Politics > Wokeness and PC Cancel Culture is being ...

Wokeness and PC Cancel Culture is being rejected by the young generation currently in their teens.

They look at Woke PC cancel culture and the SJWs who drive it as being latter-day puritan fanatics identical in mindset to the 1980s Satanic Panic and Tipper Gore's "Washington Wives" movement. One of the coolest things to be in current teenage culture is "Based", which is a word that means totally, unabashedly Politically Incorrect and utterly unafraid of the consequences. Wokeness and PC Cancel Culture is definitely on the way out now.


Then they are just another bunch of people whose lives are dictated by what other people do or think.


Why? Because they are rejecting another bunch of people who try their very hardest to dictate what other people do or think?


Yeah. If you make a point of doing the opposite of others then you're letting them dictate your life. Basic logic.

It's like when people claim they are not influenced by fashion and boast about consuming anything BUT what's popular. That means your life is still influenced by trends.


So what's your opinion of SJWs who want to cancel everyone who doesn't spout their party line? Are they rugged individualists?


I don't know. I've never met an SJW. That's your hang up. I meet people that have varying ideas which I agree with or don't and to varying degrees. If I even care.

And then I find people on the Internet... which invariably amounts to cunt soup. I'll inevitably find myself arguing and fighting with people I even broadly agree with. But it has little to do with reality. Hence I don't get hung up on so called "SJW"s.


Fantastic response Maroto, so well put đź‘Ť

Reason and logic are so refreshing.


Funnily enough. I often meet people who are obsessed with "SJW"s supposedly ruining their lives. Even though when you push them on it, they've never actually met any either.




If you've never met an SJW, consider yourself lucky.

Of course, we both know you're being disingenuous when you say that.


Show us on the dolly where the SJW touched you.


Wow, what an original response. Indicative of your total lack of independent thought and a veiled admission that I'm correct.




If you haven't met any SJW then you need to get out more. They are everywhere.


Oh yeah? So they're the majority then?


"im trying to enforce my religious beliefs on women and gay people. but its the others who just want their lives dictated by others!""

self projection at its finest


As usual a right wing claim with no basis in fact. No wonder Donald Trump is their mascot.


You'll be getting all the "basis" you need in a couple of years when these kids hit the age of majority. They'll have had a few years of the Biden farce as well by then to reinforce their feelings.


Another right-wing nonsense trope - prediction of gloom and doom, when it is the right-wing itself that brings about doom and gloom, and then when things get so bad - like now people refuse to accept this bullying system forced on them taking everything.

Example - Seattle and $15 minimum wage. Right-wing predictions was that employment would go down, and businesses would close. The opposite happened. But, Right-wingers went so far as to fake numbers right after the change was implemented - still trying to scare people that there is no way to have a fair, just, human-centered society ... we must be hierarchical under some "fuehrer" figure like Trump. Most Right-wing stuff these days is a lie or facade covering a paid-for trick to manipulate people with lies.


LOL. Sure. "Fake numbers." Let me pack my bags to go move to Seattle right away.


They were, right wing media was claiming job losses and business closings when employment went up and businesses expanded. I know you right-wingers have to heard something about a thousand times before you even begin to understand it, but it is understood that the more money that is lower down in the economy, the more money that circulates in the economy and the more demand the thus growth is stimulated.


And prices are not inflated? Workers are not let go because employers have to double their pay? You can hire two workers for 7 bucks or one for 15. How does the small business owner keep from having to let someone go? One worker is happy, the other is sad. What you claim would be lovely, but there is no way to explain how it would work in harsh cold fact.


you are a walking conservative meme


There is no
"Woke PC cancel culture and the SJWs who drive it"


Nice try.


look at all the many and varied threads on this site about wokeness and "Cancelled"

whats not varied about them , is that none of them are started by an sjw snowflake saying "ooh im offended and woke"

They are all started by "Anti SJWs" *about* the so called snowflakes.
Case in point , this thread


Explain why people who post opinions on social media that do not agree with the SJW narrative get canceled then.


That probably only happens in your imagination as well.
Have you got an example?


You seem very invested in trying to prove that cancel culture does not exist. Very telling. Anyhow, here's a couple of lists of celebrities that have fallen victim to cancel culture. One list from CNN one list from Fox. Ironically, most of them are Leftists themselves. Cannibalized! LOL!


list 1
crazy racist
racist homophobe
Don cherry fired over poppy comments

Cops cancelled
Gone with the wind

So , i admit a couple examples of big Corps going overboard during the Floyd neck thing to cover their asses.
Thats big Corp lawsuit culture.

Other than that Those Celeb's careers have taken a dive because they are major dicks, nothing new in that except in todays information age we're more likely to hear about it - not least because they are tweeting their opinions themselves.


lol "how dare you cancel a pedo!!!!"

honestly you rent making yourself look good here....


Kevin Hart. Why couldn't he host the Oscar's again?


Who gives a shit about the Oscars or who hosts it?


Apparently the LGBTQ if they said his old tweets were homophobic, huh? Why do you think he dropped out from doing his said dream gig?

I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....



Exactly moviechatter, I’ve been saying the same thing for ages. Where are all these woke threads people are constantly bitching about? They don’t exist, just constant scare mongering from those who feel frightened by the evolution of society.


You are incorrect.


So are they going to prowl the streets with baseball bats and nails sticking out ready to pounce on minorities and queers? Is this what you are looking forward to?


I'm just saying what the kids are thinking. Not my business to dictate their actions. Who knows how far the backlash will go? All I know is that most generations rebel against the patterns of the generation that preceded them, and today's upcoming group scorns PC and glorifies the state of being "based".


"I'm just saying what the kids are thinking."
I cant provide evidence but im just saying what tens of millions of people are "thinking" like they are some hive mind and all agree. I cant provide studies or facts but I feel it!

Jesus you constantly sit at home scared of boogeymen you make up in your head


Scared? Why would I be scared that kids are abandoning PC?


scared of "da woke SJW's" all around you.

show me the evidence? what is wrong with you contards? you like making bald ass assertions and never providing evidence. it seems you aren entirely driven by your feelings and emotions and no actual facts

again love you "cancelled list" that movie chatter pointed out was a who's who of blatant racists and literal sex offenders and then you ran away from that comment cause even you knew it was indefensible.


I think it's pretty obvious who's the scared one in this thread. Your overly aggressive, bigmouth stance shows exactly how you're feeling. Nice front, pipsqueak. LOL.

And by the way, why are so many canceled celebs Liberals? Didn't see any Conservatives in that list.


"I think it's pretty obvious who's the scared one in this thread. Your overly aggressive, bigmouth stance shows exactly how you're feeling. Nice front, pipsqueak. LOL."

yes I make fun of you guys and your conspiracies and dont back down so im actually scared? its all a front while you make threads about how scary 110 lb loser college kids are?

"And by the way, why are so many canceled celebs Liberals? Didn't see any Conservatives in that list."

What are you even talking about? Lets go through it

R kelly a lib?
Ryan Adams a lib?
Jesse Smollet sure ill say lib
Michael Jackson a lib?
Shane Gillis a well known conservative
don Cherry a Lib?! wtf are you talking about
Abby lee Miler a lib?

Should I keep going?

oh look now you can cry how "see its always non libs being cancelled!" its heads you win tails I lose. signs of a weak arguement and no actual logic.


yes I make fun of you guys and your conspiracies and dont back down so im actually scared? its all a front while you make threads about how scary 110 lb loser college kids are?

Wow. You have totally misinterpreted the whole thread. Maybe it's a bit hard translating into Chinese. You're the temp filling in for Melania's Mirror, right?


hahah im Chinese now too LOLL. yes I read your nonsense

"hey look at Woke PC cancel culture and the SJWs who drive it as being latter-day puritan fanatics identical in mindset to the 1980s Satanic Panic and Tipper Gore's "Washington Wives" movement. One of the coolest things to be in current teenage culture is "Based", which is a word that means totally, unabashedly Politically Incorrect and utterly unafraid of the consequences. Wokeness and PC Cancel Culture is definitely on the way out now."

as usual like all conservatives on here, you dont provide an ounce of evidence. just your made up assertions and feelings. "im afraid!!! those damn woke kids! thank god its on its way out?! do I Jaeve evidence? well no but I have feelings I can speak for literally tens of millions of young people"

fail as usual.

nice running away from the other things I addressed though :) typical coward


I'm not running away. It's just that you are full of s#!t and you bore me. You're another obvious Left-troll, and your intense need to try to prove me wrong highlights your anxiety and fear on the topic.


im full of shit cause I

1. ask for evidence
2. proved you dont know what socialism means.

I dont need to prove you wrong. you havent met your burden of proof.

again claiming to know the thoughts of tens of millions of teens without evidence is literally nuts. you have issues.


Where did the definition of socialism come in during this thread? LOL! WTF? And your last line just really shows your desperation. I guess your life won't mean much if SJWs become a joke. Is that it?


when you used it incorrectly you idiot. when you claimed all the people wanted it. Jesus you re dumb.

"what you want to call me out on a word I used wrong!? how dare you!"

retardation confirmed


Wow. You're so hostile! Sorry for triggering you. Here, this will make it better.:


so again. more bald ass assertions. no evidence. this seems to be your modus operandi.

do you know how the burden of proof works? are all your posts based off your feelings and emotions and no evidence?


Wait a minute: Is there anyone over 19 who uses the term "cancel?" Or are you hanging out around middle schools interviewing 13-year-olds?


NEWS FLASH! 13 year olds ARE the next generation. These are the people who look at you guys the same way you looked at Tipper Gore and her fellow witch-hunters.


I know a great pizza joint in DC...


How nice for you. Congrats.


still have no studies, sources or evidence? I thought not.


Google is your friend. It's all there for you to see online. Why should I hold your hand?


you dont know how the burden of proof works do you?

LOL you'd fail a grade 10 history class you joke.


"trumps a pedo"

there bald ass assertion. google is your friend, its all online. why should I hold your hand?

see how dumb you sound. cant wait to see you cry more when all this is officiated and Biden takes the house. and I dont even like Biden.


You're really in a bad place now, aren't you?


so again. no evidence presented. aww you gunna cry on here for 4 years and just makeup more conspiracies?

look forward to your next foaming at the mouth, faceless conspiracy theory post lol


try reading and educate yourself. it'll only hurt your ego for a few seconds as you realize how dumb you have been this whole time


One can only hope! I can’t handle much more of this woke, PC garbage. It’s built and built for over a decade now, and now this country is at it’s most “offended” it’s ever been. It’s pathetic. The pendulum has to swing the other direction back towards normalcy and rationality at some point.

By the way...R.I.P. Gone With The Wind, Blazing Saddles, John Wayne, The Washington Redskins, Mount Rushmore, Apu, Cops, Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, Paw Patrol, and all the other casualties and bannings of the spineless, fascist, “woke” movement.




Nah...I’m happy.

Fair enough, but at least I’m not a spineless, offended tightwad who wants to ban everything. I’ll always take solace in that.

Apparently I’ve offended you? Not surprised.

By the way, solid contribution to the discussion all caps dude.




Here's the irony in Woke and Cancel Culture, not only is it stupid in it's zealously it also goes against itself. It preaches tolerance and understanding and then rips into anyone who disagrees even if that person is a Woke one themselves.

I think kids see that and realize it for the bullshit it is and now they see communities being trashed and people being assaulted.

Who would support that?


Did you hear about this in home room? I'm thinking probably not. Adults stating as a fact what young people are into, and mansplaining their understanding of a generation they have no idea about, is just sad, man.
