Its clearly a term they do not understand. Im curious how slightly higher taxes especially on the wealthy who are dodging them equals a command economy, state ownership and takeover of all business and industries.
So Venezuela and Cuba are socialist? So is Canada, Norway and England?
amazing how all the corporatist democrats are all secretly soviet style commies just biding their time for decades and decades and decades to overturn the system and revolving door that has made them all incredibly wealthy... to install communism...
Bernie sanders and the furthest left democratic politicians would be a slightly centre left party in the UK and Canada.
I cant wait to hear how all da conservative "dont want da gubernemnt telling me what to do! i'm an individual and dont need any sort of collectivism or social goods!They are just promising "free stuff".
As they write it from their government collaborative invention, the internet. Drive home on their socially paid road, seeing the socially funded police and firefighters. send their kid on the bus to their socially funded school. Pack them a lunch with meat from the government regulated and inspected (socially funded) facility. Then complain athletes won't honour the socially funded military.
Some things are so important they shouldn't be in a private corporations hands and instead need to be overseen by the government like the military. OR HEALTHCARE. This doesnt mean "socialism and gulags are coming!"
You guys daily show you dont know what that term means without even getting into your selective love of big government and socialism
I have never seen someone be less richer with so called higher taxes. They either just do some money moving to overseas or just jack up prices to the people that make them rich.
The right have consistently sounded like pussies over the years with the argument "We can't raise higher rate taxes or all the rich people will leave."
Or move to states with more tax breaks *cough* Texas *cough*. You can only tax the rich so much until they either leave or it becomes detrimental as a whole. France tried that once and it didn't work so well for them.
( sorry I am not a Conservative, but you will never get a straight or sensible answer from them )
Here is what socialism is in reality, and why Republican Oligarch elites hate it so much.
Social is pretty much what we have now, State Regulated Capitalism. That is they Republicans want to repeal so many regulations ... they are working for the super rich who pay for them, and those people do not want to have to care about their workers, or the environment. It is that simple.
A book I am reading puts it this way:
``Either way, the entire purpose of the Machine was to accumulate capital for reinvestment in an endless cycle; or in Lenin’s own words: “Socialism is merely state-capitalist monopoly which is made to serve the interests of the whole people." ''
Scheidler, Fabian. The End of the Megamachine (p. 226). John Hunt Publishing. Kindle Edition.
That is not to say what Lenin was quoted as saying here is what he did. He changed his definitions over time, and Stalin and then the Russian government changed more as it become more corrupt.
Here is another quote that is good too:
``The third misleading assertion in the grand narrative of the triumph of Western democracy is the coupling of democracy to capitalism. Whatever Europe actually accomplished in the way of democracy was not due to the momentum of its economic system, but rather as a result of resistance to it.''
Scheidler, Fabian. The End of the Megamachine (p. 209). John Hunt Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Saying essentially that the evils of tyranny and capitalism created pushback, revolution, and eventually a recognition of the power of the people, and Republic and then representative democracy.
It is the best non-fiction book I've read in years.
MY definition of FULL ON socialism, which the progressive liberal extremist Bernie/AOC cult of morons would like to implement, is the following:
The devaluing of hard work. The rewarding of laziness. The destruction of personal responsibility. The demise of innovation and creativity (especially in the medical and technology fields), and lastly, and ultimately, the death of the American Dream.
Look, I consider myself moderate conservative, who really can’t stand either party at this point, though the liberals have completely gone off the rails, but I am truly happy to pay taxes towards OUR roads, OUR police and fire departments, and hell, let’s even throw in K-12 for general education.
BUT, it is NOT the responsibility of the American taxpayer to pay for YOUR college education (you got K-12 for free, time to put on your big boy or big girl pants and select a major that will help you be successful, or don’t go. Plenty of trade schools available), YOUR healthcare (Keep eating that McDonald’s 3 times a day and smoking everyone), or YOUR livelihood.
I’m all for helping out people who need it, but the level of exploited social programs in this country is disgusting.
It makes me sick to know so many people share the “spread the wealth, free shit for everybody” mentality. Go out and earn it!!! And nobody should have the right to take what you have earned through YOUR OWN hard work and dedication!
JFK’s famous quote is backwards in today’s today’s liberals say “Ask what your country can do for you, NOT what can you do for your country. and if not, we’ll loot and riot.”
"The devaluing of hard work. The rewarding of laziness. The destruction of personal responsibility. The demise of innovation and creativity (especially in the medical and technology fields), and lastly, and ultimately, the death of the American Dream.
so not socialism at all... you didn't describe socialism in any way. you gave your feelings on what you thought it would cause.
Official definitions: 1) a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
2) in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
My response: 1) So, spread the wealth, the community owns everything...regardless of skills, talent, employment hazards, invention, innovation, or work ethic. Complete and utter bullshit.
2) If you believe this shit move the fuck away from this country to a place that better suits your pathetic needs, because you believe in stealing. There are many places where you can live your life as a socialist. Go there, and leave the people who want to be free to pursue the American Dream alone.
So what’s your definition of socialism? I just provided the actual definitions for you so you don’t bitch about that too. How are you gonna spin it? All of us standing together singing kumbaya, holding hands next to a fire, with the exact same amount of wealth and prosperity, regardless of skill level, talent, work ethic, etc???
Sorry I’m not sorry, but taking things that don’t belong to you and giving them to someone else is wrong.
If you didn’t have your smug head so far up your own ass you might be able to have an actual discussion.
So what’s your definition of socialism? I just provided the actual definitions for you so you don’t bitch about that too. How are you gonna spin it? All of us standing together singing kumbaya, holding hands next to a fire, with the exact same amount of wealth and prosperity, regardless of skill level, talent, work ethic, etc??? "
SO show me WHICH US POLITICIAN is advocating for this? who is pushing for a command economy and abolishment of private ownership?
"Sorry I’m not sorry, but taking things that don’t belong to you and giving them to someone else is wrong. "
LOL the little kid doesnt understand how the tax system works. and how much the rich robbed from you.
"If you didn’t have your smug head so far up your own ass you might be able to have an actual discussion."
You are constantly intellectually embarrassing yourself. im sorry you re so dumb you think actual socialism is happening and being pushed for in america. imagine being that ignorant
Orwell was a left wing labor supporter. Someone you would ignorantly be calling a commie because he wanted more left wing mixed market capitalism. His book was anti totalitarian and anti Stalinist/soviet.
Please never wrongfully quote his work again you peasant.
So what, eh? He didn’t believe in a totalitarian system nor would he have wanted our media acting like the Ministry of Truth, eh.
YOU are ignorant to the facts, eh. Just because you don’t accept them doesn’t cease them from existing, spaz.
It’s idiots like you that give up your civil liberties voluntarily thinking brain washed in thinking you’re doing the right thing. Indoctrinated stooge.
so stop quoting a quote you dont understand, by a person you dont understand, who would would call a commie.
LOL im ignorant of facts. tats why I had to educate you on orwelll LOL.
yes man all those civil liberties us Canadians dont have like... ummm.... not going into massive debt over healthcare bills?....
the freedom to feel safe and not worry about mass shooters?
please list all the freedoms im missing in "America"
Honestly you get destroyed. then you move to a new topic, get destroyed, move the goalpost again new topic. you are my little bitch boy hahahahah. nonstop embarrassed. are you into that? is that why you keep coming back?
Why? Did you not display ignorance? Are you not defiant in your ignorance? Thus, your Ignorance is Strength. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
Damn! You're too damn insecure. You didn't educate anything other than try to make yourself look intelligent. Epic fail, once again.
You know why you don't go into massive debt over healthcare? Because you ration your healthcare to each person. All you canucks are nothing more than sheep to the system with a set dollar amount.
Yeah. Your PM has already inhibited compelled speech. That's the first domino, retard! Now all of you snowflakes will complain about anything and slowly you'll see your civil liberties erode away in the name of good. Only an indoctrinated stooge can't see what the hell is going on. Guess what? You're an indoctrinated stooge.
The freedom to feel safe and not worry about mass shooters? I'm not worried. You know who else isn't worried? EVERYBODY THAT GOES TO THE MARKET EVERY DAY! That's a lot of people and about half of them are dems too. Paranoid much??? Absolute retard, aren't you, eh?
I ain't a canuck and we've owned the Stanley Cup since 1993 and onward. If you think giving up your freedom of compelled speech is fine, I don't care. I think you're an idiot for doing so, but I don't care. I don't live there.
I'm destroyed? 😁😁😁 Spoken like an insecure dunce. Whatever, spaz. Take your Xanax and ask your mom for a warm glass of milk, eh? 🤣🤣🤣
"Why? Did you not display ignorance? Are you not defiant in your ignorance? Thus, your Ignorance is Strength. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....."
again never reference something you dont understand again please. you are embarrassing.
"Damn! You're too damn insecure. You didn't educate anything other than try to make yourself look intelligent. Epic fail, once again."
I asked a question. you couldn't answer. so I failed? LOLL
"You know why you don't go into massive debt over healthcare? Because you ration your healthcare to each person. All you canucks are nothing more than sheep to the system with a set dollar amount."
You dont think American healthcare is rationed? LOOOOOOLLLL the rich get the best healthcare first. and the rest get what's left. if you rent covered, you go into massive debt. its rained buddy. just differently. and ours has better outcomes.
again another fail
Yeah. Your PM has already inhibited compelled speech. That's the first domino, retard! Now all of you snowflakes will complain about anything and slowly you'll see your civil liberties erode away in the name of good. Only an indoctrinated stooge can't see what the hell is going on. Guess what? You're an indoctrinated stooge."
inhibited compelled speech? wtf are you talking about? have you been listening to organ Peterson again?
hahah "you dont have civil liberties! Trudeau inhibited compelled speech!"
lol "Canadians dont have civil liberties!" references only something 5 days ago ive never heard of LOL. sooo 50plus years of liberalism and all you can point to is that.. fail buddy...
"The freedom to feel safe and not worry about mass shooters? I'm not worried. You know who else isn't worried? EVERYBODY THAT GOES TO THE MARKET EVERY DAY! That's a lot of people and about half of them are dems too. Paranoid much??? Absolute retard, aren't you, eh?
so open and concealed carry is cause your arent scared? hhahahhaha okay buddy. enjoy your monthly school sh
Calm down, spaz. Not only are you spazzing out, you can't even post coherently. Take your damn Xanax, psycho.
Then explain it then? How did I apply Ignorance is Strength to you incorrectly? I'm going to enjoy your non-answer.
Yes. Because you don't accept the answer I gave you, that is you being IGNORANT. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....🤪🤪🤪
Why would privatized healthcare ration its service??? Are they at capacity??? Either you don't know what rationing means or you're a complete idiot. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Retard. 🤪🤪🤪
The rich get the best healthcare? Total bullshit. Many union workers have cadillac benefits negotiated through their collective bargaining agreements. Those workers aren't rich. Don't talk when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Idiot. 🤪🤪🤪
You didn't know your compelled speech was inhibited by your own govt, did you? 🙄🙄🙄 Fucking dunce.
What the fuck are you talking about??? If EVERYBODY is going to the market and living their normal lives, then they AREN'T scared of mass shooters. I didn't say anything about concealed carry, you fucking moron. I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Damn! You're fucking stupid. Straight up.
Do everybody a favor and take your Xanax and get a fucking job. Do something productive in life, spaz.
"Why would privatized healthcare ration its service??? Are they at capacity??? Either you don't know what rationing means or you're a complete idiot. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
cause there aren't unlimited doctors. because its not rationed on a first come first serve basic like a public system. its rationed based on how much money you have.
"The rich get the best healthcare? Total bullshit. Many union workers have cadillac benefits negotiated through their collective bargaining agreements. Those workers aren't rich. Don't talk when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Idiot"
LOL the tard things that a person making 100k gets anywhere CLOSE to what the wealthy do hahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahaha.
"You didn't know your compelled speech was inhibited by your own govt, did you? 🙄🙄🙄 Fucking dunce.
You have no fucking clue what you are talking about as usual
please keep embarrassing yourself this is hilarious
Where is everything else??? Left all the other points off because you got not answer, eh? Schooled like the bitch that you are. You're welcome!
We're talking about healthcare. Not how much service a person can afford. Stupid much? Are teachers rich? Everybody would say no, including teachers. Yet, their healthcare is extremely robust with extremely low premiums that cover their entire family. Did you know that? How could you being a canuck? I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....fucking stupid much?
It's only obvious you don't know a damn thing. Get a fucking job, retard. Get some sunlight. I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...dumbshit.
"We're talking about healthcare. Not how much service a person can afford. Stupid much? Are teachers rich? Everybody would say no, including teachers. Yet, their healthcare is extremely robust with extremely low premiums that cover their entire family. Did you know that? How could you being a canuck? I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....fucking stupid much?"
THATS THE POINT YOU RETARD. The person who can afford its rationed first. those that cant go massively in to debt and get worse healthcare.
LOL I met a couple she was a teacher her whole life, he was a Korean and Vietnam veteran. please talk to them about their amazing "robust healthcare coverage"
I already said there is no rationing in US healthcare and again, you inserted it. How fucking stupid are you? The rationing is in your Canuck healthcare. I mean, attention retard.
How do you go into massive debt once you're deduction is paid in full??? The cadillac health plans have extremely low deductions. The healthcare pays covers the rest you fucking moron! You clearly have zero idea of anything even being discussed. How long are you going to continue shamelessly showing off your idiocy?
You met them, not me. Why don't you ask them. I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....fucking retard.
Get a fucking job. Everybody needs janitors. Even ones that are slow in the brain.
"All public and private health care systems ration patient access to care. The private sector rations access to consumers who are willing and able to pay. The poor and disadvantaged have limited access to care and inadequate income protection. In public health systems, care is provided on the basis of "need," that is, the comparative cost-effectiveness of competing treatments."
the retard thinks teachers have private family doctors show up to their house and get airlifted from their homes and overseen by a team of doctors LOOLLL.
retard: "compelled speech!!! you just dont accept my answer!"
it isnt an answer. provide the article please. Lawll you are going after soy boy leader drug addict Jordan Peterson. as usual you dont do basic research and just follow like a good sheep.
"In 2016, University of Toronto psychology professor and clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson argued that amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code would require compelled speech.[4] The amendments added gender expression and gender identity as protected grounds to the Canadian Human Rights Act and to the Criminal Code provisions dealing with hate propaganda, incitement to genocide, and aggravating factors in sentencing. Peterson argued that the law would allow him to be fined or imprisoned if he refused to refer to students by their preferred gender pronouns.[4][5] Legal experts challenged Peterson's interpretation, saying that the bill would not criminalize using non-preferred pronouns.[6]"
aww good sheep. following like the pathetic beta you are. keep not thinking for yourself
shootings. while we almost never have any. your re so "free"
"I ain't a canuck and we've owned the Stanley Cup since 1993 and onward. If you think giving up your freedom of compelled speech is fine, I don't care. I think you're an idiot for doing so, but I don't care. I don't live there."
yes you re an old fat dinosaur who clearly watches sports. congrats. your life is filled with watching others do stuff since you yourself cannot. you take Xanax cause you need it. no one references something that much unless they are self projecting
is this what you were talking about? hahahahah "Canadians have no rights cause Trudeau 5 days ago said journalists and artists should do what they want without fear of persecution"
yep man. canada 1 step away form dictatorship. honestly were you born like this or suffer an accident due to the Xanax?
So, you start a thread insulting and mocking people who are against socialism, then in your last post to me say no US politician wants which is it???
By the way I was asking what YOUR definition of socialism is. You didn’t answer me of course, but I’m coming to expect that from you. Ignoring questions and deflecting.
Intellectually embarrassing myself? By posting the ACTUAL definition of socialism, which you support, and then having you say no one wants socialism??? I think you’re confused. Maybe you should give half your paycheck away to make yourself feel better shit for everybody! No work needed! Spread the wealth! Yay!
You seem to be the new Doggiedaddy/Melania’sMirror on this board.
"So, you start a thread insulting and mocking people who are against socialism, then in your last post to me say no US politician wants which is it???
apparently readings hard for you. No I laughed at people calling mixed market capitalism with some slight increase in social programs "socialism".
"By the way I was asking what YOUR definition of socialism is. You didn’t answer me of course, but I’m coming to expect that from you. Ignoring questions and deflecting. "
I agree with your definition
"Intellectually embarrassing myself? By posting the ACTUAL definition of socialism, which you support, and then having you say no one wants socialism??? I think you’re confused. Maybe you should give half your paycheck away to make yourself feel better shit for everybody! No work needed! Spread the wealth! Yay! "
again conflating socialism with a slightly more social mixed market capitalism. How dumb are you?
cause im reasonable? I just want a logical explanation from conservatives. unfortunately all I got was that socialism is a command economy (which I agree with). yet these are the same people calling not only Bernie a socialist, but also corporate democrats..
yes we know you re on Xanax lol. ive never seen someone so proud of taking it. I dont need it unlike you who is unstable and would do bad thing without it
its almost like we and most developed countries live in a "mixed economy". and that even republicans think the private sector has no business inc certain things like running military forces in the USA. Yet healthcare is a slippery slope inches away from gulags and a command economy..
I think it's American self-proclaimed socialists who don't know what socialism is. Remember, the PM of the Netherlands had to remind Bernie Sanders that they were not socialist and never were after Bernie claimed they were.
he said democratic socialists. the PM reminded that the Netherlands is not a command economy. WOWWW big surprise... you mean all the countries Bernie and other American progressives hold up are all mixed market economies? and no one is demanding a centrally planned one?
Socialism as it pertains to government is just a social body that creates a floor that nobody can fall beneath. Capitalists confuse that floor as a ceiling that limits your ability to obtain wealth.
How much the government controls an industry all comes down to how it affects the common good. If the industry is required to be privatized for the betterment of the common good, then socialism allows for that industry to be privatized.
Socialism can work with capitalism, or it can work without capitalism.. kinda maybe but obviously not as well. They are not competing with each other. And capitalism cannot exist without socialism. There's no example in the history of the universe of a capitalistic economy without socialism as its foundation.