MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump just falsely called mail-in ballot...

Trump just falsely called mail-in ballots illegal and fraudulant

They're neither illegal or fraudulant, as long as the voters mail them in before or on election day, and it's always been that way, even before that lard ass decided to run.


Yep we're seeing real fascism in the works.


No, fascism is when Facebook and Twitter ban people for criticising the world's most insane bloodthirsty, violent, oppressive religion (ISISlam).

Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg are seething, goose-stepping, loathsome fascists and should be thrown in Guantanamo and have the shit waterboarded out of them.


Only an idiot believes fascism is when a private business takes a step to improve their business.


No, only an absolutely massive frightening terrifying world-killing idiot...... is okay with horrendous egotistical billionaire nerdwads deciding what is and isn't acceptable - based on what they heard Jon Stewart say back when they were a pothead fucking student watching TV in Harvard. Okay? Moron.

In the pre-Civil Rights days, many people probably used your exact argument to justify banning black people from all sorts of places. "it's my private burrsnurrs und I'll durr whuurt I wuurnt!"

Fucking terrorist-loving freak.


Lol, you're mad because you can't argue against twitter being a private company.

You make me laugh.


Actually, after a company becomes basically a monopoly it's important that they are held up to scrutiny, if people use these things to communicate en masse, that means the company is in a position to manipulate people politically and censor them, that cannot be allowed. They're a basic public service and they should be regulated just like a railroad or airline or whatever.

Seriously, what kind of "liberal" goes around celebrating the right of giant corporations to gag people? You're pathetic and repulsive beyond belief.

You can't deny that ISISlam is a festering pile of shit, and that you're lower than a baby-rapist for defending it your whole worthless life. So you've turned to saying "URRR MADD" like the 11 year old you are.


Twitter isn't a monopoly. Anybody has free reign to create a social media platform. If MAGAs want their own, they can create it. But if it goes global like twitter has, they'll have to make global standards to appease multiple cultures, and they'll be the thing they criticized twitter of being. Lol.

So like always MAGAs will just do nothing and complain.



Businesses appease to stay in business.

It's how supply and demand and the free market works. Capitalism is capitalism.





Lol, your meltdown is hilarious to me.


yeah, you laugh at people who actually have emotions don't you?

Well, any emotion other than expressing joy at a new batch of ISIS todder-rape videos being uploaded to the internet and the thrill of getting your fapping lube at the ready.


You should seek help to fix your emotional problems instead of wasting your time venting here on moviechat.


You should go on vacation to countries you pretend to like, such as Palestine, Iran, etc. And wear a t-shirt that advertises your support for the LGBT community.


Honestly, serious talk here. I think you need to disconnect from politics. It sounds like you aren't mentally capable of handling it when your side loses. That's how it goes for a lot of people. You invest a lot of yourself in it and convince yourself so much that you're going to win, that when you don't, you come undone. Disconnect, my friend.


"Honestly, serious talk here. "

So everything else you said was a joke? Okay then.


Seriously, disconnect. And I hope you get better.



Seriously, disconnect yourself from the Earth's oxygen supply. I hope you get beaten to death and you end up looking like Emmet Till (you're probably not much of a looker anyway)

Honestly, real talk here. Kill yourself in front of your family, you terrorist-loving pedophile.

In 2016, the Trumpers reveled when the liberals tears flowed because Hillary lost.

I may joke around from time to time, but I don't get off on MAGAs literally losing their minds over an election. It's bad for the country.

But your comments are simply too toxic for moviechat, and I will have to report you.



I'm not an Islamaphobe, but I understand where the jihadists come from. The Sunnis responsible for 9/11 come from Saudi Arabia. But instead of condemning them, Trump sells them $109 billion in weapons. Our continued alliance with the Saudis, and our continuation of their war against the Shia of Iran is where all this Islamaphobia stems from. I don't support any of it. The establishment republicans like Trump and the warhawks do, and of course some dems do too. Fox News is party owned by Saudi royals. It's all by design.


A really bad look but wearing it proudly. If I spoke to anyone like this, I'd get checked into an asylum, but watch this person wind up and go.



It's difficult to tell if he's being serious, or just trolling behind anonymity, but either way it doesn't belong on here.


Found Steve Bannon.


Even the unrequested ballots?


If you are saying rump is lying, good lord ! That news is as old as The Hindenburg. I wouldn't know what day of the month it was if rump didn't lie again just to show the sun has come up like usual.


Trump and his family have used mail-in ballots for years.


How do we know they were mailed in on or before election day? Is each ballot being verified as legitimate? Who is watching what is going on?


All questionable ballots must be corroborated with the valid ID of the voter, or its invalid.

The sanctity of our elections must be upheld. Democrats have been screaming about this for 4 years you are against this?

Looks like the Trumperism is switching sides...


I don't know of Dems screaming about this. Just another convenient lie pubs tell when they resort to ugly manipulations -- THEY'VE BEEN DOING IT FOR YEARS !! wtf?


The old republican machine has always been there, the democrats just managed to out-crazy them somehow.

Re-form Occupy is the only way.


There is massive election fraud underway right now. Mass mailing unsolicited ballots by the tens of millions guaranteed this would happen.
