MovieChat Forums > Politics > Once again democrats show how uneducated...

Once again democrats show how uneducated they are

This is a quote from Twitter...

just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through "cartels and coyotes"?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking. #FinalDebate

So many other democrats also think a coyote is an actual coyote like from roadrunner.


I saw this too. Absolutely stupid. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Lord, have mercy on us! This dimwit is an attorney?!! Sheโ€™s actually asking how a coyote, the 4 legged kind, brings a kid over the border? I do believe Matilda has met her match! OMGosh! And these people vote! Again...Lord, have mercy on us...๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ




Corporate Attorney & Investment Advisor/GA State Representative/Chief Deputy Whip of Georgia House Democrats.


Wow. The ignorance. Affirmative action, at it's finest.

Imagine getting investment advice from someone so stupid.

The world we live in...


Well, they only believe lies and bullshit so this should surprise no one.


Democrats don't spend time away from the mcdonalds hambuher line to listen to news.


Everyone here is showing how uneducated they are by taking an isolated incident, a random comment, and making it to be representative of something larger. And you allow rump to lie to us on a daily basis and shrug it off as some character quirk.


Lying and being stupid is totally different.


Trump does both very well!


Remember, Trump thought the F-35 was literally invisible. He also thought injecting disinfectants could be an option, and then lied that he was making a joke.

His constant lying only fools people like you into thinking he knows what he's talking about.


Bleach probably will kill the virus. I'm assuming he got that idea from the Chinese scientist that discovered introducing bleach to the aids virus totally kills it. That was back in the '90s.

As for being a fool as you kindly put it...I go by facts. Since Trump has been in the office my taxes are lower and my business is prospering. Trump as president means more jobs for Americans who spend and put the money right back into the economy. It's a win-win. Anyone who works, owns a business, owns property literally sees the proof in their bank account.


"I'm assuming he got that idea from the Chinese scientist that discovered introducing bleach to the aids virus totally kills it."

No. We were all told to use disinfectants on our hands to kill it. He took it a step further by suggesting people inject it, because he's an idiot.

"Since Trump has been in the office my taxes are lower and my business is prospering."

Biden did the same thing. Bush's tax cuts were set to expire in 2010. Biden is the one who pushed Obama to prevent that from happening.

Trump's tax cuts are a scam though. The lower taxes for middle-income earners expire in a couple years, and they will end up paying more than they did in 2017. Only the people at the top will continue to have lower taxes by 2022. The rest of us will be paying for them.

Not to mention, any tax cuts add to our debt, and causes China to own more of our country.

"Trump as president means more jobs for Americans who spend and put the money right back into the economy."

Obama was responsible for more job growth in his last year than Trump was in his first three. Trump sent more jobs overseas despite campaigning that he would keep them here.

Also, most of Trump's job growth isn't business owners. Most of them are jobs below the poverty line.


In the 4 years Trump has been in office how has it affected your life negatively??? Besides being a bleeding heart entitled liberal, how has trump damaged your life? Not your feelings...your life, and wellbeing.


Covid-19. The USPS were going to send out 650 million masks. Trump's white house stopped it because he didn't want his precious stock market to panic and make him look bad.

That alone should end his re-election.

The real question is how in the flying fuck did Hunter Biden damage the MAGAtards lives and well-being? How did Joe Biden firing Viktor Shokin hurt anyone's well-being? You complain about people with hurt feelings when Trump is the one trying to divide and separate us all into blue states vs red states, and Biden isn't.


You're blaming Trump for covid-19? Everything you say is now meaningless, can't take you seriously. All your words are just regurgitated CNN garbage. I bet you look like one of those Antifa dorks. The kind of kid that gets locked in a locker in high school.


Lol. You're looking for a way out of the conversation because you have no argument.

Trump called it a hoax to his idiot supporters like you while he talked to his billionaire Wall Street buddies behind the scenes to make sure they didn't panic.

Instead of pushing for masks, even by April, he was saying do what you feel like, when doing what you feel like is why the US's infected rate got so high. He wanted people using hydroxychloroquine more than he wanted people wearing masks, which probably had something to do with his family's stake in hydroxychloroquine.

But he said the words you like to hear. He said China bad, democrats bad, Fauci bad, WHO bad, Antifa bad. That's what got your leg tingling. And here you are still yapping about Antifa like a little bitch afraid of your own shadow.


Btw, this is what you take away from your president separating 545 children from their parents and are now effectively orphaned? That some people aren't familiar with some ersatz usage of an animal name? Goodness, what thoughtful human beings.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. My family waited in line like everyone else. Now we are all here together, unseparated.


Is that the argument you are actually making, that Democrats are stupid because they all think coyote refers to the animal?


Why? Not stupid enough for you?


I said uneducated. That doesn't make a person stupid just misinformed or not informed at all. I wouldn't expect you to know the difference being you are a democrat. As for the person who made the tweet, she is a GA State Representative. You would think a public official would be more informed on what's happening on our southern border.

Question for you now. Why do most democrats read or hear something and then twist words around and totally miscomprehend the point or points that are being made?


Because they cannot handle the truth! When they are unable to refute, they start snarling and the ad hominem attacks begin. Case in point the bitch Harris during the debate with Pence made reference yet again...Trump called the VIRUS a hoax, even though the transcript shows he did not.

They lie, they twist, they take words out of context, etc. Another one is the Russian hoax for which he was impeached. It was proven he did no wrong, but they wonโ€™t let it go! The slithering snake Schiff spread lies for years and heโ€™s still spreading lies.

โ€œIf you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.โ€


You are the one snarling here, dearest.


That is not education? What grade do they teach about how illegal immigration on our Southern border works? That is called uninformed. And, if people are kept from information, or fed lies ... as from our President, they do not know what is going on, it doesn't matter how much education they have.

Not going to reply to your question as it has been established for DECADES that most really low information are Republicans. FOX News is responsible for a lot of that.

** - Actually what Fox News is responsible for is taking low information and involvement citizens and filling their empty heads full of calculated lies and B8 designed to remove people from civic involvement and make chronic whining angry complainers out of them.


So youโ€™re saying that the rep from GA isnโ€™t uneducated, but only uninformed?

So tell me as a US rep with a country with issues of illegal immigration, when was she going to become informed?

I guess the debate preempted her edification on the issue, yes? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


this hasnt aged very well. lol
