MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump continues bizarre appeals to subur...

Trump continues bizarre appeals to suburban women as he campaigns in Covid hotspots

If President Donald Trump loses his reelection bid in November, it will be in part because of his fundamental misunderstanding of the beliefs of "suburban women," whom he has tried to win back with a series of bizarre and racist appeals that seem more targeted to a stereotype from the 1950s and 1960s than the American women who actually live in those areas today.

Many of the female voters who have abandoned Trump recoil from his divisive language and disapprove of both his handling of race relations and the pandemic. But he has tried to convince them to support him through a campaign of fear and xenophobia, with claims about the Democratic agenda that plunge deep into the realm of the ridiculous and would be believed only by the most naïve, low-information voters.

As usual Trump has no clue as to what he's doing.


He doesn't.

His political obituary was written like a Nixon speech so many years ago:

"Only if you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain."

So true...

He'll probably die like most people do. Frail and weak and just clinging.

But what a moment he had.

Trump always had the worst political instincts...all he had to do was put on the damn mask.


Suburban white women hide their support because they are afraid of being attacked by freaks on the left.




The way you tell if someone is hiding their support is if they only focus on criticizing the other side.

The reason the MAGA rallies are so loud is because they think they have the majority. That belief removes all fear from any potential "freaks on the left." If any of them are hiding their support, it's because they think Trump might lose. We heard those suburban white women say they didn't feel comfortable with Hillary in 2016. We don't hear them say it about Biden in 2020.

Now we have the MAGA freaks suggesting anyone who supports Biden to be aligned with Antifa. So instead of people saying they support him, they put all their focus on criticizing Trump, and so do suburban white women.


As a woman, I am both disgusted and horrified that our President incited violence towards the governor of Michigan.


As a woman, I hope you were both disgusted and horrified by what he said on that Access Hollywood tape which came out before the 2016 election ('grabbing women by their pussy').


I have to live with the knowledge that there are women out there who would allow that.

No, I'm definitely not one of them.

And I always thought of our Presidents as people who could qualify to be an elder or a deacon at a church.


And I always thought of our Presidents as people who could qualify to be an elder or a deacon at a church.

I would guess the last 44 could very well be. This demon in the White House today ? Never.
