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Trump admits to concealing the true threat of coronavirus in new Woodward book

More lies from our asshole in chief


He played it down on purpose. He knew it would kill a million people in the US and he knew most of those would have voted against him.


So he followed Jared's plan after all?


That's exactly what he did. And it backfired on him.


Very interesting. I read the whole article and I’m taking it with a grain of salt. BTW, I’m still voting for Trump! Why? Because I don’t want to go backwards! I don’t like the narcissistic, arrogant person he is, but I approved of how well the country was doing before Covid-19.


Fauci: “The Response Of Trump Admin Has Been Impressive, I Can't Imagine Anybody Could Be Doing More”

Dr. Anthony Fauci says the White House Coronavirus Task Force is working around the clock to fight the coronavirus outbreak in an interview with Mark Levin on FNC's 'Life, Liberty & Levin.' Fauci said Trump has never challenged him on the science of coronavirus on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.'

Again, you anti-Trumpers won’t sell Harris/Biden. All you do is blast Trump! This is all you know how to do. “I hate him.” “I can’t wait for the orange buffoon to be out of office!” You are voting with feelings and not about policies. This is the way a lot of women vote...with feelings...not common sense!

I vote with my pocketbook. I also vote for someone who similarly shares my ideology. Much better than voting against someone! Much better than only voting for someone of color. In the past I proudly supported two Black candidates. Obama was not included. I have literally held my nose to vote for someone who supported my views, but I did not like personally.

Just remember Biden’s words:”If you don’t vote for ain’t Black!”


Before COVID-19, the country was doing just as well as it was in 2016 which was a helluva lot better than it was doing in 2008.

Your pro-Trump article is from March before COVID-19 truly hit the fan in April.

People hate Trump because he lacks leadership qualities and only cares about his ego and billionaire status. You hate Harris and Biden because they have a D next to their names. They are among the most republican democrats you can find which is why the Lincoln Project is so supportive of them. But you seem to hate them just as much as a Qanon idiot who thinks Harris and Biden are satanic pedophiles seeking to put an end to Trump who was sent by god to destroy evil.


No he didnt.


He did
There’s audio


Faking audio can be easily done.


You tell' em!

(If only he paid Woodward hush money for this screwing, like he did Stormy Daniels)


So was the audio fake?


That's right. Deny its validity. Deny it until you're blue in the face. Maybe if you deny it long enough it will magically come true.

Donald could say it on national tv and you'd still call it fake and/or find a way to defend/justify it.

I would say you Trumpers sold your souls to Donald but you would have to first POSSESS one in order to sell one.


You guys stare truth in the face and proceed to call it fake and move on. It's psychotic and bizarre.


He's literally admitting on tape that he KNOWS how deadly this is. This is undeniable, irrefutable PROOF that he's been KNOWINGLY putting Americans in harm's way in order to try to protect his reelection.

The guy who KNOWS how deadly thus us tells people to NOT wear masks.

While I no longer believe in the bible, I wish Hell existed as his fat ass deserves to burn there for all eternity.

There are so many things I'd love to say about him right now but I'd be banned if I did.

And the saddest part? This revelation, as well as the one about his words about the military, will have ZERO impact in votes from his base.


He tried to blame this spread on the 'Democratic Governors', and the economy's downturn on the 'Democratic Governors' who closed down their state.

It completely backfired.

Notice he's not blaming Republican governors down south and across the mid-west as the coronavirus surges ?


He is an enemy of our country and so much more shit I'll avoid typing out right now. He brings my blood to a boil.


Not true at all. Another left-wing lie from the folks at FOX and Breitbart.


If the best witness you can come up with is Woodward, you know your case is weak. I’m no Trump fan, but how naive do you have to be to believe anything from Woodward.


Trump loves Woodward and insisted on being taped for the Book interviews For Rage after being left out of his first Trump book Fear.
There’s no disputing the audio


You don’t have to believe Woodward. You can listen to Trump on 9 hours worth of recording. What more do you need?


Thank you, but I have no interest in listening to Trump or Woodward for 9 hours.


He’s the best witness.
