His supporters will sit there, defending him to their last breath. They have the gall to claim Donald "puts America first" and even imply that those of us who stand against him are "Not true Americans".
I don't think Trumpers understand America or what it is to be an American. Americans want freedom. Americans hate tyranny. Americans want free and fair elections. Americans honor those who fight and die for their country.
At least, that's how I see my country that I love and grew up in. You'd never know if Trumpers feel this way, judging by their posts. They shrug Donald's authoritarian tendencies off. They are all in favor of us being like fucking Britain that we fled from by bringing religious tyranny back (all their defenses of religion being injected into nationwide politics as well as their support of the Judeo-Christian religion being the only religion in this country) and saying not a word about Donald messing with the payroll, causing tax hardship as well as gutting social security. Trumpers say NOTHING about the massive mail-in voting interference by Donald and nonchalantly shrug it off like it's nothing at all. And finally...they not only don't have a problem with Donald trashing our military armed forces (many of who are fucking Trump voters, for crying out loud), they even nod in agreement while he does it.
Honestly, for as disgusting as Donald is...I think his supporters are far worse. FAR worse.
I haven't even read their replies to you yet but I'm sure it's chock full of the same deflection bullshit, gaslighting and all the other ridiculous garbage we'd come to expect from them.