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Most Americans under 30 now live with parents

That explains alot: all these Alt Right trolls online are literally typing from their Momma's basements! I mean the ones who are actually in the US and not in a Russian troll factory!


Did you even read the article, little Adam? The two factors give was massive student loan debt and no jobs due to the pandemic. Who has student loan debt? Leftists with useless degrees in liberal arts majors.

Add on the dems closing everything for political reasons and stupid dem laws that hurt ICs in order to give more power to unions, they make it harder to find employment.

Next time read the article you post. You’ll look less like the shameless idiot you have come to be known as.


The pandemic ? That thing Trump referred to as a liberal hoax back in March ?

No jobs due to the pandemic ? Trump is boasting how great the economy is !

Shitman, Auntie Maryanne was correct - you are a public moron.


Triggered again? How many times must you believe the lies you tell just to justify your false narrative? Trump never said it was a hoax.

Even left wing snopes proves this.

Do you deny the economy was doing well prior to the pandemic? Do you deny unemployment was at an all time low for minorities, yes or no?

We know dems are using the pandemic politically. You saw what Whitmer did to seeds. You saw how abortion clinics and liquor stores were labeled as essential businesses. The longer the economy is closed, the longer they can prolong the unemployment numbers. It's only obvious. Even a blind person could see it, but you choose Ignorance over facts, right dogdump? What else is new?


We know dems are using the pandemic politically.

Oh, Eric, you public moron - that's the stupidest thing you've said since your last post.

190,000+ Americans laid down their lives so the Democrats can use the pandemic politically ?

You are an imbecile.


You don't know what it means to politicize something, do you? I mean, we all know you're stupid, but to assume you do and make such a stupid statement as you did only proves once again, what everybody already knows. You're a shameless idiot. 🤣🤣🤣


"Trump never said it was a hoax."

Yet he has been caught out on tape admitting he downplayed the seriousness of the pandemic to the public. Which to my mind makes him directly responsible for any American who dies because they heeded his words and didn't take proper precautions. It is not a president's job to mislead the public, regardless of how grim the situation is.

You seriously think he has handled the pandemic well? Seems astounding that anyone could argue that with a straight face.


Looking back, he definitely could've acted sooner and should've. Again, that's easy to say now. Nevertheless, when he shut it down, the dems blasted him for being xenophobic and wanted people to come to Chinatown on both coasts. Clearly, the dems wouldn't have done a better job and would've actually made it worse.

You say he's responsible for not coming out sooner? Well let's turn it around for a moment. What if a dem were President and did the same thing? What would happen? The media would assist in the coverup as well. Thus, the media would just be as culpable as the President, right? Clearly, having a left wing biased media doesn't do anybody any good, does it?

In regards to the tape, even the interviewer said it would've done nothing. Look at the timeline. Look at Trumps press briefings in March. He pretty much said the same thing to the public already. You're looking really hard to find dirt, but there are only specks of dust if even that.

For you to say the President is directly responsible for all deaths is very naive. Even if all legal avenues were shut down, illegal avenues would still be open and the virus would enter via illegal crossing. Then it would still spread. Nevertheless, if you're going to attribute all covid deaths to him, then you have to attribute all lives saved to him. What is that? 349 million people not infected? Seems like a pretty good ratio to me.

I don't know how you can blame Trump, but not Cuomo for ordering sick seniors back into nursing homes to infect all the other seniors. Aren't seniors high risk? That is straight up ignorance on your part. I don't know how you can't blame the dems for politicizing the pandemic for their gain or Trump's losses. Clearly, they don't care about saving lives, but just want the numbers to be in their favor. It's completely obvious, yet you are too ignorant to acknowledge it. Now go pet your dingo, mate.


"You say he's responsible for not coming out sooner? Well let's turn it around for a moment. What if a dem were President and did the same thing? What would happen? The media would assist in the coverup as well. Thus, the media would just be as culpable as the President, right? Clearly, having a left wing biased media doesn't do anybody any good, does it?"

I don't know, we have a conservative government here in Australia who took the virus seriously immediately and I think our infection/death rates reflect that. It had nothing to do with conservative vs liberal, it was a leader heeding scientific advice and feeding it to the public as a matter of urgency. I didn't see Trump doing that and I think America suffered because of it.

Really, the Australian reference every time I contribute. Is it necessary? Makes you seem extremely immature. Like about 12.


You comparing Australia to the the US is apples and oranges, mate. How you don’t see that is once again ignorance or naivety on your part.

Being that you didn’t address anything else I said, I can only hope you took it to heart, but given your record, I doubt it.


Strewth mate you fair dinkum you drongo?


Why ya spewin, mate? I gave you the facts and now ya whinging like a yobbo. Don't get your knickers in a twist, mate. Ponder more like a boffin than a bludger than blokes won't viddy you as a pillock. Pony?




Don’t you believe in making Australia great again, mate? Nip on down to the bottle o and pick up a slab. You’ll feel shiny after knocking a few back, mate. Ya need it, eh?


It's due to the pandemic but also the collapse of the middle class in America.

You do the right things; school, college, intern... and instead of landing a high paying job for life, it's now the 'gig economy' where you get offered limited work on contract.

The gig economy even sees professors at universities being paid 'per gig' and no longer making a reputable income.

This is the result of laws being passed to favor big business. But when you destroy the middle class you end up with massive poverty in the long run. People dependant upon the state to survive.

The dems like this because it gets them votes.

The republicans don't fight for workers rights because they get kickbacks from the businesses of poor repute.

America is an empire in decline for sure.


I'm literally reading a book (Evil Geniuses) now about how big business began to fight back in the 70s after the working & middle-class gained financially 1940-1970s. No coincidence that's when the average American began to lose ground and the rich became much wealthier.

Changes helped them and hurt the rest of us. Lower taxes for the rich, demonize unions which have historically helped the middle-class, deregulation, pack courts with big-business friendly judges, convince average Americans that policies helping them are socialist by dominating news media (media fairness doctrine destroyed), allow rich unlimited donations to politicians (Citizens United case), pro-big business policies in law schools and economic studies using generous donations from rich donors.

Have you noticed that the 2018 tax cuts, business covid money, farmers' aid went mainly to big businesses instead of small businesses?

Libertarians and Republicans have promoted big business policies the most, but democrats were complicit, too.

Democracy isn't going to survive because struggling Americans are at each others throats instead of understanding how they are manipulated and the way policies have been written since the 1970s to help big business and hurt the rest of us.


Thank you for spelling this out with a fair tone. These are the things I try to say but I'm usually so angry I find it difficult to be as articulate as I'd like to be.


Changes helped them and hurt the rest of us. Lower taxes for the rich, demonize unions which have historically helped the middle-class, deregulation, pack courts with big-business friendly judges, convince average Americans that policies helping them are socialist by dominating news media (media fairness doctrine destroyed), allow rich unlimited donations to politicians (Citizens United case), pro-big business policies in law schools and economic studies using generous donations from rich donors.

And we can thank Reagan for most of this. That was his 'voodoo economics' in the 1980s - tricking America into 'trickle down economy'. Nothing trickled, and here we are nearly 40 years later. But the wealthy got wealthier...


"Trickle down" was marketing to get middle-class conservatives on board. Reagan's only goal was to help the rich.

I'm reading about how many retail businesses are closing because of leveraged buyouts in which a few people can make hundreds of millions by putting the business in heavy debt. Of course, thousands of working-class and middle-class workers end up unemployed. That's what happened to Payless, Toys-R-Us, Sears, J. Crew, Neiman Marcus, Fairway, Sports Authority, Hertz and Chuck E. Cheese's. Sen Elizabeth Warren wants to end this practice.


How old was Sears? How old was Toy's R US? How old is Hertz? And yet, you are blaming their demise on trickle down? That's the reason, right? It can't be any other factors like maybe...competition??? Namely, Amazon??? Nope. It was due to trickle down economics. Yep. That's it.

How naive and ignorant are you komrade keelai? A buttload apparently.


Proof you are illiterate:
YOU: "you are blaming their demise on trickle down?"

My original comment:
I'm reading about how many retail businesses are closing because of leveraged buyouts


Brilliant! You cite something irrelevant for you to post something completely different. Such backwards logic you display.

So let's use your leverage buyout reason. Did those business have to sell, or was it there best option? Why did there leverage decrease in the first place? Trickle down economics, right? That's why you cited it it, right? If not, then why, pray tell?


For you:

My work is done here now.


He’s a public moron.



No surprise that his daddy doesn't like him, and his Aunt Maryanne called him a 'public moron'!


Yeah, Amazon really killed Hertz when Amazon opened up their car rental business. You nailed it.


Well Hertz isn't gone yet. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

You gonna laugh at komrade keelai now? Now bow your head and say D'oh.


Aunt Maryanne called you a 'public moron'!



Just bow your head and say d'oh. 😆😆😆😆


Mitt Romney's investment firm was guilty of this, and it came to light in the 2012 election. In my state, his firm bought a major manufacturing company of picture frames, which was one of the leading manufacturers in the world. It employed hundreds of people and was a well-run business for more than 75 years. Everyone wanted to work there, since it was known for treating their employees well, generous benefits, and profitable during every economic downturn (including the one which started before 2008).

By mid-2009, it was announced Romney was buying the company. It took everyone by surprise. He promised growth, expansion, etc. Within a year, he declared it bankrupt and the factory closed within months, putting these long-term employees out of a job. Romney made millions by doing this. This was just one company in my state - I understand he did this to many, many companies over the years.


I didn't know about Romney. What a sleaze! I just read a 2012 Rolling Stone article about how many companies he leveraged while each time failing to take responsibility for any decision-making which caused the bankruptcies and pocketing millions. The article says he's manipulative. He hasn't changed.


Yo Momma kicked you out of the basement when you reached 30. Now you live with yo homies under the bridge!


Because rent in several states are ridiculously high. In California, a small 1 bedroom apartment can cost around $1,000................that's if you're lucky. It could be a little more.

In other places around the world, rent for a house would cost around $800-$1000 a month.

Unemployment rate is extremely high during the coronavirus pandemic. So this post doesn't surprise me!


LA, SF and NYC are expensive places to live. You want to live there, you pay the market price. You can’t afford it, don’t live there. Why is that basic concept so hard for people like you to grasp?


Ca is my hometown state genius! Secondly, this pandemic caused unemployment amongst many people of all ages! Not just the under 30 group.

What part of, "people have no control over natural disasters don't you understand?"

FYI, I'm lucky enough to be able to work from home! I'm also naturally very good about saving money. Therefore, I do have enough for a small 1 bedroom apartment. It's in a small little city in CA. I don't live in the city of LA, San Fran, NYC, Malibu, near the beaches, or any of those places you're suggesting.


So you're okay with the rent prices here in CA, yes? You're not bitching that landlords are overcharging rents, right? Your rent is charged at the right price, right?


How is California a "hometown state" ? Duh!

"I'm enough to be able to work from home". Enough what? I hope you don't have to work at anything that requires intelligence, because that sentence was stupid!


Oh I forgot pjpurple! Your vocabulary is low! So I guess I'll teach you another lesson! Here it goes.......

The definition of "hometown" under the "h" section in any English dictionary is:

A place where someone is born and grows up in. If you lived in California all or most of your life. That's a hometown! If you live in New York all your life, that's a hometown. If you live in China your whole life, that's a hometown country.

Class dismissed. No pushing and shoving on your way out to recess kiddos :)


HAHA! Hometown means the town or city you grew up in. It's not the state, dumpkof! Look up the definition of town if you ever manage to find a dictionary.

So...California is your home state. That explains a lot. No wonder you are so silly. My dad used to call California the "land of fruits and nuts." I had a college professor who said that when they tilted the country, everything loose rolled into California.

A beautiful state geographically, but with people who elect Pelosi over and over, not too bright. You fit right in!
Gosh, it's so easy to anger and trigger a halfwit like you. It's not even a sport. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. LOL


How did I miss this gem? 😅😂🤣 So, according to WaltzingMatilda Florida is my “hometown”? Well then, pray tell, what would be the town where I was raised? Homestate town? Or Townhome? Or, Statehome? Oh, hell! Forget it! 🙇🏼‍♀️


Meanwhile, most Americans under 30 now live with parents because of Trump's failed economy. Semantic game-playing doesn't change that hard, cold fact.


Oh that's a load of krap, Keelai! The under "30" crowd have been living in a protracted childhood for several decades now, long before Trump took office.

Of course you WILL want to blame everything on Trump! But, that's not true. A whole generation has been coddled and cosseted and treated like children. They run home to mommy and daddy when times get tough. Or, worse yet, they never LEAVE home!

I believe under Obama care that people up to the age of 26(!) are considered minors and can rely on mommy and daddy's health insurance.

Hate Trump all you want. But at least TRY to be honest! We have a generation of grown up CHILDREN on our hands!


You're wrong!!

"A majority of young adults in the U.S. live with their parents for the first time since the Great Depression"

Unlike you, I don't make up things out of my head.

"The coronavirus outbreak has pushed millions of Americans, especially young adults, to move in with family members. The share of 18- to 29-year-olds living with their parents has become a majority since U.S. coronavirus cases began spreading early this year, surpassing the previous peak during the Great Depression era."


"The youngest adults have been more likely than other age groups to lose their jobs or take a pay cut."

Based on Pew Research which the OP provided.


Keelai, I'm surprised that you aren't blaming the Great Depression on Trump too! LOL

I don't rely on polls or statistics.

The trend for many years has been young adults moving back home after they can't pay off college loans owing to the fact that they got useless degrees and can't find jobs.
Marriages have been breaking up at at an alarming rate and young women move home with kids and toddlers in tow.
I've been reading news stories like this for years. They've occurred under Clinton, Bush (43), Obama, and earlier Presidents. None of those men were to blame.

We just live in a country of babied adults with protracted childhoods.

I agree that the economic fallout from COVID has been bad. People have lost jobs. Their futures are precarious right now.

But I'm reticent about using stats to "prove" confirmation bias.

Trump's distractors use every stat to further their personal beliefs that he's evil.

Instead of seeing this "moving home" trend as a negative, view it as a positive that families are willing to come together in a crisis and help each other.
But this too shall pass. Americans have weathered many crises. It's just that now, EVERY crisis is Trump's fault. It's based on feelings rather than facts.


"I don't rely on polls or statistics."

You don't rely on science, but only your subjective opinion which is based in fiction. Your opinion is irrelevant since it doesn't change the facts which are:

"A majority of young adults in the U.S. live with their parents for the first time since the Great Depression"


It's nationwide including rural areas.

The stats show the largest jump in young people moving in with their parents is in the South(7%), West and Midwest(5%) tied and then the Northeast(4%). Stats are close with 52% of young adults living with parents in the South and West, 48% in Midwest and 57% in Northeast.

Rural had a larger jump (6%) than metropolitan(5%), but stats are close with 49% vs 52% respectively.

The same is happening in foreign countries.


Shows what a great economy we had under rump, right?


Yeah and it’s total bullshit. My Daughter is 17 and won’t get out. Like, be over 30 already. Fuckin freeloader.


Most large towns are democrat controlled so any place other than your parents house will be full of roaches and rats.


A great sentence from someone who has nothing to say.
Silence is an option too. Maybe next time 😉


I'm wondering about this.

I've been doing Census work here in NJ and have to say I am shocked at the number of homes I have seen with 18-25 year olds who OWN them. I didn't buy my first house until I was in my 30's.
