MovieChat Forums > Politics > New Zealand Marks 100 Days of No Virus!!...

New Zealand Marks 100 Days of No Virus!!! Trump Marks 5 Million Cases!

Life is back to normal in New Zealand! Packed sports stadium and sitting inside restaurants and bars without fear of being infected.

Rigorous and quick testing stopped the virus in its tracks as those who were infected were isolated. For the past three months, the only new cases have been a handful of returning travelers who have been quarantined at the border.

“It was good science and great political leadership that made the difference,” said professor Michael Baker, an epidemiologist at the University of Otago. “If you look around the globe at countries that have done well, it's usually that combination.”

He said many leaders saw a false dichotomy between saving lives or saving their economies, when in fact businesses thrive best when they have certainty about things like diseases.

Indeed, New Zealand's economy has fared better than many predicted. The country has managed to keep its unemployment rate at just 4%.

Total infections were limited to just over 1,500 and the country has had just 22 deaths. Opinion polls indicate support for Ardern's liberal Labour Party has surged ahead of a general election next month.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has suffered 162,000 deaths and 5.1 million cases under the senile nutcase in the White House who called coronavirus "the hoax" for months, failed to scale-up testing, promotes stupidity over science like injecting disinfectant and the useless and dangerous hydroxychloroquine and attacking his own medical officials like Dr. Fauci.

Big difference between strong leadership in New Zealand and inept incompetence from Trump.


They don't have a "border". They are an island nation smaller than Colorado.


Holy cow, I know you have a problem with Trump. Truth be told, I don't like everything he's done either. But really!!!

Stop trying to pin all the blame on him. New Zealand has a population of 5 million. New York City alone has a population of over 8 million. Don't those numbers explain anything? Even to someone as determined as you to not THINK critically or logically.

Your comparisons and statistics are for sh*t. You are a Chicken Little (with the intellect of poultry) looking for yet another disaster to pin on Trump.

Talk about "senile nutcases"! Take a look in the mirror.


New York City has controlled coronavirus by following similar measures in New Zealand.

Trump is the president therefore the buck stops with him.

Trump is weak and inept which has needlesly caused the lives of over 163,000 Americans.

All he had to do was follow the pandemic guidebook left by two American presidents. Instead, he called the virus a hoax and played golf. Stop defending your lazy, slacker president!


A sudden earthquake isn't your fault. But the way you respond to it to save your family says a lot about you and your character. Same applies to a president.

Yes, China started the pandemic. However, Trump mishandled it. He implied that he didn't think it was nessesary to mandate masks, strict lockdowns, or social distancing. He pretended that the virus wasn't serious and claimed it will "magically disappear". As cases and deaths increased, he praises himself by claiming he does a "good job".

He wants to stop testing because more cases makes HIM look bad. He ignores basic questions and concerns from reporters by walking away like a coward. He shows zero remorse for those who died or lost loved ones. He whines that everyone likes Fauci more than him.

- If we had a better leader, we'd be in the same boat as New Zealand right now, or at least close enough. Trump is at least 70% responsible for the high number of cases in the US.


Interesting statistic. You say Trump is "70% responsible for the high number of cases". Where did you get that number?


I said "at least". So it's not an exact number. I wanted to hold him 90% or higher but I decided to cut him a small amount of slack to see if he'll get his sh!t together.


Oh I knew it was not an exact number! But I'm sure that Trump will sleep better knowing that you cut him some slack!

My question was, where did you get your statistic anyway? From the CDC? Some government office? Or just out of your head, a really dangerous place to get anything. LOL


I'm not defending him. I am pointing out to you that when comparing a nation of 300 million to one with 5 million, the numbers will be a lot different.
Do you think governing a country with the population of a large American city is as complicated as governing one with over 300 million?
Sitting in the comfort of your home and arm chair quarterbacking, I'm sure YOU had it all figured out and would have done an exemplary job! Why don't you run for President?

The "pandemic guidebook"? Where can I get a copy? Which last two Presidents wrote it?
I am sure you meant Obama is one. Who is the other?


You make every excuse in the book to defend your inept leader. He's weak, lazy and incompetent.

China has a population of 1.393 billion and has done a much better job at beating coronavirus which is why they are allowed in Europe, Canada and many other countries while the United States is banned. Trump literally has no plan!

You can't name the last two presidents? Google is your friend.

Pandemic guidebook which Trump didn't follow because he was too busy calling it a hoax. I suggest you download the pdf on top which is easier to read. If you read.


And of course YOU would be the first one to believe every statistic that comes out of China, that bastion of freedom and openness!
They started this virus and lied about it repeatedly. And you take their word for it. If the USA under Trump is so repugnant to you, I suggest you get yourself a pair of chopsticks and move there!

Not only will you be corona-free, you'll have SO MANY rights and privileges.

Google is MY friend? I have no doubt it's your best friend. I do know the last two Presidents. Don't talk like such a jackass. I just admit to being stunned that you'd give "Dubya" any credit for anything.

IF I read? Again, LOL and you are such a wit! Did anyone ever tell you that?


It's irrelevant what I believe. Multiple countries around the world have deemed China safe and the United States dangerous! They have spy satellites and foreign embassies to confirm what's going on in China.

"I do know the last two Presidents. "

No you didn't or you wouldn't have asked.

"The "pandemic guidebook"? Where can I get a copy?"

Now you have it! Read it!


love that the people there follow instructions to stay healthy not like here where we just gather in huge crowds because some think it is our right ok but why not clean up after so what ever you do does not get passed on to others


Trump is proud of his numbers. Republicans are proud of him.


Starting March 26th, New Zealand had the entire country self quarantine, except for essential workers.


"New Zealand combined strict physical distancing with strong testing, contact tracing, clinical management of those infected, and clear and regular public communication. The country also took steps to cushion the economic blow."

Similar strategy where I live. My area saw cases come down dramatically. No national leadership to make the strategy nationwide.


They're smarter than us. Most countries are.


When the ocean is your border, it kind of helps regulating the population from entering, doesn't it? How far did you have to go out of your way to ignore the obvious, or was it not obvious to you?


Manhattan is an island, too! Planes and ships/boats exist!

New Zealand just had 4 cases in one family appear so they are shutting down the entire city of Auckland!!!!

"Citizens in Auckland will be expected to work from home unless they are essential workers, and schools will close, as will bars, cafes and restaurants until the end of the week.

Ardern said in a televised press conference, “We’re asking people in Auckland to stay home to stop the spread.

“Act as if you have COVID, and as though people around you have COVID.”"

The four cases identified are believed to be all members of the same family, a man in his 50s and preschool age children. It is not yet known how they caught it.

If Trump were their president, he would be telling them to "liberate" and inject disinfectant.


You do know there are bridges connected to Manhattan, right? Are those bridges monitored for entry or are people allowed to go to and from freely?

Once again, do you go out of your way to ignore the obvious, or did you just not know?

