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California to have highest number of COVID-19 cases in the US after adding record spike of 12,800 new daily cases

California has overtaken New York for the highest number of coronavirus cases in the United States.

The most populous US state recorded 413,579 cases on Wednesday after adding a record 12,807 spike in new daily infections to its tally.

The state now has 5,000 more cases than New York - the original epicenter of the nation's outbreak.

New York currently has 408,181 total infections throughout the state.

If California were a country, it would rank fifth in the world for total COVID-19 cases behind only the United States, Brazil, India and Russia.

Meanwhile, New York's 32,520 deaths are still by far the highest total in the country and four times more than California's tally of 7,870.

Whelp, the more populous you are, the more fucked you are in all ways to come be it rent, COVID, traffic congestion, etc. I can see why many are moving out if not slowly.

Also, why is Cali so fucked right now? It's a mostly blue state where they were the first to issue a shelter-in-place order and did all the stuff the governor told them to do yet why this sudden reversal? Even with a slow reopening they were doing the social distance/mask stuff no? Was it because of the protests? Mind you the spikes mostly happened after the protests happened and when summer came around where many flocked to the beaches although I am not sure of Cali kept them closed.


Don't worry! Florida isn't that far behind! It'll catch up soon!!



Two problems:

1. States reopened indoor public spaces without realizing that's where it easily spreads. The eastern states (NY, NJ, CT) noticed this and are keeping indoor public spaces closed.

2. People need to remain vigilant even when the cases come down. Too many people behaved as if it's gone.

The protests were unlikely a problem since most people wore masks. There have been no escalation in the eastern states. Masks work!


Hmm I was so sure they got that info beforehand. I remember someone did a diagram (in China I think) that showed a restaurant and how even with social distance it still spread the virus. Air-Con and stuff if I recall. Let me see if I can find it.


Pretty sure their CDC or medical staff that 'advises' them on re-opening plans would've have mentioned these or have had them into account.

Update 2:
By May, Disneyland announced plans to reopen. The nation’s top health official Dr Anthony Fauci praised Governor Gavin Newsom’s leadership. And as the weather warmed, Californians flooded back to beaches and bars.

A few outbreaks sparked an explosion, with an average of about 6,000 to 7,000 new cases each day over the past week (July 5th of time of report). Los Angeles county began to count more residents sick with Covid-19 cases anywhere else in the nation and Disneyland postponed its reopening. As hospitalizations surged, the death toll climbed past 6,000, and ICU beds in some regions began filling to capacity, California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, ordered bars, restaurant dining rooms, cinemas and other indoor venues in the hardest-hit counties to close back up.

This leads me to think it was still going well during May as it takes a few weeks for symptoms to pop with the testings still taking place yet the mass amount of cases seemed to just happen in late June to early July. Protests started around June 8th if I recall if not a bit earlier. Fast forward a few weeks down the road and then you get to where we are today. Not saying protests are all the cause of it but the correlation and I think people just seeing it just made everyone go, "Oh so no one is social distancing no more huh?" lead to more flocking out, just around the time Summer started as well when things started to heat up.


People in restaurants and bars must remove their masks to eat, too.

We're still learning about this virus. Recently, 239 scientists asked WHO to address the spread from aerosoles.

California was further ahead in the contagion and control of it, so they didn't have the warnings when they began to reopen. Places like NY and NJ can view their mistakes in order to make adjustments.


This is probably a big reason...

They won't give the woman's details nor charged her, so my guess is she's an illegal.


This is why Newson ordered all bars to close once again! It's only been like 2 weeks since he announced this!

Restaurants will only be opened through takeout like it was before!

Salon service will be outdoors only!

Masks are continued to be manditory!

All indoor places like gyms, museums, theatres, will remain closed! Give it some time!

Newson is 10x more level headed than Georgia and Florida's governor!!


Two things I've seen California: People, especially the younger ones, aren't taking it seriously, and the Hispanic population's cases are disproportionately high. Reasons could be that illegal aliens didn't get stimulus checks, so they have to keep working and they live in crowded homes. They may be scared to get tested. Genetics could have something to do with it, as well.
