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Will Trump quit rather than face an ignominious defeat by losing 400 electoral votes ?

With new national poll numbers coming out with presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden ahead of Trump by 15 points, Trump's former close friend suspects Donny Deutsch believes President Donald Trump will quit the presidential race rather than suffer an ignominious defeat.

Deutsch has known Trump for decades, and believes he will cowardly drop out of the race rather than face a humiliating defeat. He explained his reasoning on MSNBC's "Morning Joe":

“What can the president do at this point?” Deutsch asked. “I go back to 2016. Basically he sloganed his way into the White House — ‘build a wall, ban the Muslims, lock her up, make America great again’ — you can’t slogan your way out of it. We’ll have 220,000 deaths to COVID come November. You have 50 million people unemployed, a decimation of race relations. You can’t slogan your way out of that.”

“If somebody said to me, what would you do for Donald Trump right now? what’s the answer?” he added. “I don’t have a playbook. I don’t see a move for him. He’s boxed in, Joe [Scarborough] has thrown this out, others have thrown it out, I think he drops the mic. I don’t think he’s going to allow himself to lose 400 electoral votes, a stunning loss of historic proportions. I think he’s a coward, I think he quits.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski has a different take.

“I think he does more and more out-of-the-norm behavior, crazy things,” Brzezinski said. “I think he does things to deflect. I think he basically pulls out all the stops, and we ain’t seen nothing yet when it comes to Donald Trump. That’s what frightens me.”


He won't quit. He'll blame incompetent people around him for his lost.


No, he won't quit. I also think he will win re-election by a larger electoral margin than he achieved in 2016.


There's no reason to vote for him.


Biden is a great reason to vote for Trump.


Trump's coronavirus mismanagement and failed economy are great reasons to vote for Biden.

Which is your favorite disinfectant to inject?


Biden would have been much worse.


I doubt Biden would have told people to look up at the sun and inject themselves with Lysol and Bleach. Then again, you may indeed find those recommendations as sound advice.


The economy was fine until Corona happened.


Yes, it was great. Then China unleashed their virus on the world.


I'm going to educate you about the job of presidency.

Roughly every ten years, there is a major crisis. In recent years, we had the mortgage and banking failures, 9/11, S&L failures, Cuban Missile and oil embargo crises. It's the president's job to be a strong leader, bring America together and handle a major crisis in order to keep America strong.

Trump has and is failing miserably at handling this crisis which is creating more problems like high unemployment. Wishing it all away is a failure of leadership. Making stupid suggestions about injecting disinfectant is a failure of leadership. Fighting with scientists and doctors who treat pandemics and create data is a failure of leadership.

Making excuses for his lack of leadership is a failure on your part. Stop mindlessly supporting this carnage he has allowed.


No, YOU have failed miserably. All of the Dems have failed. Rather than try and HELP America, you have instead used this pandemic to profit politically off the misery of Americans. You care NOTHING about the lives, the children, the elderly. All you care about is how to use it to your advantage politically, which makes you utterly disgusting.


You failed miserably when you voted for a lazy, inept slacker. Make excuses for your disastrous choice.


Trump delivered on his promises. Your friends, the CCP, had to help you.


No, he didn't. Economy is in shambles. North Korea has nukes. Iran has nukes. Coal industry still dying. Stock market in negative bear territory. Record high unemployment. Farmers taking government handouts because Trump lost the trade war. China laughing at us. Tax cut for the rich which middle-class paid for. No affordable prescriptions. No repeal and replace health insurance. Crime in cities rising. No wall which Mexico has paid. Swamp worst with corrupt Trump. Taxes not simplified to one page.

Why do you believe mass unemployment and death are good things for America?


Because of China. They caused all this all over the world with their virus. They changed the whole world. China did. They need to be held accountable, too.


Europe controlled the virus! China controlled the virus! Canada controlled the virus! Australia has controlled the virus. New Zealand has controlled the virus. Even Vietnam has controlled the virus!!!! Vietnam!!!!!!!

The U.S, the richest country in the world with advanced medical and technological resources, has record high infection rate, death rate and can't produce enough tests.

Same virus for all the countries with drastically different results!

The buck stops with Trump!

Enjoy this short video:


China let it loose. And then lied about it while letting it loose. Do you not notice this has affected the whole world?


The rest of the world where it has been controlled? They have competent leadership!

The U.S. has an inept sociopath who blames everyone else for his failures and refuses responsibility for his incompetence.

Excuses and blame are for losers! The buck stops with Trump!


Controlled? You mean all over the world where things are shut down, where people are insanely having to wear masks any time they go out? That's your idea of control?


Stop watching Fox.

Only a fool would not wear a mask which means you and Trump.

My state has made great progress and I will continue to social distance and wear a mask because that's the smart thing to do until we have a true leader in place like Biden. Thankfully, Biden is already meeting with health officials to create a plan to stop the spread of Trump's pandemic. Meanwhile, Trump is golfing today!

Countries which have it under control will continue to do the responsible thing and encourage masks and social distancing. Trump encourages injecting disinfectant.

The buck stops with Trump! That's why so many Americans have died.


Leftists are the ones bring about domestic terrorism to the country. Trump has delegated the responses to the governors as each state has been affected differently.


What nonsense! Each state has counties which have been effected differently. Those governors didn't delegate their responsibility. There is one standard and when each county meets that standard they begin to open up in phases. My state has counties at different phases. Foreign countries have done the same thing with much success.

The E.U. has banned the U.S. but not China. The buck stops with Trump!

Trump is inept which is why he refused to follow the pandemic handbook he inherited. Trump is too busy hawking beans to be bothered with millions of Americans becoming sick.

Domestic terrorists are the gunmen killing people in synagogues and Walmarts who quote Trump. AKA: Right-wing extremists. AKA: Trump's "very fine people":


But Corona did happen, like other big crisis which happened under Presidents. And Trump showed everyone he is incapable of being a leader and handling a crisis of this magnitude. So why give him another four years as a leader ? What will happen when another crisis hits our country ? Will he hide in the bunker once again ?


“You can’t slogan your way out of this”




But, but Hillary was supposed to win and she got more votes! waaaahhhh!!! its not fair.


Lol, no democrat can win with less votes. I doubt a democrat can win with equal votes. Repubs need help to stay in the game, so the EC gives it to them.


Still watching "Morning Blow"?


I doubt Biden can achieve 400 + votes...those days of an electoral blow out are over with.

I suspect if Biden wins and he probably will (at this point) it will more likely be a 2008 type victory.

I'm surprised both campaigns haven't been more focused on NC...which I think will be the true toss-up state this time around.


I could see him losing by 100-150. I don't think Biden is quite the guy to get the near 200 lead that Obama got vs McCain.

Losing by 100 is still ridiculously high for an incumbent.


Right, I get it.

But he'd have to lose PA, WI, MI and Biden would still be the victor at 278 vs 260.

So where does Biden get to 300 +

Does he win Texas?
Does he win Iowa?
Does he win Arizona?

I don't see Trump losing any of the above three.


Florida and Ohio.


Texas is up for grabs - and by the most recent polls, Biden is pulling further ahead. Texas is seeing a surge in COVID this summer, and businesses are starting to close down again, putting more people out of work. Trump can't slogan his way out of that mess.


What is the point of even winning?


Boosts his ego.


He and his family make billions with no oversight like Putin did. The U.S. is basically a kleptocracy with the Trump family profiting.


Ah I see. To quote Bruce Springsteen: “Poor man wants to be rich, rich man wants to be king; and a king ain’t satisfied until he owns everything.”
