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US: 75,600 new COVID cases shatters one day record

The US confirmed it had 75,600 new COVID cases on Thursday, shattering the old one-day record which was recorded last Friday with 68,421 cases in a single day. This is the 15th time in the past thirty days that the US reported such a grim milestone.

Trump, who said back in April that the virus would be gone by July and unemployment would be way down, had something very important to say yesterday.

He said that sometimes it takes about a hundred flushes to flush a toilet which is just as bad as 75,000+ new cases of COVID. And sometimes you take a shower and no water comes out - which is just as bad as the 140,000 Americans who died from COVID on his watch. But he's fixing the plumbing problems.


Those peaceful protesters have caused this spike.


And the knucklehead governors who reopened their states early


No, it was the peaceful protesters. They had a map of all the peaceful protests this morning and all of them coincided with new hot spots for the China virus.


In Florida, Arizona , Texas?


Of course. All over. That's not including the billions in damage they have done. Being peaceful is expensive.


The Govs and mayors who reopened early are also To blame. They all admit it was a mistake


Not DeSantis.





They've already ruled out the peaceful protesters from June 1- 15. None of the hotspots were where the protests were being held.

The big hot spots - especially Florida - was where the governors pushed to reopen the economy too early. And Tulsa, Oklahoma - where Trump launched COVIDpalooza. So don't try to blame 'the peaceful protesters' .

Try again.


You're stupid! It's not just the protesters. Which btw many were wearing masks. At least 80% of them.

It was reopening too quickly that caused everyone to be careless and forget how serious this is.




Did they also shatter the record for number of COVID tests given on that day? 😂

And for ANYONE who says mass protests somehow won’t spread COVID, but going to the beach in Florida are imbeciles to the highest degree. They both can spread COVID. If you’re that brainwashed by your politics then there’s no hope for you.


Also, no one being tested was asked if they were out protesting. Science is only real when their Ministry of Truth tell them.
