MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump's biggest accomplishment: He broug...

Trump's biggest accomplishment: He brought us back to 1918, 1929, and 1968 all at the same time!

Congratulations to Trump!

He has managed to bring back the 1918 Pandemic, the 1929 Recession, and the 1968 Race Riots all at the same time, just months before his re-election !

Trumptoads are proud of him!


His followers are suddenly quiet. Don't they want to defend Trump's pandemic, depression and race riots?


As I replied in another thread you folks started, I worked with the developmentally disabled. Didn't argue with THEM either!

But seriously, I don't think you people are that dumb, just willfully ignorant and angry.

Trump is responsible for RACE RIOTS? Huh? And here I was thinking that they were the "peaceful protests of the disenfranchised who were suffering from slavery" as the left wing media likes to put it.

So Pres. Trump has the power to force minorities to riot? These people have no willpower, no power AT ALL over their own actions? They do as they are commanded?
Geez, what a half-assed racist way of thinking that is!

Trump's "pandemic"! Oh for cryin out loud, buy yourselves a pair of chopsticks and go live in China if you think it's all effing great there.

Depression? The economy was going along just fine until it had to be shut down because of a chicken little "the sky is falling" virus. But fear not, the day after the election, if, and perish the thought, if Biden is elected, there WILL suddenly "be a cure"!


You're in denial.

Obviously, you're happy with a president who tweets and watches TV all day instead of works. Putin can place a bounty on the heads of marines and you couldn't care less about Americans needlessly dying en masse.

Normal Americans have much higher standards for their leaders than you do.


"Normal Americans"? Who are they, pray tell? The crowd who gave Hillary her "landside" of votes? Yes, the US of A would be a virtual paradise today if she was in office.
You are in denial about just what ONE person can do.

I noticed that you didn't address ANY of the points I brought up. Y'all just have no legitimate argument. Just the usual blather.

I cared a lot about Ambassador Stevens and the brave Marines at our embassy who got NO HELP from Hillary. I watched her as she testified and said, "What difference does it make who killed them?"

You folks on the left are awful picky and choosy when it comes to military deaths. Depends if your candidate is in office.


"Normal Americans"? Who are they, pray tell?

Those who have an IQ higher than a double digit. Obviously, you never met anyone like that.


MM- well....l'm talking to you, so I admit I am spending time with a (barely) double digit I.Q. holder. LOL


You don't care about U.S. marines. Three dead marines because of Putin's bounty and Trump's support!


They only care when it suits them.


You don't want a cure for the virus ? Why do you want more dead Americans and more dead people around the world ? You have such a sick mind.


I don't want a cure for a virus??? Duh! People in hell want ice water, doesn't mean they are getting it. What I want is not the issue.

When did I say I WANT more dead people? People will die every day whether I WANT IT or not. Car crashes, drug overdoses, cigarette deaths, etc.

Let's lower the speed limit to 20 mph and we will cut down on traffic related deaths. Let's outlaw those a@@hole cell phone users and they won't die in traffic related deaths.

People die by the thousands from cigarette related disease. But the government won't outlaw ciggies because the tax revenue is a bounty for them. Why don't you call THEM sick?

Let's have the nanny state, paradise utopia that the left wants where everyone is told what to do and we'll ALL be safer.

I have a "sick mind"? Well at least I have a mind. You seem to be operating with mush for brains.


Pjpurple. You seem to have an IQ of 00.001 with a 2nd grade education!

How could you say with little compassion that covid-19 will never end and that you don't care if people die. You're sick and mentally retarted. Please check yourself into an asylum .


I've had brainless responses to my posts before, but yours takes the "Brainless of the Decade" Award!!

So what exactly IS my problem? Low I.Q., no education, mental retardation or insanity? LOL I know what YOUR problem is, but I don't think the word has been coined yet to describe the paucity of intelligence that you exhibit. Oh wait! Yes it has, brain dead!

I said NONE of the stupid and nonsensical crap you accused me of saying!

People die every day. That's been the reality since Cain killed Abel. I don't make the rules. Maybe the world would be a wonderful place if no one ever died. But then the Earth would be a really crowded place. And the leftist tree hugging, leave no carbon footprint, mankind is killing the planet fanatics would go into full insanity mode. THEY are the ones who think the planet is already overcrowded and humanity is a blight on nature.

Please point out to me where I wrote "covid-19 will never end"?

They still haven't found a cure for the common cold! But since Trump is President, I guess that's why this virus hasn't been cured yet. Of course Hillary would've stirred up some magical curing potion in her cauldron by now.

Interesting that you would bring up the word 'asylum' in your post. I gather from your inane spiel that is your current residence. Didn't know that they allowed you folks to use computers! I hope the staff rescinds your computer time and returns your silly putty and crayons so you can get back to doing something useful and less dangerous.
Sweet Jesus, you are the dumbest poster I've ever encountered and I've encountered some incredibly dumb ones before!

P.S- If you want to call someone "retarded" at least learn how to spell it! And tsk, tsk, such politically incorrect and insensitive language coming from SUCH a "compassionate" sort as yourself! lolol

And by the way, no one "checks himself into an asylum". But you should know that. When did your family and psychiatrist have you committed?


No, they don't. Lucky for us they have all slithered away back into oblivion, and left the JV team to defend Trump.


His so-called followers need not defend him since the OP is absurd. And dont' be simpleminded all your life by linking those with common sense with "followers". Now, if only Trump could turn back enough time to eradicate the last 40 yrs or so, and MAGA


Trump did not make America great. He made it weak. In my area, there are multiple food lines within blocks of each other, businesses are closing and the remaining ones are bleeding profit, and everyone I know has lost someone to covid-19.

You're absurd for thinking any of that is great!


He has very low expectations for 'great'.


All that (homelessness) was happening BEFORE Trump came along, and will continue when Trump is gone. You're expecting him to find a care for a virus. Sure, he wants there "not" to be a cure. Excuses.


I didn't mention homelessness.

There is a cure for the high rate of coronavirus: wear a mask, social distance and slowly open the economies based on data like the CDC recommends and successful states and countries have followed.

Trump's response is to inject disinfectant, call it a hoax, state it's not his responsibility, encourage its spread like he did in Tulsa where it went up dramatically after his rally, not follow the pandemic playbook and fire health officials.


Trump's response is to inject disinfectant, call it a hoax, state it's not his responsibility, encourage its spread like he did in Tulsa where it went up dramatically after his rally, not follow the pandemic playbook and fire health officials.

...and then break for a McDonald's lunch, head to the golf course, and call it a day.


I'd throw in the 1919 red summer with a dash of McCarthyism as well.


What's next? The sinking of the Titanic in 1912??


Yes indeed - it's called the SS Trump today. Sue Collins, Lady Lindsay, Lisa Murkowski, Joni Ernst - they're just some of the passengers on board.


Hahahahaha ... ZING!!!! good shot! ;-)


It's the honest truth. He brought back those historic days of the 20th Century into the 21st Century in one full swoop - all in a few months.


I would say 19th century myself.


The major leftist run cities brought back the race riots not Trump.
