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West Virginia mail carrier guilty of election fraud after altering ballot requests to Republican

A West Virginia postal carrier pled guilty to mail and election fraud after admitting he changed the political affiliation on multiple voter ballots from Democrat to Republican.

Voter fraud is rare but when someone does get caught its almost always a Republican.


I don't think that matters in the general since anyone can vote for whomever they want regardless of party affiliation, but may make a difference in Dem Primaries for local candidates. Probably the mail carrier being West Virginia white trash didn't even know that. He just thought he was helping Trump out.




That's what a slackjaw redneck thought he was doing - helping Trump out, of course.


It’s not ”almost always a Republican.“

”This is not a partisan issue. Heritage has documented elections overturned or elected officials removed on account of fraud that involved both Democrats and Republicans.

No, voter fraud isn't a myth: 10 cases where it's all too real


The Washington Times? *snicker*


I don’t care where it’s printed if I can corroborate elsewhere, which I did. BTW, The Washington Times is not alt-right. The trouble is you anti-Trumpers can’t handle the truth.


Actually it's usually Democrats committing election voter fraud, which is why they oppose anti-fraud measures while Republicans support them, but I want to thank your partisan myopia for supporting President Trump's case about the vulnerability of mail in elections. Democrats, being petty and childish, can't help but try to pawn grab, even if it means sacrificing their larger position.
