MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do u ever feel like someone without a pa...

Do u ever feel like someone without a party?

I'm not a follow a party blindly guy. But I think we all look at politicians and have to pick who we think most closely appeals to our views.

Just like in 2016 we have two terrible candidates.


Very much so. Both major parties stake out positions and then dig in to fight each other. No one can ever admit they were wrong or made a mistake. No one can ever say that the situation has changed. I am getting very tired of people who can never admit they were wrong about something.


Yes. Why is it so hard to call out bullshit when it's bullshit. It's like a liberal is scared to call out Bidens BS in fear of being called a Trump supporter. Or if a Trump supporter mentions it bothering them that Trump brags about sexually assaulting women, people tell them to vote for the Dems then.

It makes it nearly impossible to have constructive conversations to make any progress.

That's why I enjoy watching The Hill Rising. It seems to be one of the only shows that can discuss these BS incidents from both sides without it becoming a shouting match.

The cable news format's of CNN, FOX, etc don't help either. The shows on those networks care more about dividing us more then coming together.

I was a young child in the 80's, but was it always this bad?



I sometimes think although social media has been great because it gives everyone a voice, it also makes so many people use it just to demean others and find their own tribe.

Wonderful but destructive technology.

I kinda like when I watch a politically themed show or clip on youtube and comments are turned off. Because the temptation to view the comments is too much to resist and anytime I read them it's nothing but back and forth bickering. Maybe an argument has been won in comments sections but I've never seen it.


I don't follow a party blindly, either. Both sides are corrupt but now the Democratic Party has been completely hijacked by radical progressive leftists!

As far as 2016, we had one HORRIFIC candidate and one GREAT candidate. The best man definitely won.


See, this is what is so frustrating. You call Trump a great candidate but it doesn't bother you that he encourages cops to rough people up? That he brags about sexually assaulting women because he's famous?

How can someone see him say these things and just be like "Yep he's good in my book?"


Any candidate from any party which brags about sexually assaulting women because he's famous doesn't deserve to be in public office - not even dog catcher, never mind President.

But the republican party has been hijacked by the alt-right wing-nuts since 2008, when they gave us the new face of the GOP: Sara Palin.

In 2010 they followed with the wing-nuts of the Tea Party (whatever happened to them, and their cry for smaller government while Trump has unleashed the military on peaceful protesters?). Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul and the rest of them - all products of the 'Tea Party'.

Now they gave us Trump, and we're on the verge of dictatorship. We have a President who disrespects the military, sides with Russia over his own country, and praises NeoNazis as very fine people. He's a pathological liar, an outright racist, and a misogynist. He's the first president to be impeached in his first term for asking a foreign country to interfere with our upcoming elections. In times of action and times of leadership (which has been the first six months of 2020) he has shown incompetence and fear - hiding in his bunker instead of talking with protesters. Tear-gassing peaceful protesters for a 'photo op'. Smearing a 75 year old man, who devoted his life to peaceful activism and equality for all, who was shoved to the ground by police and left bleeding from his head.

Yet his supporters and the GOP have built the Red Wall of Silence, and have stuck by him since day one - each personally afraid of him 'turning on them' and embarrassing them via Twitter. It's disgusting. They spread conspiracy theories to try and deflect from the truth, or use 'alternate facts' (re: lies) to push their disgraceful agenda.

But if anyone wants that running the country for another four years - have at it.

Ronald Reagan must be rolling in his grave to see the party he worked so hard to bring back to life and restore it's reputation (after Nixon) has fallen so low and disgraceful.


"You call Trump a great candidate but it doesn't bother you that he encourages cops to rough people up? That he brags about sexually assaulting women because he's famous?"

He was a decent candidate, one I thought could shape up this country. He became a GREAT President. Perfect, no. But the best we've had in a very long time.
As far as your questions, he's never encouraged cops to "rough people up." That is utterly ridiculous! He is a law and order president, which is one big reason he got elected. As far as "bragging about sexually assaulting women because he's famous," is also ridiculous. He said that if you're famous you COULD get away with it.
Stop listening to leftist news sources. They spin things.

How can someone see him say these things and just be like "Yep he's good in my book?"

He wasn't elected for his personality. He's a strong leader.
Unfortunately we have Democrats who are all corrupt and Republicans who are almost as bad.


Thanks for this response.

It shows the world that eating Tide Pods, and injecting yourself with Bleach and Lysol are very dangerous indeed. It makes you suffer from diarrhea of the mouth, which causes you to ramble on and on making no sense at all, while your eyes roll back into your head and you start hallucinating. You go into a deep denial of reality, and settle into a world of conspiracy theories.

There's no hope when one is this ill.


Talk about ill. Someone who spends their life on here, creating a new account as if we wouldn't notice your usual retched type of posts along with posting "doggiestyle," getting close to 300 posts in one weeks time! 👍🏻😆
Did you really think you fooled us just because you quit writing "T-rump?!!!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Didn't want to give yourself away, huh? You can change your screen name but you can't escape yourself.

You must have been really embarrassed by the way myself, krl, Gd, kspkap, zaq, Bubba, sut, AmeriGirl, etc. all demolished you so badly before the birth of your new account that you were too embarrassed to come back as yourself.
We understand. 🐶

From now on we should just starve you instead of feeding you.


It's worth repeating:

It shows the world that eating Tide Pods, and injecting yourself with Bleach and Lysol are very dangerous indeed. It makes you suffer from diarrhea of the mouth, which causes you to ramble on and on making no sense at all, while your eyes roll back into your head and you start hallucinating. You go into a deep denial of reality, and settle into a world of conspiracy theories.

There's no hope when one is this ill.


Tide Pods? Bleach? Lysol? What are you talking about?




Are you saying you are planning to swallow a spoonful of Clorox?




Is that a movie?




Is that a prequel to All in the Family?


When did he brag about sexually assaulting women?


On the Access Hollywood tape.


What exactly did he say that was bragging about sexual assault, because I heard that tape, but didn't hear that. Please quote his words.


You don't even ask them, you just do it.

I mean if you want to argue over meaning thats fine but he definitely said this. Which as a man with daughters if I heard someone tell me they are famous so they grab women's private parts without even asking i make sure they aren't around any women in my family.

How can one hear that and not take it as bragging?


That's not what he said, and I wonder if you purposely misquoted him because you realize it isn't the way you tried to make it sound. Find the quote, don't put it in your own words.


Umm...are u nuts?
"I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything, grab them by the pussy. You can do anything ".
There you go. Word for word. How you can interpret that any way other than someone bragging about sexually assaulting women because of his power is insane.

Buy yeah great standup guys definitely say things like that don't they?

And yeah as someone with daughters this is absolutely disgusting.


Let's pretend that it wasn't just some guy being a blowhard around other guys, which is notorious for wealthy men of his age. Let me ask you, if you "let" someone into your home, does that mean they forced their way inside? Of course not, it means you knowingly allowed it, probably even invited it. If they "let" him, it means they were ok with it, and it follows his line of speaking talking about how women are attracted to power.


You don't appear to know what sexual assault is. Correct?

Normally, Trump has to pay for sex. No one really wants him including his wife which explains his behavior on that tape.


No. I don’t. The Democrat party has been corrupt since the 1960s. The Democrat media abcnnbbcbs is partnered with them. They are trying to destroy the country and make it communist so they can be in control of everyone.

Feel free to ask any questions about any topic and I’ll explain how every stance they take is really just about acquisition of power for themselves, the Democrat leadership. It’s why all the billionaires are Democrat. Because they’re easy to buy off.

The Republican Party means more freedom, more choices, more opportunities to acquire wealth and success for yourself. It’s means independent opportunity and responsibility for your own success.

The United States has more opportunity than any country in the history of the world. More people are more prosperous than anywhere in history. And the prosperity is diversified among all races.

Pay attention. Find independent news sources. Remember what you learn today so tomorrow you can look back and see the hypocrisy. See the empty promises. See how the Democrat party via education/media mentally enslaves their lemming followers.

It’s all there for viewing if you have an open mind. Just look at every inner city they’ve run for the last 50-100 years.


I am not part of any party. However I cannot support the Democrats.


This is how I feel. Environmental protection is and has probably always been my biggest concern, and I can't in my good conscience vote for Republicans, who have gone from at least pretending to care in the 90's to now outright waging a war on the environment.

Putting an oil lobbyist in charge of the EPA is about as insulting as it can get.

Tbh I may not support everything Democrats do bit when one side at least supports carbon taxes and the other side values profits of clean aor and water that makes my decision pretty easy.

I won't bring up climate change because I know that's a trigger phrase for Republicans..

But I would say even of u say ALL of the scientists who say it's real are just hacks pushing a leftist agenda, you certainly can't say pollution isn't a real problem.

So instead of saying we are fighting climate change why not fight pollution. The solutions are very similar.


Yes, we save the environment but destroy the country. I'd rather we save the country.


And u are ok leaving a polluted and dirty earth for the next generation? I worry about mass extinction, running out of water, and all of the other irreversible damage we are causing, all so people can get richer.

This republican attitude of screw our grandkids is bothersome.


No, but that is not a certainty. That is a guess based on a loose hypothesis from scientists who have been consistently wrong about everything.


Both main political parties in the US are fracturing to some degree, the DEM fracturing a lot more at this moment.


I have a question for Trump: Do you ever a plastic bag...drifting through the wind...wanting to start again? Do you ever a house of cards...afraid of caving in?


I like to call it "Politically Homeless"


Who’s your ideal candidate? What would they “stand for”. Tell us one Republican you ever voted for and why? What do you like about Donald Trump?

What do you like about Joe Biden?


I don't know if there is an ideal candidate that fits everything I believe in, but some ideas I generally support are:

Becoming less dependent on fossil fuels while also making us less dependent on foreign energy sources. However, I also realize that often times the clean energy solutions available now use fossil fuels to initially create, and that clean energy isn't often as dependable as traditional methods like oil and gas. I think in a perfect world nuclear is a great option, however the consequence for any type of accident may be too much for nuclear to be a viable option. Still, I won't support people that put big oil and fracking first. We shouldn't be using finite resources that without question do sever damage to the ecosystem and environment. The aftermath of some what's left after fracking is really sad. Oil spills are also very sad.

This makes me lean towards the left for this.

I want someone who thinks it's completely immoral and unacceptable for American's to not be able to afford their medications and even worse go into financial ruin because they got sick. A close friend of mind lost everything she had worked for her entire life just because she got cancer. I feel the Canadian model is one we should aim for, but I also see the pro's and con's of every system. But I would argue if our model was the best, other developed countries would be doing the same thing. I know people will say that foreigners coming here for surgeries is proof our system is the best, but this is only true if you have the money to afford this. Poor people aren't flying here from Canada to get surgery. But a lot of American's are secretly getting their meds from other countries.
Whether or not healthcare should be profit driven is up for debate, I tend to think it shouldn't be, and as someone who has personally worked in healthcare before my current career, I can tell you first hand it's beyond frustrating having to waste time getting Prior Authorizations from insurance....


Companies who feel they know what's better for a patient then a doctor. I also realize some there are some doctors who like making as much profit as possible and love the way our system works. But there are also a lot of doctors who I am sure would prefer it if they could just treat their patients and not be tempted to give someone a certain medication over another because they make more money. The doctor I worked for told me Medicare was bad because we made less but good because it was very easy to work with. You knew beforehand you were getting paid without jumping thru hoops.

This makes me lean left for this, but I don't think what Democrats like Obama offered was really any solution. Yes it was good that people with pre-exisiting conditions couldn't be denied and it was better that more people got insured, but it was still giving insurance companies insane profits while many people simply couldn't afford their premiums. A lot of people saw their costs go up. I've heard Obama had to settle because the Republicans wouldn't approve what he really wanted, but I don't have a source and won't look it up. It's pointless anyways.

I definitely am for 100% equal rights for minorities and gays. I think most people, even the majority of Republicans do as well. It's not 1950 anymore. However, while I will certainly call someone what they want to be called, I do NOT think transgender women should be allowed to compete in women's sports. Biologically you are still male, and I go back and forth on whether or not transgender is a mental disorder. I hate sounding insensitive, and, as I stated, if I ever met a transgender person I would treat them how they want to be treated, but I do draw the line at things like sports. To me this is feminism gone too far. If LeBron James decided he was a woman and was scoring 800 points a game in the WNBA, I wonder how many people who support allowing transgender women in women's sports would change their view.

So I guess on this issue I am...


center maybe even center right?

I fully support legal recreational marijuana. While I think many more liberals support this than conservatives, I do know that many Libertarions support this as well. And really when the majority of Americans support it (and this number gets higher each year) this should have been done years ago.

I guess I lean left on this but to me this shouldn't be a left or right issue.

I would be happy to give you my view on any other topic. Just ask.

As for my ideal candidate, I guess the people we still hear about today that I like are Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard. While I did like Yang's UBI proposal, it was a lot of his other policies that I really loved. I do think taking the boot of people's throat financially would be great overall. I won't go deep into his policies but if you are curious I believe his webpage is still up. I liked Gabbard as well because she doesn't take money from special interest groups and I really back her idea of actually bringing our troops home. I like her ideas for clean energy. I also like the fact she thinks abortion should be illegal after the 3rd trimester.

I've only voted Republican once and that was in 2000 for W. I was 18 at the time and I was pretty disgusted by Clinton's affairs. I get that people's personal lives are just that, but you are the Leader of the Free World. Show some class. All of that stuff was icky.

I voted for Kerry in 04 after the debacle in Iraq, and have generally voted left ever since. I have voted for local Republicans, recently in the small city I live in I voted for the Republican mayor.

But just because I vote left it doesn't mean I really like the candidate. I actually have voted 3rd party a lot. Voted for Stein in 2016.

I think establishment politics is a detriment to all Americans, I mean how can we say politicians have our best interests at heart when they are owned by lobbyists. This is probably why I liked Yang and Gabbard.

As for Trump, I mean I think he is..


a pretty shitty human being. He is just as sleazy and sick as Clinton. Paying off Stormy Daniels, the Access Hollywood Tape (and sorry but if you didn't hear that and come to the conclusion he was bragging about sexually assaulting women because he is rich and powerful you are an idiot in complete denial), his non-apology after calling for the Central Park 5 to be killed, his shady business dealings, especially screwing contractors, his constant lashing out at anyone who says anything bad about him (grow a pair, quit being so thinned skin, u are the POTUS, of course people will be critical of you).

And this is just his personality.

I was really disturbed when he put an oil executive in charge of the EPA. Fine, he doesn't think climate change is an existential threat to the world, but putting a guy who is an enemy of environmentalists is a complete joke.

I think he enjoys dividing the country. He seems to get his rocks off on it. I do however think the media has at times been unfair to him. But when I try to cut out all of the bullshit I think he sucks. He touts the economy while ignoring the fact the wealth gap between the poor and rich is the worst it's ever been, and I don't think Wall Street an any way represents how good or bad America is doing as a whole.

Now, with ALL of this I wrote I will also say I am not an expert on any of this, and neither is anyone reading this. We all try to decipher what is true and false and come up with our own conclusions.

I probably forgot to mention what I want most in a President is someone that can truly unite at least some Republicans and Democrats. Maybe that's what I liked about Yang and Tulsi. They got support from people from both sides and all backgrounds. American's have always had our differences, but in this age of social media, where it seems that going as low as possible against each other is the norm, I really think we need more politicians that can work together.

It seems nearly hopeless for that now....


And while Trump sucks Biden does as well. I can't believe out of EVERYONE in America, these are the two best we can come up with?
