I'm now convinced that Trump MUST win re-election
This swing to the left, political correctness gone mad, makes me realise how much the world needs someone who is against that.
I really hope Trump wins reelection.
This swing to the left, political correctness gone mad, makes me realise how much the world needs someone who is against that.
I really hope Trump wins reelection.
Political correctness hasn't changed much over the last 30 years. There's just this subsection of people who are really angry because of their own assumptions that PC culture got really bad when a black man was able to win a presidential election by a landslide.
sharePolitical correctness has changed GREATLY over the last 30 years. For example, just 23 years ago Disney released 'Jungle 2 Jungle' that included the joke of Tim Allen hailing a cab and his son saying 'magic', to which he respond, 'no magic would be if he understands English.'
Look at how Disney is now? They won't even put up their movie 'Song of the South' on Disney Plus incase someone gets offended.
As I said, political correctness hasn't changed much over the last 30 years. If Disney movies is all you can come back with, you are proving my point. Thanks. Also, television stations have been hesitant to show Song of the South for waaaay more than 30 years. Thanks again.
shareI could come up with countless examples.
And I could come up with examples of PC culture from the 80s and 90s. There was no right-wing movement to incessantly whine about it back then because a black man hadn't become president yet, there was no gamergate, and there was no Anita Sarkeesian. It's those three things that set the wheels in motion to bitch and moan over stuff that's been going on since before you were born.
shareHeck no! Worst idea ever. We're in the middle of a Pandemic! One that he takes as an effing joke!! He has no idea how to handle a crisis like this. He ignores it and dismisses advice for professionals!
He cares more about the economy than the actual people! Thousands of people dead and he's not shown one ounce of remorse or empathy. He cares about only one person! Himself!!!
For me it's tiresome to see such a bumbling disaster run things. I get the appeal of seeing someone who doesn't give a f about what people think but it Trump's case he doesn't give an f about anyone including you, his supporter. He only cares about getting re-elected and so many will play into his bs and vote for him.
shareYou must be kidding!! Trump is the worst president the USA has ever had! He is a racist, homophobic, misogynist! He is despicable!
I hope he is out of the White House ASAP!