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Why is Trump so quiet with the second spike in COVID19?

New cases of COVID 19 has spiked since Trump and the Trumpers pushed for 'reopening the economy' in early May, with the average number of confirmed cases more than doubling in the past two weeks in Arizona, Arkansas, Oregon and Utah. Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Nevada saw new highs in a seven-day rolling average. More than a dozen other states have seen spikes in COVID 19 cases in the past few weeks, since they followed Trump's orders to open the economy 'earlier' than medical experts recommended.

Hmmm. Yet Trump has remained quiet, and looks the other way these days. No more press conferences, no more Dr. Fauci, no more Trump suggestions of inhaling bleach and injecting Lysol...he's beem really quiet. He referred to the spike last week as some 'ambers' we can stomp out, but those ambers are slowly turning into a forest fire.

What gives, Trumpers?


Remember??? He got scared of the big tough protestor's and hid in his bunker like a little baby. Hasn't been seen ever since. Which is fine by me! Hopefully
he'll stay away and drop out of the elections.


There has been no 'second spike'. The number of deaths has been consistently decreasing since early May.


They're starting to come out with this "second spike" nonsense because when this "racism" plan doesn't work out, they'll go back to "everyone is gonna die!!" And when that doesn't work again, they'll give Impeachment another shot.


Mmmm... I don't think that's it.

Probably, there's gonna be a small spike this month in US because of the riots. Blacks who riot together, spread the virus together. Of course, the media can't say it'll be their own fault, because blacks are holy and can't do bad (amen), saying otherwise is racist and nazi. So they're "preparing" the scenario with a fictional second spike that would have happened since before the riots.

Knowing that's fake news is as easy as checking the daily number of deaths. But you can be sure that graph won't be showed in mainstream media, and most of people won't look for it.


Fake news already has it planned on blaming those who attend Trump rallies.

But not the devils at the riots.


"Blacks" as you say were protesting and rioting with white people. I doubt you're colorblind so you deliberately singled out African Americans in your statement which was misleading and questionable. Something Fox news and OAN practice and preach.


Trump doesn't care about anything but getting elected again. He's completely capable of this line of thought: "I'll be quiet on Covid spikes because if more people panic in November, my voters will turn out and the "shutdown/ antibusiness Democrats" will follow social distancing and stay home."


He has completely ignored the second spike, he has completely ignored the fact that we have surpassed 2M confirmed cases in America. He doesn't talk about this any more as the election draws closer and his numbers are in free fall.


If the election were today he'd probably loose. November is a long enough time for goldfish brained Americans to forget recent events and shoot themselves in the foot. Again.


The only supporters he has right now is his dwindling base. And that base is represented here (you know who they are), so not much hope for Trump.


Thanks I appreciate you countering my pessimism.


First Trump tried to 'hoax' COVID away in February, then he tried to magically wish it away in March (remember his magic number '15'), then he tried to inject it away with Lysol in April, and then he tried to Tweet it away in May.

Now we're in June, and he's just given up and he's ignoring it (2M+ confirmed cases, 116K+ deaths) as he hides in his bunker.

But come November, voters will remember. Thanks to Dems, Independents, the Lincoln Project, and many others who want him out in November - we will remind everyone about the unnecessary deaths in America and our loved ones gone, due to his negligence and his 'hoaxing' it all away.


All fake what you just said. But you know, even though he didn't mean it that way about it being a hoax, ironically he actually wasn't wrong. 😉

Also, when did the "first spike" end? Lemme guess...on May 27th??🤔


You don't have to guess when the first spike ended - there's plenty of data available for you, if you understand how to research, read and comprehend (I have my doubts, though).

Ironically he wasn't wrong about it being a hoax???????????????? More than 115,000 dead and "ironically he wasn't wrong" ? More than 2M confirmed cases, and he wasn't wrong about it being a hoax?????????????????

How much bleach and Lysol do you inject each day?


"Follow the science," listen to Fauci and Birx, what does the WHO say, how about the CDC???

They were all WRONG over and over and over and over and over again.
Recently admitting the virus is not as deadly as they thought. Oh well.

Don't wear a mask, masks are optional, WEAR A MASK! Stay 6' away, 6' may not be far enough. We're all gonna die!!!!!

Hysteria. Control. Also political.

There's a lot of data out there at your fingertips (although you may have to dig because the truth is often suppressed). Good luck you close-minded fool.


Then don't follow the science, don't listen to Fauci and Birx, don't listen to the WHO or the CDC.

Stay in your comfort zone, listen to Trump and inject yourself with Lysol and Bleach and shove an ultraviolet flashlight up your ass. What could possibly go wrong with his medical prevention advice ?

Let us know how that turns out for you.


You are thick


We’re still working towards a vaccine. People are still practicing social distancing and wearing masks. We also have an economy to run. Bills to pay. Something you obviously know nothing about.

Nothing is being ignored. Another empty Doggielemming premise brought to by his democrat party slavemasters who feed him his daily marching orders.

How has it felt to be so ignorant for so long? To literally be wrong about everything for the last 4 years. To be lied to thousands of times by your masters and never once question it.

Still waiting for Biden’s financial plan you have so much confidence in. Still waiting for evidence of Russia collusion.

I hear ringing, that must be your orders for today. Run along and cut and paste, we already know you’re incapable of providing anything on your own.


Let's kill grandma and grandpa so we can reopen the economy and pay our bills ! No lives matter - just the economy for Trump's re-election. Got it.

We've gone beyond 2M confirmed cases, and moving towards 120K deaths from COVID 19, and Trump is hiding in his bunker. He hasn't addressed the second spike in COVID that's happening in the states which opened too early, hasn't mentioned the death toll skyrocketing, hospital admissions climbing once again (like they did in February when he called it a 'hoax'). He's hiding in his bunker. Why deal with reality ?

So long as we have Daily Stormer, Alex Jones, John Solomon, FOX and OAN - why bother with reality at all ? All you need are those conspiracy theories, and alternate facts.


He's hiding in the WH bunker to afraid to come out.


He is such a great leader - don't you think ? Faces things head on, and knows how to handle a crisis. I hope everyone remembers in November !


I don't blame him,the BLM/Antifa terrorists are violent and crazy. Obummer would have hid as well and would have pooped himself.


Obama didn't kill 115,000 Americans, cause massive unemployment and crash the entire economy. No wonder Trump is hiding under his bed in the WH bunker.


Neither did Trump. If the Democrats had listened to Trump rather than wasting the nations time with their fake impeachment we probably would have avoided most of the deaths. But all they are concerned with is playing politics and they are actively rooting for the virus to kill people. BLM and Antifa are dangerous, unbalanced evil people, you can’t take chances and that’s what the bunker is for.

Overall though COVID-19, George Floyd's death, the riots, the murder of David Dorn, etc. are all on the hands of the Democrats. They don't care who lives and who dies, they have all of that blood on their hands.


Forget to take yer meds?


Just calling it like it is.


No, actually you're not. You're calling it like you wish it were - but it's not reality.

Remember - Thursday, June 18 makrs 6 months that he has been impeached. First Elected President in history to be impeached in his very first term. Be proud, Trumpers!


He was impeached because the Democrats wanted to play politics instead of saving the country from the mess Obama left him with. The impeachment was a sham, and a smear job. I mean I can accuse whoever I want of whatever I want and that doesn’t make it so now does it? They wanted to impeach him even before he even took office for things that happened when he wasn’t even president. The president has handled the crisis very well and he wanted to take precautionary steps but the Democrats were busy playing politics. He had listened to the doctors but he also recognizes that the economy is also important. The Democrats don’t care about either if they did they’d condemn the protests/rioters who aren’t exercising social distancing but they don’t because BLM and Antifa burning down buildings and acting like terrorists is good for them politically, you and your side are some sick sick people


You really need to stop reading InfoWars. It does you no good in the real world we live in.

But if you want to play 'InfoWars', then it should be said that President Bill Clinton was impeached because the Republicans wanted to play politics instead of saving the country from the mess Reagan and Bush 41 left him with...


Clinton was impeached because he lied under oath and engaged in severe misconduct. President Trump was impeached because the Democrats were so butthurt about getting their butts whooped in 2016 that they were willing to abuse the legal system as a medium to vent their temper tantrums. It was political misconduct at its worst. The DemoKKKrats started with the conclusion that the President was guilty of something then they just worked backwards and picked whatever they thought was their best chance.


Trump was impeached because he asked a foreign government to interfere with our 2020 election for his own political gain, and with held funding from them until they cooperated. No matter how you try, you're not going to rewrite history. But keep trying - knock yourself silly.


All of that was a smear job by the DemoKKKrats because they were too butthurt about losing in 2016, he didn't do anything wrong and he didn't ask anyone to interfere in the election. The impeachment was a complete sham and now the DemoKKKrats have to answer for it in the 2020 campaign.


Trump was busy playing golf, having rallies, refusing to listen to the doctors and intelligence agencies which warned him about the virus.

Trump is still refusing to listen to the doctors and intelligence agencies!

You have short term memory so I suggest you watch this - if you can handle the truth.


This is from your own biased liberal media hotspot known as sorry to disappoint you, but even they say there isn’t a “second wave”. You must be heartbroken that more people aren’t getting sick to push your narrative.


The report comes from the WHO, which Trump and his Trumpers have accused of 'fake news' and 'lying'. Trump has even dropped America out of WHO because he doesn't trust them at all.

Want to try again ?


Nope. Don’t want to try again. Just figured you would respond to an article that comes from a ridiculously left wing bias website that shares your feelings Doggiedaddy. It’s too much to ask of any logic from you. Have a good day.


Just thought you would try to save yourself the humiliation of referring to an organization which Trumptards and Trump have declared 'fake' and discredited for months. Can't take anyone seriously who is so opened to sacrificing their dignity.

See ya!


🤣😂🤣. So are you saying you’re following or agreeing with Trump saying the WHO is full of crap? You’re either agreeing with Trump, or going against the WHO saying there isn’t a second wave, which would prove you wrong. What a conundrum you have there.

Seems like you don’t even know who you’re arguing with or against anymore. And you changed your screen name. Do you suffer from multiple personality disorder?


Another day, another Trumper with no comprehension skills of what they just read.

All the Trumpers on this board should spend their time in a remedial reading class. It would do you all so much good. Better than watching FOX News or OAN.


Do you always speak in generalizations? I think you do. You have your 3 or 4 little quips, then you move on to spreading more lies.

I don’t watch Fox News, and I don’t even know what OAN is. It doesn’t seem to matter how many times I tell people on here I DON’T WATCH POLITICAL NEWS CHANNELS. They just keep throwing it out there like it’s an insult to me. I know it’s well known on here to insult the news channel of the specific political party you are generalized as supporting, but still. I don’t give a rat’s ass about Fox News. I guess you’re used to passing off information that isn’t true as fact. 🤣


Why are you afraid to disclose what you do watch?


I watch South Park, Seinfeld reruns, documentaries, movies, and sports. I, for the billionth time, do NOT watch political news channels. They’re horrible. All of them.

Why do you think you know everything about everyone?


Distorted "news" isn't only from Fox.

I'm assuming you know Trump is president and there is a pandemic. How did you find out? Where do you get your news?

Do you read newspapers, magazines, watch news including local, listen to talk radio, watch "religious" shows which really talk politics, listen to podcasts or read blogs? Which ones?

South Park and Seinfeld are very left-leaning. I'm surprised you'd watch those two shows considering how much you despise the left. What sports? I see old reruns, Korean baseball and cornhole.

"Why do you think you know everything about everyone? "

You're very obvious. People who listen to biased right-wing media tend to repeat the same exact talking points at the same time. Right-wing media says "antifa" or "riots" then Trumpists or right-wingers repeat the same words for days. It's brainwashing. Cop shows being cancelled was the latest trigger along with "antifa", "riots" and "mob rule". It's to illicit fear, hatred and anger at an "enemy" in order to make you more loyal. Triggers used to create strong emotion. Like I wrote, a form of brainwashing. Cults use it all the time along with populists leaders and certain media personalities.

You revealed yourself when you called me a progressive which I'm not. But, people who listen to too much right-wing propaganda believe anyone who isn't a Republican is a progressive or socialist. You're being conditioned to call marchers a "mob" and demonstrations a "riot" n order to reject them and see an enemy. "Us against them" tactic.

A few weeks ago, right-wingers and Trumpists were repeating "hydroxychloroquine" ad nauseum, then China - the latest enemy. Last year, it was the migrant threat, the squad and the wall. Different threats from different enemies to create fear, hatred and anger. Whichever flavor of the week trigger that can be used to illicit emotion out of you so you remain "loyal" to them and always have an "enemy".


I wish there was a way I could bet you everything you have that I don’t watch political news on TV, because I would cash in, but I can’t. I see political news stories on the internet mostly.

South Park and Seinfeld are NOT very left leaning (which proves you don’t know shit about those shows, but try to pass it off like you do). They hit everybody pretty fairly, especially South Park, and that’s why I love those shows. They rip both sides equally, and show both points of view.

And I continue to love how you can’t seem to fathom the hypocrisy between you saying “right wingers are all the same”, and yet you can’t bring yourself to say the same thing about left wingers. They do THE SAME damn thing, only with different issues. That’s where your bias destroys any credibility in your arguments.

You ARE ridiculously progressive. Everyone out there seems to think they are moderate. But it’s easy to see from your posts you’re a radical leftist.

Whoever is in control, left or right...I want the country to do well. You don’t. Your past and present posts are all rooting against our country so you could bitch about Trump. Your posts bitching about people wanting to go back to work during the quarantine...your posts about the protests, socialism...all WAY left.

My mindset is let me live my life in peace and I’ll let you live yours, and that includes not taxing people to death, and not censoring art that I, as a grown adult, can watch and decipher right from wrong.

We all will always have enemies, like you and the right. Don’t act like you love everybody. Bullshit.

And yes, I will not deny that “The Squad” makes me ill. I can’t stand anything they say or do, and the fact that people actually voted for them makes me want to give up on people in general.

No, censorship has been something that has bothered me forever. I did persuasive speeches on it in high school and college. It’s not a flavor of the week topic for me. That’s my big fight.



I see political news stories on the internet mostly.

What sites do you visit to get your 'news stories'. There are millions out there. Judging by what you post, I would venture to guess InfoWars and Daily Caller.


Just the articles on that main news page. Most of the articles are insanely biased, but that’s where I get my news to see what’s going on in the world.

I honestly don’t look into it much. I see a lot of the articles that are linked on this website believe it or not. I just know the spin on the article based on who posts it. Lol.


Then you should watch their cable news channel, MSNBC. If you like their website, you most likely will like their cable news.


I would not enjoy MSNBC’s TV channel. I don’t like the news page’s just where I read the stories.

I enjoyed it a lot when they allowed comments and actual discussion, but they couldn’t handle differing opinions and banned commenting on articles.


Then you should find a source where you can comment and offer differing opinions. There's plenty out there.


For me...that’s here. I can talk about this stuff and movies all in one place.


"I see political news stories on the internet mostly."

Same difference. It's obviously right-wing propaganda because you repeat their trigger words which is why I asked. I differentiate between right-wing news and propaganda.

A left-leaning show can insult everyone, too. They're still socially liberal as are their creators. For instance, the episode in which Jerry and George were mistaken for a gay couple - not that there's anything wrong with that. Conservatives tend to believe there is something wrong with that. Look how upset conservative groups are about the recent Supreme Court ruling.

"I want the country to do well."
Wake up! The country's not doing well.

"Your past and present posts are all rooting against our country so you could bitch about Trump."

That's more talking points spewed from right-wing propaganda media which is why I know you've been inducted. Nothing you write is original.

Trump is the president. The buck stops with him. Period. Stop trying to excuse his incompetence.

"censorship has been something that has bothered me forever."

I doubt it. You'd likely crumble into a heap on the ground if I wished you "Happy Holidays!" instead of "Merry Christmas!" You were triggered by a fake story about a crappy kiddie show being cancelled so you have proven you're easily triggerable.


Because we're only in the first...
