MovieChat Forums > Politics > Take a few deep breaths, and think about...

Take a few deep breaths, and think about this logically.

In my opinion, this is the best article written since all of this started, and it definitely makes you think about the misguided and illogical actions taken by so many people.

Why do so few care that this man died too??? David Dorn. Along with George Floyd, this a black man, retired police captain, killed defending his friend’s store from looters...and to my knowledge NO celebrities mentioning him (except suspended Cleveland Browns DT Myles Garrett), no response from the protesters, no signs with his name on them, and a sliver of media coverage. Now, I’m sure celebrities are probably more likely bailing out his killers than worrying about his death, but that’s a whole other discussion.

I’d just really like to know why, and what the difference is? Are they just picking and choosing which deaths they are going to burn cities down over??? Any explanations to this from ANYONE?

Or the article suggests...people don’t care because the fact that he wore a badge cancels out the fact that he was a innocent black man murdered for no reason?

I’m not trying to sway anything politically here, and I’m not trying to minimize George Floyd’s death, and I’m not trying to exploit David Dorn’s death...I’m just simply trying to understand the logic behind all of this, because there is none. I think I’m officially done with this whole situation after this’s too ridiculous...people don’t want peace...they want to kill, loot, steal, destroy, and call everyone they can a racist as many times as they can in one day. Who knows when or if we’ll come out on the other side of this destruction, but all I know now for sure is I wish social media never existed. It is cancer.

But every time I hear George Floyd mentioned to justify hurting innocent people and destroying lives from now on, I’m going to mention David Dorn, so he and so many others aren’t lost in all of this madness.


I'd like to know too. I've already given my opinion on his death and all of the other senseless death, beatings, destruction, etc. throughout this board so I'm not going to again on this thread.

I'd sure like to know why the leftists on this board find it to be justified because their silence on it seems like they take no issue with it otherwise you'd think they'd speak up. They get more riled up over stupid things.

Say his name!

Say his name!

Say his name!

Say his name!
DAVID DORN!!!!!!!!!!!!


You don't have any good, tasteless, heartless David Dorn jokes to share with us ? Your T-rump minions are disappointed in you.


That would be your department.

You are still siding with the hate groups like Antifa. Which, by the way, there is now proof Antifa and other groups are responsible for the criminal behavior of this past week.


I guess you're all out of tasteless David Doran jokes then, eh ? Maybe you can go back to sharing your witless humor about George Floyd.

BTW, T-rump has accused AntiFa plenty of times since last week, and has provided zero proof. Nothing, nada, zero, zilch.

And he has access to the best intelligence agencies in the world; if anyone had proof it was AntiFa they would share it. So please do what he can't do - provide the proof from legitimate sources (not conspiracy sites and conspiracy theorists).

Can't wait to see what you have.

The proof which has been provided by the FBI has said straight out - no Antifa involvement, but involvement from those alt-right groups including 'Boogaloo Bois' which you continue to side with and protect. That's the official report from the FBI - not an alt-right conspiracy theory.




I saw the news conference.

I just picked on a source to paste here.
You should love left-leaning Fox!

Forward to 5:50


Sup CollieCraver?
Finally get all the dog hair and peanut butter out of your crotch?


lemme get this straight - "Leftists" think this Dorn guy should be dead , but good people , the "rightists" think its a bad thing?


No one said leftists think Dorn should be dead. It's that they don't care about his death. He was truly AN INNOCENT VICTIM.


"But every time I hear George Floyd mentioned to justify hurting innocent people and destroying lives"

No... Protesters/demonstrators are not the same as the looters/rioters. You're just lumping everyone in together, ostensibly to consolidate the opinions and actions of thousands of people into something simple & easy to understand.

You can't expect looters to operate with rules and be socially responsible community servants.
You CAN expect police to be that way.

People shouldn't need to fear being killed by police.
Stay away from looters, they could be dangerous.

So like, if you protested the Dorn death, who would you be protesting against?

I'm not sure if there is a point to this line of thought... Just complaining while lumping looters in with protesters.



Yeah, maybe it’s like how you are lumping all cops in as killers and racists, which is not the case either. Generalizations are something that people can’t seem to let go of. I’m guilty of it sometimes too.

No, people shouldn’t have to fear being killed by the police, you are absolutely correct. Regardless of how many people protest, and it’s still a horrible tragedy whenever this happens to anyone like it happened to Floyd, but the actual statistics of things like this happening are quite low, and they do happen to all races of people. I find it so crazy that if this was a black cop and black victim, or a black cop and a white victim, or a white cop and a white victim, then we wouldn’t have heard a peep about this. You don’t find that strange?

And let me get ahead of your response, and tell you I’m not denying racism does exist, and I’m not denying it’s a problem that needs attention. However, I completely disagree with the response to burn down the country and hurt more innocent people. I certainly don’t have the answers either.

I like how you think protesters and looters can’t be the same thing. Very naive of you. Some protesters are peaceful, and some are out to cause damage with their protest. Much like some cops are good people doing their job and trying to get home to their families, and some are racist assholes.

Well, if I, like, protested the Dorn death, I would be protesting the death of ANY innocent person killed, not just the people killed by a certain race or profession...but I’m not a protester. I guess you just have to pick and choose the colors and professions of the people you want to protest about.

Have a good day.


"Yeah, maybe it’s like how you are lumping all cops in as killers and racists"

I don't do that and have never done that. Not a good start to your post... So I can only assume the response is not for me.

Thus, I stopped there and posted this reply.


Yes, that reply was for you. Well, good discussion then. Have a good night.


You didn't think it was for you, yet you felt the need to reply?


A man who once pressed a gun against a pregnant woman's stomach when he invaded her home to rob her - When he is killed while being apprehended for another crime, he is made a martyr and wept over by millions.

A man who devoted his life to keeping his community safe and was murdered while doing so even after he retired and was in his 70s - He is ignored as if he never existed.

10000 Floyds do not come close to the value of 1 Mr. Dorn.

That tells me everything I need to know about this movement.


Well done


Weighing/comparing the values of victims' lives is 100% missing the point.

The outrages (Floyd and Dorn) are due to the actions of the perpetrators, NOT due to the perceived value of the victims.

People who do this value-weighing are the exact people who need to hear the "MATTER" part of BLM.



Yes the perpetrators. Not the perpetrators race and country.

Well said.


This ^^^^!
