Take a few deep breaths, and think about this logically.
In my opinion, this is the best article written since all of this started, and it definitely makes you think about the misguided and illogical actions taken by so many people.
Why do so few care that this man died too??? David Dorn. Along with George Floyd, this a black man, retired police captain, killed defending his friend’s store from looters...and to my knowledge NO celebrities mentioning him (except suspended Cleveland Browns DT Myles Garrett), no response from the protesters, no signs with his name on them, and a sliver of media coverage. Now, I’m sure celebrities are probably more likely bailing out his killers than worrying about his death, but that’s a whole other discussion.
I’d just really like to know why, and what the difference is? Are they just picking and choosing which deaths they are going to burn cities down over??? Any explanations to this from ANYONE?
Or maybe...as the article suggests...people don’t care because the fact that he wore a badge cancels out the fact that he was a innocent black man murdered for no reason?
I’m not trying to sway anything politically here, and I’m not trying to minimize George Floyd’s death, and I’m not trying to exploit David Dorn’s death...I’m just simply trying to understand the logic behind all of this, because there is none. I think I’m officially done with this whole situation after this post...it’s too ridiculous...people don’t want peace...they want to kill, loot, steal, destroy, and call everyone they can a racist as many times as they can in one day. Who knows when or if we’ll come out on the other side of this destruction, but all I know now for sure is I wish social media never existed. It is cancer.
But every time I hear George Floyd mentioned to justify hurting innocent people and destroying lives from now on, I’m going to mention David Dorn, so he and so many others aren’t lost in all of this madness.