Where was all this hostility when republicans are crowding beaches and protesting without masks of social distancing?Why don't they arrest those people for disobeying stay at home orders??
Those rioters may be taking it too far, BUT, they have every right to be mad. An innocent man was killed if they it weren't for these rioters, that murduring cop would be a free man coming into work the next day!
But I garentee you I CAN find innocent people being hooked up to ventilators and in ICU fighting for their lives b/c dumba$$ republicans gave them the virus.
I can also find you some videos of hard working doctors and nurses crying and being overwhelmed by watching helpless COVID-19 patients dying alone and being scared to go home and pass COVID-19 to their families.
I can also find you some videos that explain how large crowds without masks can cause he virusEs to spread quickly, even if you're young, healthy, and asymptomatic and recover quickly.
Wildflower doesn't know what she's talking about, I find it hard to believe that anyone could be as uneducated and racist as she is, I'm starting to think she's just trolling trying to get a rise out of people.
It's coming down in NY which is bringing down the national average. Individual state stats show it going up drastically in red states with Trumpists protests.
I know how trends work. The last four days have seen a strong uptick. It's a lagging indicator so I would give it another few days in order to see what happens to the curve.
It's much more complicated than you believe. It's not only about "largest protests". Michigan was trending down and remained largely closed since the protests occurred. States which were trending up and opened prematurely will fair much worst.
Largest increases are where Trumpists tend to be like S. Dakota, Alabama, Mississippi, W.Virginia and Wisconsin. They're likely not being responsible.
Largest decreases are all blue states like Rhode island, D..C., Conn., Mass., and Delaware where social distancing and masks are maintained.
You're not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, are you? A racist, sexist homophobe would actually say something racist, sexist and homophobic which I didn't do.
Instead of trolling, why don't you address the OP's interesting topic, "So authority wants to arrest rioters for Floyds death but NOT for anti lockdowns"?
Instead of trolling, why don't you address the OP's interesting topic, "So authority wants to arrest rioters for Floyds death but NOT for anti lockdowns"?
The Trumpists who refused to social distance or wear masks are responsible for cases going up dramatically in several states. People in states and countries where the health guidelines have been closely followed see deaths and infections rates come down.
The outcomes based on human behavior are very predictable. But, I don't expect you to understand anything about science or math. Stick with your conspiracy theories.
That's about two whites murdered by blacks every day in US.
So, yeap, a couple of whites were murdered that day, and the day before, and the following day, and so on. It just didn't make to the headlines, because whites killed by blacks doesn't make to the headlines.
Yeah but the difference is that racist whites get very little penalty to harassing blacks and Latinos. They try to deport and separate innocent hard-working people from Mexico and other countries. Many of which have done nothing wrong but long for better jobs and better lives for them and their children. Had Mexicans done to Whites, they'd be looked down upon.
Btw white people were also seen harassing and attacking nurses recently. They got no penalty. Whites are fake and selfish. That's why they get critisized.
Right people who broke our laws they are being deported. And whenever anyone gets arrested they are separated from their families, people who broke our immigration laws are no different. They did do something wrong they entered our country illegally, just like if I enter Mexico or Canada illegally I'll go to jail. Also clearly you have an issue with race. Also family separation happened all throughout the Obama administration, President Trump ended it very early in his presidency.
White cops rarely lynch blacks, and when they do they go to prison. If this is that case, the guy will go to prison. Period.
If a policeman tells you to stay quiet and keep your hands far from your body, that's what you do: you stay quiet, you keep your hands far from your body. Blacks are not very intelligent on average, but even the average black should be able to understand it.
If you keep your hands up but run towards the policeman, he probably will shoot you. If you stay on site, but you move your hands where he can't see them, he probably will shot you. End of the story.
You're proving yourself to be very uneducated. George Floyd wasn't being violent or disobeying anyone. In fact, the only thing coming outta his mouths was his plea to let him breathe and get off the ground.
They behaved very unprofessionally, you could be dealing with a serial killer. You never kill them. You simply place them in the police car and drive off. The least cops could do is give them a right to breathe.
"The defendant had his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in total. Two minutes and 53 seconds of this was after Mr. Floyd was non-responsive.
Police are trained that this type of restraint with a subject in a prone position is inherently dangerous."
Chauvin made sure Floyd was dead before finally moving his knee. It was a lynching.
Maybe. The police report was written by cops who murdered a man in cold blood. I'd prefer to see a videotape with audio rather than trust their "honesty".
Chauvin has 18 complaints against him. Thao has six with one still open. Two bad cops who should've been removed from the police force.
Complaints, in of themselves, mean nothing. Anyone who doesn't like getting a ticket can complain. If he's had thousands of interactions over his career, 18 complaints isn't bad. That being said, I haven't read his specific complaints.
"If he's had thousands of interactions over his career, 18 complaints isn't bad. "
Not true. You're making up statistics out of your head and trying to blame the victim for his own death.
"Ronal Serpas, a former head of police in New Orleans, Nashville and Washington state, said it was difficult to draw conclusions about Chauvin’s complaint file without more information but noted that 17 appeared to be higher than average.
“It’s a little unusual to have essentially one a year for 19 years,” Serpas told The Washington Post. “That’s a concern even if he was late every time. It would certainly catch my attention.”"
I'm trying to blame the victim? No, I just want to keep this all in perspective with facts. Out of a population of 330,000,000, the odds of getting killed by a cop is 0.000005. And 99% of that is justified. While each loss is tragic, there will always be evil and there will always be stupidity. Wanting to know whole the story is not "blaming the victim". We can't ignore the facts that happen to go against our world view. And, as usual, more info is coming out every day.
White cops rarely go to prison for lynching blacks according to statistics and history. I expected you to identify with cold-blooded racists murderers.
Anti-Lockdowners are not terrorizing major cities by burning cars and buildings. That's the difference. Also Anti-Lockdowners had a legitimate reason to protest, their businesses were being ruined and they were sinking into poverty, these rioters have no reason to protest as the cop has been arrested and charged and it's universally agreed upon that he was in the wrong, they just wanted an excuse to be terrorists.
Anti-Lockdowners, some of whom were neoNazis, KKK, white supremacists and other domestic terrorists, were terrorizing legislators with gun violence and death threats. Who shows up at a peaceful demonstration fully armed? The legislatorshad to have their security increased. Domestic terrorism is still terrorism.
Yet the riots continue even after he was arrested, your point is debunked. The anti-lockdowners were not violent, it was a peaceful protest however your side is made up of a bunch of lazy, entitled, racist terrorists who yell out "kill the white folk", not to mention they are destroying businesses of people who had nothing to do with this and they even destroyed affordable housing. As for the guns, it's called the second amendment so the fact that they had guns is none of your business, personally they were probably afraid of being attacked by left winged terrorists so I understand why they were carrying, but again it's none of your business if someone wants to legally carry a gun.
Your side: https://theglobepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Minneapolis-riot.jpg Looks like terrorism, looks like something you'd see in Libya, they don't even know what they are protesting as they are clearly uneducated and clearly inspired by the rhetoric people such as Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi. I wouldn't be surprised if they were paid to riot by the DNC.
Only one put his knee on the victim and yes you will let the justice system take care of this. You don’t have a right to riot no matter what. The cop should have been taken off the force a long time ago, there were multiple red flags about him but the liberal democrats of Minneapolis failed to protect mr Floyd
And in your pictures I see people using their 2nd amendment rights which they are allowed to and they are even wearing those face masks you love so much.
However in the other picture I see someone promoting a hate organization and yes BLM is as bad as the Neo Nazis
The rioters don’t care about justice they aren’t smart enough to know what’s going on. They are a bunch of unruly terrorists and they are terrorizing people who had nothing to do with this and they are all shouting “kill the white folk”
You would equate people who fight racism with a domestic terrorist group like the neo-Nazis. Trump did the same when he called neoNazis in Charlottesville "very fine people".
Obviously, you identify with bad cops and support legislators being threatened by domestic terrorists.
Three cops were on top of him.
"The rioters don’t care about justice they aren’t smart enough to know what’s going on."
You sound like Archie Bunker.
Not at all I agree that this cop should go to jail and should have been off the force a long time ago, the liberal Democrats didn't stop him when they had the chance.
The rioters do not care about justice, they aren't smart enough to know what's going on, they are just a bunch of lazy, entitled, racist terrorists who want an excuse to terrorize minorities and underprivileged people and to destroy businesses that had nothing to do with this.
Rioters have every right to be angry and fight back. Minorities such as blacks, Latinos, etc, have the strength and balls to fight back. You can't expect everyone to be weak,and not do anything! That's just causing it to continue.
Those rioters are not "thugs" as YOUR clown president called them. These are smart hardworking citizens who feels justice needs to be served. The reality is, in some neighborhoods,cops are racist when it comes to arresting people. They attack Latinos, blacks, Indians, etc while they let whites roam free and get away with murder. That's not right.
Trust me moviechatuser!!
If cops came and took YOUR child, pinned them to the ground, and suffocated them with their knee until they were dead, you'd be so full of rage you wouldn't rest until proper justice was served.
You don't have the right to riot, you don't have the right to burn buildings and businesses and you don't have the right to call for the deaths of white people. They all deserve to go to jail just like the cop who killed Mr. FLoyd. They are thugs, they are terrorizing poor underdeveloped communities and the even torched affordable housing, they are not smart, they are uneducated and they are racist themselves. If a cop did anything like that to someone I knew I would not go and loot a Target, that is counterproductive and all it's doing is hurting people who had nothing to do with it. You have no idea what you're talking about and you are condoning terrorism.
4:13 - the protesters are chanting "shoot the white folk", tell me Wildflower are you proud of that? Calling for the killing of people simply because of the color of their skin? Please tell me you have the integrity to denounce that and not make excuses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxMuOe81yqM
Also I noticed you played the race card again which is cowardly, seriously grow up and quit making excuses, stop condoning violence and unruly behavior, stand on your own two feet, be accountable and act like an adult.
Oh yeah, and you red states need to stop critisizing Democrats and acting like you know everything about them.
- I come from a blue state, and let me tell you. My state/ neighborhood is diversed and people get along better here than in other...how do I put this....."stuck up white areas".
- Like everyone else, we have jobs, we have kids and families we provide for, and we give to your community. I have family members from Central America who come here for a better life, to work their butts off, and provide for their kids. The last thing we Central Americans are is lazy!! Sure some of our jobs have higher salaries than ours! We range from Chiefs, retail workers, doctors, teachers, buisness owners, and repairmen. But we all have jobs and contribute to society. That's why our side believes in equality!
Meanwhile, privileged white b**** dont even
Know how to cook, clean, or clean toilets. They have maids and nannies for that stuff b/c they're scared of what society calls "dirty work". Some don't know the first thing about hard work b/c they grow up being spoiled by their parents and never set foot in the hood where they have to learn to fight and work for respect.
Democrats allowed this cop to stay on the force when there were enough red flags about him, they are an accessory to Mr. Floyd's death
- "Stuck up white areas" what does that even mean? And why does it matter that they are white? More evidence of your racism.
- Good for you and I never once called Central Americans "lazy", but I guess you resort to the strawman when you get boxed into a corner. I don't care about race, I see people as individuals you see them as a subgroup and a skin color. And FYI in my profession I have worked with many children who are newcomers to the United States and have limited English Proficiency and I have done a lot to help them, probably more than you ever did.
- "Privileged white b_______" What is wrong with you? First of all white privilege is an assumption (FYI don't bother posting the video of the kids in the field taking steps forward or backwards, you would still have to demonstrate that the black kids would have taken steps forward if they were white which the video doesn't), secondly what does being white have to do with anything? Is the white kid who is born into an abusive family privileged? I was born into an abusive family and let me tell you I would have much rather lived under a bridge and not be abused. You have made so many assumptions about people based entirely off their skin color and you clearly have some serious issues with race little girl.
In one post you said that Democrats, which are mostly (not fully) minorities and people of color are lazy and entitled.
- I wasn't even referring to all whites, but I AM referring to ones like those 4 cops involved in the killing,your orange president, and governors who think the economy is more important that saving human lives.
By privileged, I mean that authority allows them to get away with everything and not be punished. People of color don't have that luxury. In fact, had this riot not accured, that cop would've had zero consequences and be a free man returning to work the next day!!
Bystanders stood there b/c that cop pulled out maize and threatened them. They were literally heard pleading to let him stand up and breathe. They were also saying that George was unresponsive. Finally, who do you think recorded that Video??? A bystander. That video will be a very important asset when to use in court.
Wrong I said the rioters are lazy and it's because of their actions not their skin color. You are the one who brought race into this, I judge people based on their actions, you judge people based on their skin color. Your premise is dismissed
- You brought up skin color and you made assumptions about people because of their skin color, that's racism little girl.
- All you have are assumptions and hate speech. Also the rioters are continuing even after the cop was arrested, clearly they never really cared about justice. Again the white child who is born into an abusive family is not privileged, that term is offensive and racist and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for perpetuating that myth.
- Also quit strawmanning me by saying I don't think there was anything wrong with what happened to Mr. Floyd, I have been very clear that the cop deserves to be arrested, he should have been taken off the force a long time ago but the Democrats allowed him to stay on.
That is no excuse to riot!!! Tell me what did the people who lost their businesses do to deserve this? Are they the ones who killed Mr. Floyd? That's like me being mad at Hillary Clinton for leaving 4 people in Benghazi to die so I go and torch a McDonalds (which I would never do), that doesn't justify it.
Rioting continued b/c only one cop was arrested. All 4 involved should be punished too.
Obviously, I don't agree that building and cars from innocent should be burned down, but like innocent people shouldnt have been shot and killed during WW 1 and WW2. But it happened!
Why?? B/c they need to get their point across! For generation, others don't understand they pain and frustration from being mistreated. Eveyone deserves equality, but minorities aren't getting equality, they get discrimination.
That's not what I asked, I asked what did the people who lost their homes and businesses do to deserve it? Nothing, they didn't do anything to Mr. Floyd, the people who burned the buildings should go to jail alongside the cop (FYI I am not saying those crimes are equivalent, I'm saying they are both crimes worthy of jail time)
There you go again making excuses for terrorism, is it so hard to just say: The rioters are not justified in what they are doing and they should be arrested! I have said the exact same thing about the cop because I have courage and dignity unlike you.
WHAT??? Are you serious? They have no other way to get their point across then to terrorize the streets of Minneapolis while innocent people lose their businesses because of what happened in the past? That's an excuse and you are using bad past behavior to justify current bad behavior which is not only fallacious but it's immature and a very dangerous way to thinking. Quit making excuses, hold yourself accountable and denounce hatred and terrorism which apparently you don't have the courage to do, although I do have the courage to do that and I denounced that cop repeatedly, you however made excuses for the rioters.
You also never answered my question: Are you proud of the rioters screaming "Shoot the white folk", and what did these business owners do to deserve having their buildings burned.
I feel really sorry for you, you see everything through the prism of race. I also personally don't think you care at all about underprivileged people or past injustices, I think all you care about is alleviating your own guilt and saying what you have to to appear virtuous so you can feel good about yourself.
What you you have to say to videos (shows as mostly whites I'm not making that up)
Protesting without masks, harassing nurses, and blocking traffic. And don't be fooled, they're not concerned about their jobs, they're worried about haircuts and crowing beaches.
Meanwhile innocent people are exposed to COVID-19 because of them. Is that fair?? Are exposed carriers the one protesting??? No!! They should've at least been fined and had their stimulus check taken away!!
What do the Anti-Lockdown protests have to do with riots in Minneapolis (NOTHING you're just deflecting because you can't justify your actions), FYI walking around without a mask is nowhere near the ballpark of torching affordable housing and screaming "shoot the white folk".
Are you going to answer my questions or are you going to deflect and make excuses like you have done so far? I'll be happy to talk to you about COVID-19 after you admit that the rioters have no excuse for their behavior and that you have made multiple racist remarks.
Again I don't believe you care at all about anyone who is underprivileged or has been discriminated in the past, all you care about is making yourself feel and look good.
Becuase majority of anti-lockdown protestors are white as shown in live recorded visible videos. All you need to do is look with your eyes.
Why is it ok for these people to go without masks and expose at risk and elderly folks b/c they're too selfish to stay home? The US has over 100,000 because of those folks. Why should they be allowed to do that? the least they can do is social distance and wear masks. Exposing a potentially harmfully disease around is equally as bad as burning buildings.
And why does their skin color matter? Again you see everyone as a skin color not an individual because you're a racist.
What does the anti-lockdown movement have to do with the rioters? You are trying to excuse bad behavior with bad behavior which is not only immature it is also fallacious. You are also trying to establish a false equivalency. Also the rioters are not exercising social distancing so therefore it's obvious you don't care about anyone who has died from COVID-19, it's all a talking point to you.
This is your last chance to answer my questions: Are you proud of the rioters screaming "shoot the white folk" and what do the people who lost their businesses have to do with any of this? What did they do to deserve losing their businesses.
You also never answered my question: Are you proud of the rioters screaming "shoot the white folk"? I promise if the Anit-Lockdown people were screaming "shoot the black folk" you'd be throwing a fit (and I'd agree), but what I don't agree with is your double standard.
It's not ok for rioters to threaten death amongst white folks but it's also not ok for them to get away with murder either. They should be required to take responsibility for their actions just like everybody else!
I'm not making excuses I'm stating facts that majority of folks would agree with me. You're just making yourself a victim.
You cannot call us racist. It's not people of color who started segregation in the early 1900s. It's not people of color who started slavery. It's not people of color who mock Latinos who can't speak English properly. It's not people of color who say things like "we speak America here not Spanish" it's not people of color who look down upon illegal immigrants.
I'll have you know I've met and befriended plenty to white/Caucasian folks because they are very nice and generous to me and others. Therefore I've grown to love and respect them b/c they've earned that respect!
Growing up, my parents taught me that to get respect, you have to give it. You have to treat people the way you like to be treated. The msg did and always will stick with me. Period!!!
Not at all, I"m holding you accountable and you made excuses for the riots, it doesn't matter what the cops did, rioting is NEVER OK nor is burning the businesses of innocent people.
You are racist, you have made multiple racist comments on this thread, past injustices are a non sequitur in this discussion, they were racist back then and you are racist right now, you are no different than they were.
Good for you, but no one has to earn your respect, you should automatically be respectful to everyone until they give you a reason not to be, I initially was respectful to you but you gave me a reason why you didn't deserve my respect because you are a racist.
Your parents didn't raise you correctly, your parents raised you with a sense of entitlement and that the world owes you something, no one owes you anything, you aren't that special and you are constantly looking for someone to blame which is what cowards do.
I am going to give you one more chance to denounce the rioters for screaming "shoot the white folk" and for burning buildings of people who had nothing to do with the incident WITHOUT ANY EXCUSES OR JUSTIFICATION!!!!
I've mentioned before that they shouldn't threaten to shoot white folks or whatever no one should threaten anyone! But they're saying it out of anger. They're not gonna actually do it cause they're not murderers! They want justice. Once justice is served. They will stop.
I also don't see what your so upset. Burnt buildings, cars, and destroyed buisnesses can easily be replaced! Fires can be put out by fire fighters. But you can't bring back the dead! Priorities!!!!!!!!!!
"I've mentioned before that they shouldn't threaten to shoot white folks or whatever no one should threaten anyone! But they're saying it out of anger. They're not gonna actually do it cause they're not murderers! They want justice. Once justice is served. They will stop."
More excuses, you're a coward.
"I also don't see what your so upset. Burnt buildings, cars, and destroyed buisnesses can easily be replaced! Fires can be put out by fire fighters. But you can't bring back the dead! Priorities!!!!!!!!!!"
What??? Are you seriously saying those people who lost their businesses shouldn't complain??? The dialogue here should be PEOPLE SHOULDN'T RIOT AND BURN BUILDINGS!!! But of course you want to excuse it and not hold people accountable for their actions.
Also your last sentence is a strawman, I never once said that what happened to Mr. Floyd wasn't a priority. In fact I said multiple times it was a tragedy and an injustice and I didn't make excuses for it. Mr. Floyd is a victim and the cop was the criminal just like the people who lost their businesses were the victims and the rioters were the criminals. In this particular conversation Mr. Floyd and the cop are a nonsequitur, regardless of what happened there is no excuse to terrorize cities and destroy the homes and businesses of innocent people I don't give a damn how frustrated you are, you are victimizing innocent people which is wrong in all cases.
Doesn't matter, they didn't deserve to have their businesses and homes destroyed. There was no excuse for it and the people who destroyed them should go to jail where the cop should already be.
Do you understand your flawed logic, that's like me beating you up and breaking your arm and I just say "eh it doesn't matter, your body will heal it's not like I killed you or anything"
Also some of these people may not be able to find another job, some of these people may be underprivileged and therefore weren't able to go to college therefore they don't have the same opportunities that you had. You are a coward.