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Biden demands investigation into the 'jogging while black' murder

Democratic candidate Joe Biden has asked for a completely transparent investigation into the murder of 25 year old Ahmaud Arbery of Georgia. Biden wants justice for the young black man, in which video shows he was killed in 'cold blood' in the daytime hours of February 23, 2020.

On that day, Arbery was jogging through a neighborhood near Brunswick, Georgia in broad daylight when a truck driven by ex-cop Gregory McMichael and his passenger, son Travis, started following Arbery.

Arbery and Travis started to scuffle after Travis brandished a rifle on Arbery, and shot him three times. Aubrey later died of his wounds in the hospital.

No charges have been brought against the McMichaels, who remain free (probably because if it was a white 25 year old male out for a daily jog, and a black father and his son started following him in a truck and then shot him to death, they'd still be free today...right?) .

Black leaders want the McMichaels to be charged with murder and jailed in the case which they call 'jogging while black'.


Why hasn't T-rump made a statement about this horrible incident ? If it were two black men shooting and killing a white jogger, we all know he'd be tweeting about this all day and night.

Disgraceful !


Evidently not, since it's far more common for blacks to murder whites than vice versa yet how often does Trump mention that at all, let alone "day and night"?

Conversely maybe people ignored your thread until you just bumped it for the same reason I correctly guessed, as soon as I saw a news headline about Biden commenting on a homicide case, that it was a cop shooting a black man. Compared to general murders that happens an infinitesimal percentage of the time and is almost always justified once the facts come out, yet that Biden would choose such a case to preen and posture on is predictable and banal.


So what you’re saying is T-rump is too inept to do something Presidential and make a comment on this unjustified murder.


Actually President Trump did make a comment on the case earlier, you idiot.

"I'm getting a full report on it this evening. My heart goes out to the parents and to the loved ones of the young gentleman. It's a very sad thing. But I will be given a full report this evening."

Biden's demands for "an investigation" sound inept and clueless. They obviously already were investigating since they arrested both men earlier. What's sad is crimes like this are only national news if the victims are black and the perps are white. The far more common cases of black people murdering whites or other non blacks don't get the same reaction from the cynically calculating political classes. It's disgusting how the race baiting media exploits rare and tragic events like this to distort reality, divide people, and cultivate anger at the wrong things.


”Biden's demands for "an investigation" sound inept and clueless.”

At least he didn’t say “I could have a son like him.”. 😬


So T-rump waited all this time to make a statement ? The leader of our country waited nearly a week to make a statement of this brutal murder, but he can Tweet about Joe Scarborough in real time, while 'Morning Joe' is airing? Gee, why the rush T-rump?

Biden's demands sound Presidential, and as one who is in charge. But T-rumptards can't see that because T-rump has never presented himself as either Presidential or in charge (look at the COVID 19 crisis).

And then we have your expected racist spin from Daily Stormer:

"What's sad is crimes like this are only national news if the victims are black and the perps are white. The far more common cases of black people murdering whites or other non blacks don't get the same reaction from the cynically calculating political classes. It's disgusting how the race baiting media exploits rare and tragic events like this to distort reality, divide people, and cultivate anger at the wrong things."

Let's face it - what would be an idiotic response from you without topping it off from a racist website ?


The President has rightly been focused on real national issues, you race baiting moron. I'll note that neither he or certainly Biden has commented on the even worse murder robbery rampage by Derrick Hightower, a black man who was recently arrested for murdering 4 people, at least two of whom were white. A third victim may have been white but the media hasn't shown her picture and doesn't racialize crimes when the perp is black.

Like the Arbery case it's a regional tragedy but not a legitimate, sustained national news story, though people have made the Arbery case a national story out of illegitimate, insidious motives.

And I guarantee you've spent more time on "Daily Stormer" than I have, lol. You're the identity politics freak who supports racial double standards and wants to cultivate racial hatred, remember. I oppose racial bigotry of all stripes.


The problem here is that Trump said "My heart goes out to the parents and to the loved ones of the young gentleman.". WTF?

Arbery was a burglar. He was chased after they found him trying to break in a house under construction. Instead of just running away, Arbery attacked them, and they shot him in self-defense. What the hell was doing Trump saying 'young gentleman'? He was a fucking THUG.

This is the call they did to report he was trying to break into a house


Yeah, I just listened to that full audio several minutes ago and the media has unsurprisingly been showing dishonestly edited clips to whip up controversy and hatred. As with all criminal cases I reserve final judgment until the facts fully come out, but there's no excuse for politicians to try to exploit this or pronounce anyone "guilty" before there's a trial.


As with all criminal cases I reserve final judgment until the facts fully come out, but there's no excuse for politicians to try to exploit this or pronounce anyone "guilty" before there's a trial.

What a liar you are!

You've been calling Joe Biden a 'rapist' based on what Reade has said happened 23 years ago, and no facts have fully come out. You have pronounced him guilty before there is any trial. You 'reserve' nothing when it comes to Biden.

Caught you in another lie, bullshitter.


The lack of self awareness in Trump supporters is astounding.


It really is. They figure they can lie and just bullshit their way through life without being caught.


More lies from the board's biggest liar. I just posted this fresh thread about 10 minutes before your reply here, moron.

I'm not sure whether Biden really raped her or not, but this, along with the 1993 CNN phone call, is way more corroboration than these accusations usually have and at the very least conclusively proves that she had told various people the account soon after it allegedly happened

That's in line with how I've consistently described the situation. The lack of any awareness among leftist Democrats is astounding.


Arbery was a burglar.

What evidence do you have?


I'll note that neither he or certainly Biden has commented on the even worse murder robbery rampage by Derrick Hightower, a black man who was recently arrested for murdering 4 people, at least two of whom were white.

Of course Hightower was arrested ASAP, but the redneck father and son team weren't arrested till yesterday - over two months later! Why bother with the facts you racist geriatric monkey? Maybe Hightower should have said he was making a citizen's arrest ?


Actually the important difference is that Hightower was an actual criminal on a murder/robbery rampage who exchanged gunfire with police at one point, while the other case featured a retired cop and his son who called 9/11 themselves to report a suspected house robbery they were witnessing, and who apparently did try to make a citizens arrest, you race-obsessed, bigoted geriatric monkey. Again, I'm waiting for the key facts to come out.

Leaping to conclusions on a complex case shows you're guilty of the very prejudice you're accusing others of. Trying to sensationalize it with BS like "jogging while black", calling the perps "redneck(s)", and stupidly whipping up an isolated tragedy into a political issue shows you're a douchebag with no scruples.


Actually the important difference is that Hightower was an actual criminal on a murder/robbery rampage who exchanged gunfire with police at one point...

...while the guy who was shot and killed was killed for jogging while being black unarmed, which never was a crime before.

The fact that you can't understand this shows you've been drowning in racist conspiracy theories for far too long.


What's your evidence he was "killed for jogging while being black", you race baiting buffoon? On the 911 call they're describing him apparently robbing a house. He evidently started running after that, possibly after noticing he was being watched (the facts will hopefully clarify all that).


Let's see: He was an unarmed black man jogging and he was shot and killed. There's the evidence for you.

If they believed it was him who burglarized the house, then do the right thing by calling 9-1-1. You don't kill an unarmed man.


They did call 911, you idiot. Then they tried to follow him when he ran away so he wouldn't escape. And you might shoot an "unarmed man" if he's attacking you and trying to take your gun away. Otherwise he might not be unarmed for long.

I'm not saying they didn't do anything wrong. I'm withholding final judgement until all the facts come out. But your canned, knee jerk characterization is disgusting political opportunism and doesn't even fit what few facts are publicly established.


They did call 911, you idiot. Then they tried to follow him when he ran away so he wouldn't escape. And you might shoot an "unarmed man" if he's attacking you and trying to take your gun away. Otherwise he might not be unarmed for long.

Too bad they followed the wrong man (there is still zero proof he's the one that was in the house). Or do all black men look the same to them ?

They called 9-1-1 and were never told to make a citizen's arrest, or pull a gun on him.

I wouldn't be pulling a gun on an unarmed man, and if I stupidly did - I couldn't blame him for his reaction to wrestle the gun away from me, since I just put his life in danger.

Your canned knee-jerk defense of two rednecks trying to take the law into their own hands when they see a black man jogging in their neighborhood is disgusting - period. I can only imagine your reaction if this was two black men shooting up a white jogger for no reason.


I'm not trying the case here, moron (as I've been explicitly saying). I'm correcting your false claims about the facts that are already out there.


They are not facts you're presenting but conspiracy theories you racist jackass.®ion=TOP_BANNER&context=storylines_menu


I'm not interested in clicking on your dumb leftist links, you racially bigoted moron. I listened to the call audio and watched the video myself. By pretending that they didn't claim they were witnessing him robbing a house you're straight up lying. They didn't report him for "jogging while black".






On the 911 call they're describing him apparently robbing a house.

You didn't get the memo? He was "jogging"

Haven't you never entering other people's houses while you were "jogging"? It's a very common practice among "joggers". You can use the usual fitness crowbar to open doors. That's called crowbar workout and it's recommended at least two series with five repetitions during a "jogging" session.

These "jogging" sessions include both aerobic and anaerobic exercises (very healthy): the start of the session is purely aerobic. However, as the session progresses, you start to carry more and more weight, which enforces the anaerobic side. In some cases you'll find the police, that cases you drop the weight to finish the session with an exclusively aerobic exercise 😄


LOL! So funny! Thanks for my first laugh of the day! 😅😂🤣





Should T-Rump make a statement every time someone is murdered?

Obviously, not.

Only when a white kills a black.

Blacks killing blacks is something it's politically incorrect to talk about. And blacks killing whites is not only correct, but it should be celebrated, promoted and supported, because whites are evil and nazis. This is the official narrative. You didn't get the memo?


Why not? He has plenty of time to Tweet non-stop about irrelevant nonsense, so why not Tweet about an innocent black man being gunned down by racist rednecks ? If it were the opposite - and the jogger was white - he'd be tweeting about it non-stop, and you and the rest of your skinheads would be out in full force ready to riot.




On that day, Arbery was jogging through a neighborhood near Brunswick

Jogging... 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

It's obvious they chased him because they caught him either assaulting somebody or trying to burglar some house. Shooting him down was wrong, but as usual, we have the media here with an another more 'let's take a thug and say he was an innocent citizen passing by'.

EDIT They shot him down because he attacked them. So it was not wrong after all. It was self-defense.


You've ingested too much Clorox. Way too much Clorox.


I watched the video in the second article and I see this as a case of self-defense by the shooter. The young man could have kept running or even stopped to talk but he decided to attack the shooter. The father called 911 and they were trying to apprehend the young man. There was another 911 call about a young man doing something in a house under construction.

The only question I have is whether it is legal for the father and son to follow the young man and brandish guns. The father did call 911 about the young man and he claims they were trying to make a citizen's arrest.


The young man was unarmed. No need for the 'shooter' to pull a gun. At all.

The young man didn't decide to 'stop jogging' and attack the shooter.

There was no reason to 'apprehend' the young man or make a 'citizen's arrest', over the crime of jogging while black. They should have waited for the police - they did their duty and reported the crime of 'jogging while black' to 911.

If someone else had burglarized another house, then make a citizen's arrest on him - not kill someone for 'jogging while black'. Or is their defense that all black men look the same ?


The young man was unarmed. No need for the 'shooter' to pull a gun. At all.

And how the shooter is supposed to know that?

Somebody that attacks you can be unarmed or can carry a blade. And people who carry blades don't behave like they were in a movie, waving the blade in front of you. He'll keep it concealed until he's close enough to use it. If he carries a blade and he reaches to you, you're as good as dead, with or without gun.

If you have a gun, you should warn first, but if that person doesn't stop and keeps advancing towards you, you shoot before he reaches to you.


And how the shooter is supposed to know that?

Somebody that attacks you can be unarmed or can carry a blade. And people who carry blades don't behave like they were in a movie, waving the blade in front of you. He'll keep it concealed until he's close enough to use it. If he carries a blade and he reaches to you, you're as good as dead, with or without gun.

If you have a gun, you should warn first, but if that person doesn't stop and keeps advancing towards you, you shoot before he reaches to you.

Keep in mind, the jogger was the first one approached and attacked because he was jogging while being black. He didn't approach the rednecks, he didn't threaten them with anything - he was threatened first. Period.

Yet from what you're saying:

Two black men can stop a white male jogger at any time, assume he's a suspect in a burglary, assume he has a weapon, and shoot him dead. And the two black men will not be charged with anything - but praised for their actions by Republicans, instead.

Got it.


Keep in mind, the jogger was the first one approached and attacked because he was jogging while being black.


This is the call they made to the 911 when they saw the "jogger" trying to break in a house under construction. They called to report the burglary... oh, sorry, the "jogging" 😄


And what does the 9-1-1 call prove ?

Why did they kill the innocent man who was jogging while being black ?


This is my take on it:
-Reports of some black person robbing stuff
-Guy sees some rando black man jogging and quickly assumes it has to be him and decides with his buddy to be heroes
-Black man jogging
-Black man sees a white pickup truck ahead blocking his path so he goes attempts to go around
-Guy while on call with the police about black man yells and tells him to stop as he tries to make a citizen arrest because they them ex-cops
-Black man sees guy brandishing a shotgun towards him as he jogs near around his truck (obscured from camera) and gets spooked or unnerved by the gun pointing at him so he tries to either take the gun away from the guy or try to point it away from him.
-Scuffle ensues
-Guy gets scared of dark black man possibly trying to take his gun from him so he fires 2-3 buckshot into him
-Black man attempts to hit the guy before he staggers then falls to the ground before later dying
-Guy gets back on phone or calls back police and then gets the case bounced around from prosecuter to prosecuter (connections within the force) until the 3rd one finally opens a criminal investigation

And happy ending.


If that was the case, why hasn't he shot black guys before? Was Arbery the first black guy he ever saw in his life?

Or... the most logical scenario: Arbery was actually assaulting somebody or trying to enter some house.


Those are prominent questions to ask indeed. We may never really know. All I know is they broke the law on how they handled it so were arrested and charged for murder.

When I was looking into the article the 2 guys were actually chasing and following him trying to block him more than once before this showdown. Apparently he was looking through a construction house window and they assumed he was a burglar of sort. Instead of waiting for the cops which they were on the phone with, they took actions themselves while the guy kept jogging and avoiding them. This was playing out to be a Trayvon Martin thing except there was video of the incident.


Those are prominent questions to ask indeed. We may never really know.

Eventually, we'll know. Of course, it'll take quite a while since both mainstream media and deep state don't want it to be known. And once it's known, it'll be silenced by the media, the same it happened with the Travyon Martin case:

Apparently he was looking through a abandoned/construction house window and they assumed he was a burglar of sort. Instead of waiting for the cops which they were on the phone with, they took actions themselves while the guy kept jogging and avoiding them.

Houses under construction are often the target of burglars. Nobody lives there, and valuable elements like faucets or cables are easily stolen. So he assumed correctly.

Of course, they should have called the cops. But I guess the cops know the current state of things and don't want to get into trouble, specially with a black race burglar, so they're likely to arrive conveniently late to avoid problems. People eventually get sick of being robbed without being able to do shit, and sooner or later somebody goes nuts. This guy is the one that went nuts, but he's likely to be the tip of the iceberg.


They did call the cops but again, took matters into their own hands. They did everything right up until the last part. Should've just followed in their truck with guns until cops arrived or kept them on the line while following closely behind instead of trying to pull a stupid citizen arrest. Now they're in jail and charged with murder.


Good news, they were arrested. Two rednecks trying to play sheriff and an unsuspecting jogger gets murdered over it. Welcome to Trumpland.


Can you believe the idiotic T-rumptards on this forum who are defending the two rednecks ?


And bringing up "the deep state" while at it. The amount of self-deception required while trying to justify such an ugly face of society is staggering.


It truly is - and no concept of reality.


It's not a hate crime, it's a love crime. The fatherson hit team love Trump too much.


Plot thickens. According to the NY Post, the DA wanted the cops to not arrest the McMichaels because she was a colleague of theirs. And the person who videotaped the incident is a lawyer who has been 'informally' advising the pair.

No law down South. Just the good ol' boys system. 'Scratch my back I scratch yours.'


And we all know this would've played out exactly the same if it were two black men killing a white jogger they suspected of burglarizing and empty home. Just making the ol' citizens arrest.


Just the good ol' boys system.
Yeah , looks like it:

"Georgia is one of four states in the USA that don't have a hate crime prevention law, according to the Department of Justice. If someone commits a crime motivated by bias, statewide authorities are unable to pursue additional charges or enhanced penalties for the perpetrator."


O too!
