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Trump says he has evidence coronavirus came from a Chinese lab, but he can't reveal it

President Trump said Thursday that he had seen evidence to prove that the coronavirus pandemic had spread from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, but he declined to detail what that evidence was.

“I’m not allowed to tell you that,” he said at a White House news conference at which he repeatedly accused China’s government of being negligent in its response to the virus, while leaving open the possibility it was intentionally spread.

More deflection from Trump.


That's not "deflection", and he's hardly the only one making that claim. Since silenced Chinese whistleblower doctors did at first, and it's been widely reported that intelligence agencies are looking into the possibility that the virus was being researched at the lab and got released through sloppy handling, with the communist party scrambling to play cover up ever since (always a communist party's top priority in such situations), telling lies that cost thousands of lives and trillions in damage around the world.

Otherwise it'd be an awful coincidence that China's top bioresearch lab, the only one they have in that top category, just happens to be located where the outbreak started.


So where is the evidence? Why keep it hidden if that information would be beneficial to Trump? Simple, there is no evidence.


"Beneficial to Trump"? Do you listen to yourself? This isn't about Trump, it's about the Chinese communist regime. Do you care at all about the lies of a totalitarian government creating a costly global pandemic? Or do your partisan blinders have you solely concerned with trying any way you can to hurt Trump?

I'd answer your question, but I'd apparently have to explain the basic concepts and entire history of things like "classified information", "intelligence", "ongoing investigations", etc.. Heck, you might as well ask why the bombshell FBI memos effectively exonerating General Flynn and showing Comey/McCabe/Strzok and co. were out to railroad him are only coming out now when they would have benefited Trump if they had come out years ago.


I said beneficial to Trump because he only cares about himself and how he looks instead of putting America first during this coronavirus crisis. He is an incompetent leader and everyone except his base sees this.

Why are you mentioning Flynn who has nothing to do with what I posted? It's just more deflection from you which is expected since you do it often.


I said beneficial to Trump because he only cares about himself and how he looks instead of putting America first during this coronavirus crisis. He is an incompetent leader and everyone except his base sees this.

You're objectively delusional because you ignore his poll numbers going up since this crisis started and comments like these that certainly don't come from his base:

Newsome: "Let me just be candid with you. I’d be lying to you to say that (Trump) hasn’t been responsive to our needs. He has. And so, as a question, as a sort of an offer of objectivity, I have to acknowledge that publicly." "The fact is that every time I have called the president, he has quickly gotten on the line. When we asked to get support for that mercy ship in southern California, he was able to direct that in real-time. We’ve got 2,000 of these field medical sites, that are up, almost all operational now in the state, because of his support, and those are the facts.”

”New York Governor Andrew Cuomo praised the president's handling of the coronavirus outbreak during a press conference Wednesday, saying "we're fighting the same war... we're in the same trench."

"He is fully engaged on trying to help... He’s being very creative & very energetic and I thank him for his partnership."

Cuomo said Trump was doing a "really good job" and specifically praised him for sending a U.S. Navy hospital ship with 1,000 beds to New York.”

No, Trump really cares about Americans or he wouldn't have taken this job. You can also see it in his (real) words and actions. He's just more in tune with regular, working class Americans than the ruling establishment. He's been one of the best leaders we've ever had and his agenda is vital to saving this country.

Regardless, your weak op is a deflection from China's very real actions. The ones we know about, not just what we've suspected from the beginning that's currently being investigated. Trying to twist this into an anti-Trump shot because he didn't immediately reveal classified details is partisan buffoonery at its height and amounts to running interference for communist China. At least say you'll withhold judgment until you see evidence. That would be a more legitimate stance. But don't pretend Trump is the only one making these claims. I heard them back in February from various sources.


Trump's approval rating is going up? Really? He has yet to break 50%.


He's broken 50% in some polls, but more important than the (unreliable) number is the trajectory, and Trump's gotten stronger virtually across the board during this crisis. The biased Democrat 538 outfit you linked to subjectively weights the polls it cherry-picks to doctor its average, but even it shows Trump higher now than he was at the beginning of the year and for most of his presidency (e.g. their most recent listed poll, Yougov, has Trump at 45% versus 41% in early March).

Gallup, the most established and prominent outfit, whose poll released just a couple of days ago, has Trump with 49% approval, up from 43% in early April.


Ooooh! 49% What an accomplishment. If Trump wasn't such a disaster handling the coronavirus crisis his approval would be much higher. Traditionally a president's approval rating climbs drastically when America is faced with a national tragedy. But not Trump because he is truly an imbecile.


LOL! So instead of conceding with class after I debunked your claim you're left sputtering that his numbers should be even higher? Without 99% of the media waging war against Trump on a daily basis since before he even took office, frequently lying in the process to do so, he would have averaged about 75% approval over his first term based on his accomplishments. If he had been "incompetent" handling the crisis as you falsely claimed his numbers would have plummeted, not risen to around the highest of his presidency, and he wouldn't have earned the praise I quoted from major liberal Democrat governors on the front lines.

You're the imbecile.


There it is. The name calling from you. This is what you fall back on when you have nothing. Yeah, it's all the media's fault for Trump's low approval ratings and he has nothing to do with it. Do you ever listen to tbe nonsense you write?


You're the one who responded to my substantive posting with an empty reply tossing out the word "imbecile", LOL.

Trump's approval ratings are high considering studies have consistently shown he gets about 90% negative coverage from an undeniably insanely biased media that's totally embarrassed and discredited itself. Not to mention about 25 Daily Show clone nightly propaganda talk shows, with zero on the other side (apart from Greg Gutfeld's weekly).

But the point is that Trump's ratings have gone up during this crisis, an objective point countering your claim that only his base supposedly views him as competent. In fact polling shows him getting higher marks for his virus handling than his overall approval rating.




He hasn't done well bc of the way his press conferences/rallys.


He also has evidence that Obama was born in Kenya. He's had that evidence for about seven or eight years now. Why won't he share it ?


Still waiting for Schiff's secret evidence he spent years claiming he had seen that Trump colluded with Russia. You figure he would have dropped it during impeachment, but no. Maybe he's waiting for a better moment.


Deflecting again, per usual.

SO what's the hold-up with Obama's birth certificate that T-rump has, which proves he was born in Kenya ?


You're lying. I'm telling the truth. Schiff really did repeatedly claim that he saw evidence of Trump/Russia collusion. Then after Trump was exonerated Schiff just.....stopped making that claim.


Lying ? No, I'm asking again:

SO what's the hold-up with Obama's birth certificate that T-rump has, which proves he was born in Kenya ?

Stop deflecting and answer the question.


Nope, you're lying. As always. I'm not though.


Oh dear God...

The Federalist and The Tea Party Pac ? You think I'm going to bother to click on those and read their shit ?

You might as well link to your favorite sites: InfoWars and Daily Stormer. They're just as 'credible' so I won't be clicking there, either.

Try again, cupcake !


I knew it! Instead of acknowledging their publicly verifiable quotes and other facts, you deflect and put your hands over your ears, you lying tool. You surrender again, cupcake. 😀


I knew it!

Of course you knew it - everyone should know by now I'm not going to click on bullshit sources like 'The Federalist' or 'teapartypac'. Why in the world would anyone with intelligence even waste time with those sites like you (and other low IQ T-rumptards) do ? You've got to be kidding.

As I said earlier - you may as well have linked to InfoWars and Daily Stormer for your 'credible' sources; it would be the same waste of time.


There is evidence elsewhere that it came from CHINA. You don't need Trump to prove this.

You escaped loonies are hilarious.


Then please show us the evidence because I can't seem to find it. You can't because there is none. It's another conspiracy theory cooked up by Trump to try and deflect what a disaster he is.


Wait, you're denying the virus even came from China? 😄

Perhaps you agree with Chinese state propaganda that it was planted in Wuhan by US troops.


I'm not denying anything. Trump says he has proof that the coronavirus came from a Chinese lab so show us the evidence. He doesn't have any because it's not true. Just another conspiracy theory cooked up by Trump that his gullible supporters believe is true.

It must be exhausting for you to continually defend Trump every time he opens his mouth and says something stupid.


So you admit the virus came from China, and you just misspoke earlier?

As for the possibility that it came from the Wuhan lab, again, lots of people have been saying that from the beginning, including some Chinese whistle blowers (before the regime silenced them). Just because Trump hasn't revealed classified evidence as fast as you'd like him to doesn't mean it's not true. Skepticism is fine, but you illogically leaped to the contrary conclusion based on no evidence.

"Chinese scientists believe the deadly coronavirus may have started life in a research facility just 300 yards from the Wuhan fish market.

A new bombshell paper from the Beijing-sponsored South China University of Technology says that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control (WHCDC) could have spawned the contagion in Hubei province.

'The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus,' penned by scholars Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao claims the WHCDC kept disease-ridden animals in laboratories, including 605 bats.

It also mentions that bats - which are linked to coronavirus - once attacked a researcher and 'blood of bat was on his skin.'"

"It describes how the only native bats are found around 600 miles away from the Wuhan seafood market and that the probability of bats flying from Yunnan and Zhejiang provinces was minimal.

In addition there is little to suggest the local populace eat the bats as evidenced by testimonies of 31 residents and 28 visitors.

Instead the authors point to research being carried out withing a few hundred yards at the WHCDC."

"A retired US Army Colonel is among a growing list of prominent figures to lend weight to the theory that the Coronavirus now ravaging the globe leaked from a Chinese bio-lab in Wuhan in late November.

Lawrence Sellin Ph.D. is a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the U.S. Army Reserve, who previously worked at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.

In a recent op ed, he writes that while “there appears to be a politically-motivated campaign to demonstrate that CoVid-19 occurred naturally as a species ‘jump’ from animals to humans originating in the Wuhan wet market…there is still little evidence that directly supports that contention.”

Instead, Sellin posits that the origin of the virus is more likely to be a lab leak, arguing that “the technology to create a coronavirus chimera has been demonstrated,” and “deadly viruses have previously ‘leaked’ out of Chinese virology labs in two separate incidents.”"

And it's been widely reported that US intelligence agencies are taking the scenario seriously and investigating it.

It must be exhausting for you to hate so much that you force yourself to lie and say something stupid every time you post.



Like I said before, it must be exhausting for you to continually defend Trump. Instead of posting nonsense please provide proof that the coronavirus came from a Chinese lab. Everything else you post is just noise.


Why did you delete your first reply? Was it even stupider and more dishonest than your new reply and previous posts?

I didn't claim to have "proof" it came from the lab, moron. I posted proof that Trump hasn't been the only one suggesting that possibility or seriously exploring it. You're a partisan halfwit who does more good for your opponents than your own "team".


*yawn* Unless there is any proof of Trump's claim that he has evidence that the coronavirus came from a Chinese lab then you are just wasting your time. You are just another gullible and stupid Trump supporter who believes anything that come out of our Toddler-in-Chief's mouth. It must me miserable to be you.


Again, moron, it's not just Trump saying it. In addition to the Chinese scientific paper and on the record US military source I cited for you, it's what US intelligence agencies have reportedly been saying.

"A senior intelligence source told Fox News on Saturday that most, as many as 70-75 percent, of the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies believe it came from a laboratory but the remaining agencies cannot yet agree as there is not a “smoking gun.”

The source said that the agencies have come down to two potential origins for the accident - animal-human transmission, or a mistake in the lab, but there is evidence of both options with most leaning toward the laboratory explanation -- although both scenarios are attributable to mistakes.

The source told Fox that the reports show "how duplicitous the Chinese have been" in regard to information about the origins and spread of the virus and that "the impact of their secrecy has really shaken our allies."

“Everyone is furious with the Chinese,” the source said."

And, regardless of whether it started in the wet market (where's your evidence for that, btw? Or for that matter that Putin was behind those 13 Russian FB trolls allegedly committing "election interference", you hypocritical buffoon?) or from sloppy handling in the lab studying the virus, there's international agreement across countries that are at least remotely serious that Chinese cover ups and lies in the early months spread the pandemic and harmed the world.


Why does anyone keep giving the trolling robodouche any attention? The illogical bullshit that they continue to post is based on nothing besides getting a reaction from the more reasonable right.


Where's the evidence ? No one has shared it with us from T-rump's team.

Still waiting for T-rump to share Obama's authentic birth certificate from Kenya, too. It's been what...6 years ?


No one. NO ONE EVER said they would get Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate.

Your doctor is an idiot.


Trump hopped on board the birther bandwagon after his good friends Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi talked him into it. They indeed suggested multiple times that Obama was born in Mombasa, as did Orly Taitz.


Part 2, April 2011:

When ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos asked him about the investigators later that month, Trump refused to say what they had found.

“It’s none of your business right now,” he said. “We are going to see what happens.”

CNN’s Anderson Cooper also confronted him about the investigation that month.

“Can you name even one person who your investigators have talked to?” Cooper asked.

“I don’t want to do that right now,” Trump said. “It’s not appropriate right now.”

Tana Goertz, Trump’s Iowa campaign chair and a former “Apprentice” contestant, said last year that the candidate would reveal his findings “when the time is right.”

“He’s never told you about it? You’ve never asked him about it? It was unbelievable and you weren’t curious about it?” asked MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell.

“Never was curious once, because he’s not a liar. If they found something, it will come out. The time isn’t right, and guess what? Mr. Trump does what he wants and he’s not going to do it on our time,” she replied.


From the TODAY SHOW, April 2011:

“I am saying I want to see the birth certificate. It’s very simple. I want to see the birth certificate. How come his own family doesn’t know which hospital he was born in? How come — forget about birth certificates. Let’s say there’s no birth certificate. How come in the hospital itself, okay? This is one of the hospital itself, there’s no records of his birth. In other words, it doesn’t say how much they paid, where is the doctor, here’s your room bill.”

Meredith Vieira: “You’ve been privy to all of this, to know this?”

Donald Trump: “Well, I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re talking.”

Vieira: “You have people now out there searching — I mean, in Hawaii?”

Trump: “Absolutely. And they cannot believe what they’re finding. And I’m serious.”

You're welcome, redneck slack jaw.


Trump is full of crap!


NON journalists have listed the proof in MANY places. Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

It's no secret.


You mean people who have no professional integrity, no "skin in the game", are posting "proof"?
Hey, me and all my buddies slept with your Mother. And She Liked It.
Disprove that. Since I'm not a professional journalist, guess I can say whatever I want, right?


Do you really think the mainstream media has professional integrity,lol?


More slack-jawed redneck, inbred wisdom! Thanks TimMC!
