MovieChat Forums > Politics > Does anybody care about what Hillary Cli...

Does anybody care about what Hillary Clinton has to say,

or who Hillary Clinton endorses in the next election? Just like no one is interested in Al Gore any more ... Democratic leaders have been flops mostly, but mostly because they are virtual Republicans trying to hide it.


She endorses Biden! That's all I care about. I want Trump out of the White House ASAP!


Yeah, me too - Trump OUT! I just feel like any mention of Hillary Clinton or comment from her works against that effort.


Once again I'm astonished by Americans! I've seen and read quite a lot about Joe Biden, and it beggars belief that any American could even think of wanting him to be President.

I saw the bizarre histrionics when Donald Trump was elected. God only knows how the more reasonable among you will react if Biden is elected. At first, you'll be ecstatic, I'm sure. But after a little while, you'll get a rude shock, I suspect.

When it comes to decisions about the relative merits of Donald Trump and Joe Biden, I think the truism, "Better the devil you know" is very relevant.


LMAO, and you want Clinton to endorse him!?

Jesus christ, one political loser endorsing another one, maybe that'll cancel everything out?


Who cares , Trump has to go!


Exactly. What is the deal of woman making a big deal about this one, like a lie, thing about Joe Biden supposedly sticking his finger inside a woman, one time with no corroboration, while Trump has umpteen rape accusations? Sure, the law should be pure, but there is no way politics is.

Trump gets to do anything he wants because there is no one close to compare him him to? Is that it?


Nope not interested in H. Clinton and I voted for her. Al Gore I'm interested in because he's always consistent on the environment.


Nope not interested in H. Clinton and I voted for her. Al Gore I'm interested in because he's always consistent on the environment.


Myself no, but there remains plenty of her apologists around.


I voted for Hillary but didn't like her entitled attitude in 2016. That's the problem with Democrats in general in dealing with despots like Trump and his cronies. There is actually nobody with any zest or balls in the spotlight who can really put Trump in his place.

He and his supporters scream about the "lib media" but imho the media in general has been giving him a cakewalk of accountability along with the entire republican party.


The media and both sides of politics are all on the same side. They must create a convincing two-sided drama by tweaking our emotions and trying to get us raging at each other, but they just do it prevent any real democracy.


Agreed, but I really believe that people like Pelosi and Schumer are not the right kind of counterpoint to the Trump regime. When I see cuckolds like McConnell, Paul, and Graham skate the issues while allowing Trump's ruinous policies go unchallenged it tells me that the Democrats have no balls or vision. Whining about Trump's misogyny and racist appeals to his ignorant shithead base isn't gonna cut it.


No one would think twice about Pelosi or Schumer if the Republicans and FOX News were not constantly trying to poison their images constantly ... along with every other Democrat or Liberal. It is harder for Democrats to agree on a platform because they are all so different and are not only about money and greed. The Democrats with balls, like AOC, or Adam Schiff, or Al Franken ... are not appreciated. They are also not connected with the corporatocracy like Republicans. Money has taken over every aspect of the country and that is the problem. I don't really care much about the quirks or personal issues with people.


You've all lost your minds.

Clinton is a loser, and you want her speaking out!? She needs to go away.



Do you really think Hillary is saying something in that constant drunken state she is in. It is all fake stories from the liberal press,


If you cared about lies and fake news you might want to concentrate your attention of Donald J. Trump.
