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Public health expert: ‘Coronavirus is going to hit every city in America’

New York City is currently the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, or COVID-19, and a public health expert is warning that the virus is going to spread to every other U.S. city.

“Coronavirus is going to hit every city in America,” Harvard Global Health Institute Director Dr. Ashish Jha told Yahoo Finance’s YFi PM. “There is no question about it. New York is going first. Will [the spread] be at the same ferocity? It may or may not in different cities. ... I am incredibly worried about Louisiana, and specifically New Orleans. I am very worried about Atlanta.”

Maybe if Trump acted sooner instead of believing that the coronavirus was a hoax by the Democrats this virus crisis wouldn't be as severe as it is.,/url>;


Find a new lie. This one's boring and everyone knows Trump acted swiftly by imposing travel restrictions that Biden denounced back in January, just days after scientists identified the virus. Trump never called the virus a "hoax"; he called lies like yours blaming him a "hoax" like the Russia collusion hoax, and he's right.


You have your head so far up Trump's ass you can't see how incompetent he is in handling this coronavirus crisis. But the rest of us do and we will remember this in November and Trump will not be re-elected.


TDS body convulsions have left your head shoved so far up your own ass that you're disconnected from the external real world. Your only tether is a thin earpiece line still feeding you garbled DNC talking points.


Notice how robodouche failed to actually reply to your very strong counterpoint. TDS must affect the inflicted in their ability to read.


I know. He was so worried about his re-election that he tried to downplay it as much as he could, with help from FOX, OAN, Breitbart and the rest of the conservative media. Hope the T-rumptards are proud.


Just a month ago he was promoting this as a 'hoax' and his toadies at FOX were pushing it along with him. What a difference a few weeks make, ehh ?


If you read the comments on Yahoo you'll find that many of Trump's supporters still believe that the coronavirus crisis is a hoax. What a bunch of imbeciles.


I'm sure the majority of them here on this forum do, as well.

Do you have a link to the yahoo comments ?


No links. Just read comments on any article involving Trump or the coronavirus on Yahoo. The stupity and gullibility of Trump supporters there is astounding.


Once again robotpussy, let me thank you in posting a link, unlike you're crash test dummy for a pal.

You support Biden, yes? Maybe Bernie? And yet, they both WOULD NOT have issued a travel ban or closed the border. So how can you bitch about Trump when YOUR CANDIDATE would've actually made it worse? Can you answer that?

Can you answer why NYC officials did NOTHING in order to alert their denizens of the virus AFTER Trump issued a travel ban to and from China? Can you tell me why DeBlasio still told people to go out in March as if nothing was to worry about? That was a good ONE MONTH AFTER the travel ban was issued. Why don't you blame any of those people, pray tell? Hypocrite much?

Did you find any typos, grammar nazi?


Maybe but you get what you vote for-or rather 63 million idiots did. An imbecile.
