1. It's Not Just For Pooping! The Bottom Line for Boys.
2. 420 Every Day! The Story of a Miraculous Weed.
3. No Yours, No Mine, Just OURS: Socialism for Pre-Schoolers.
4. But They're My Mom and Dad! Who to Tell When They Say Bad Things...
5. The Bad Old Days: A Horror Story from the Times of Cis-Centric America
6. They Believed in a Man in the Sky: The Dark Days of Religious Delusion
7. They Called Him Barack: The People's Hero
8. It's Not Your Fault You're White, (But it's Still Not Alright). A Coloring Book for a New Generation.
9: Mommies and Daddies All in the Bed: Polyamory For Kids!
10: The Meat-Eaters: A Scary Book about Scary Nasty Food.
For a person that preaches these boards should be reserved for "honest discussions" only, it's funny and hypocritical to see you choose to engage in this thread. Apparently, this was "honest discussion" worthy, yes? You are such a phony and your post proves it once again.
Why don't you berate dogdump or Bucky? They both have openly acknowledged posting on this board for their entertainment? Double standard much?
Then again, you do have a need to claim "victory" to arguments. Being that your argumentative skills are sub-par, I understand you have to take what you can get. So by all means, enjoy your "victory" that a poster got AOC's name wrong. Perhaps your board pals will throw you a parade and create a thread to praise your "victory", yes? If so, I'll be there. 🤪🤪🤪
Why? Both still have to be approved by the editor to make it to print. NYT is still responsible for the words from an op-ed writer. Didn't you know that? I guess you didn't. Well, what else is new? Still nothing.🤪🤪🤪
Don't worry. The piece I posted the link to isn't the only one the NYT is being sued for. You asked for a link, I gave you a relevant one. Whether you choose to accept it or let your Ignorance shield you from the truth, I couldn't care less either way. Then again, we already know which way you'll choose, don't we? What else is new? Still nothing. 🤪🤪🤪
You still don’t know the difference between an op-Ed and an article, do you? LMAO
And in the other thread you're begging me to give you a Master Class on journalism, so you can tell the difference between an article and an op-ed. Ain't gonna happen.
Since you've come around full circle, is it the Ignorance that makes you stupid or is it the stupidity that makes you Ignorant? Pray tell, dogdump? 🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪
You misinterpreted what I meant about "honest discussion."
By honest discussion, I'm talking about a discussion or argument a person actually feels or believes in. You had incorrectly assumed I gave credit to Obama for killing Bin Laden, without you ever reading my actual feelings on it. When you finally got around to reading what was in that earlier reply, it didn't matter to you because, in your own words, this was just a "pointless movie chat board."
Since you've admitted that your words have no meaning on this movie chat board, you're obviously not here for an honest discussion. That is what separates you from everyone else.
You bitched and moaned about me posting for entertainment reasons and sanctimoniously stated that I, and I would assume anybody else or else you'd create an obvious double standard, shouldn't be posting for entertainment purposes. Rather, these boards should be used for "honest discussions". Retcon much? Backpedal much?🤪🤪🤪
Again, I don't deny that dogdump and Bucky believe in the things they say in their posts. However, you believed, in your original statement, that posting here should be devoid of entertainment. What an absolute joke and how hypocritical you are in making that statement when you of all people should know that idiot posters like Fatzo and Dick Dick and dogdump and Fredo all obviously troll for entertainment purposes here. Yet, your lack of outrage is deafening! Your actions prove you're a sanctimonious phony and a hypocrite. 🤪🤪🤪
However, since you've gone and retconned your original meaning to be a "discussion a person actually feels or believes in", are you saying you don't believe me when I say you're indoctrinated socialist and an Anti-Fa sympathizer? Are you saying you don't believe me when I say dogdump is an NPC? How can you not believe those things when I've reiterate those sentiments time after time?🤪🤪🤪
You don't think I actually believe that Hillary was a horrible politician and the dems with their left wing agenda is ruining this country? How Ignorant do you have to be just to protect your fragile ego from losing an argument on these boards? You got rekt and then you retconned your argument and then you got rekt again. What does that say about your argumentative skills? Weaksauce at best. 🤪🤪🤪
I will reiterate. You admitted your words have no meaning on this movie chat board, therefore you are not here for an honest discussion. Entertainment is fine. But when your entertainment is admitting nothing you say matters because it's a pointless movie chat board then it's clear honest discussion is out the window.
However, since you've gone and retconned your original meaning
It was all in that thread I created about you months ago, which you reported and then claimed I deleted myself. Now you're saying this is some new angle. Again, you can't be taken seriously.
You don't think I actually believe that Hillary was a horrible politician and the dems with their left wing agenda is ruining this country?
How can I know when this is just a pointless movie chat board to you? You've removed any method in which I can take you seriously. That is why I invited you to discord, to find out what your opinions really were. But you pretended like you believed discord was some program I created to dox you.
We're done, whenever you want to be done. Am I twisting your arm in forcing you to reply to me, pray tell?
When did I admit my words have no meaning? I said I'm not nor do I expect that my posts will make a difference to anybody, but it doesn't mean I don't believe in what I post. It's only obvious that you cannot accept being rekt from your original argument and that your retcon argument was even weaker and still makes you a hypocrite. So instead of actually making an argument and defending statement, you defense is just to discount the things I say. How weak is your argumentative skills?
How can you know? Pathetic. Ignorance is Strength proven again. You should've CONTINUED what you've been doing and ceased replying to my posts. It was the one thing that actually made you look smart, but you couldn't help but go back to your dunce ways, yes?
Now go back into the corner and put your dunce cap back on. Remember, the dunce cap isn't to remind others you are stupid, is to remind you. 🤪🤪🤪
The reason I'm replying is because you're giving me a soapbox to show others you aren't genuine. Genuine people don't say:
You should've CONTINUED what you've been doing and ceased replying to my posts.
You're admitting you aren't worth replying to. This is the same sentiment you expressed when you said this is just a pointless movie chat board. You might as well say "haha, I got you to reply to my troll posts I don't actually believe in but enjoy antagonizing you with."
Yes, I know my reply won't affect you. That's not why I'm replying. If you're going to bring up the topic of why you aren't to be taken seriously, and give me the opportunity to show others why you aren't to be taken seriously, then hey I'll take it.
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How many times are you going to retcon why you're replying to me? You're more than welcome to reply to any of my post and you're more than welcome to ignore them. Your explanations are pathetic as you are a complete phony.
I'm admitting that I'm not worth replying? Where exactly did I say that? It is up to you to reply to my post or not. I don't control your actions. However, being that your argumentative skills are so poor, not replying to me was the smartest choice you could make. You understand now? It's clear your Ignorance allows you to see what you want to see while obfuscating the truth to protect your fragile ego.
Bring up the topic of not being taken seriously? When was that topic ever discussed? You just pull chepooka out of your ass when you run out of chepooka to spew. The problem with that is that it makes you look that much more of an idiot than you already are. You think I'm worried what other posters think of me from your words? I couldn't care less as your phoniness makes your words hollow from your own actions. Even posters that share your viewpoint aren't that naive to see your obvious retconning and moving the goal posts. It's blatantly obvious.
You've already lost the original argument due to your double standard actions and you've lost the retcon argument, because it was a stupid argument to begin with. Just lick your wounds and move on. Learn from your mistakes rather than have your Ignorance shield you from the truth. Your argumentative skills really suck.
This 'Alicia' is getting around - writing 10 children's books to be published 25 years from now, and going to science fairs and dropping the mic. Sounds like her career is off to a big start. Who is she, anyhow ? I don't think anyone here has ever heard of Alicia, except you and the OP.
In your original post today you were talking about an author named Alicia Ocasio-Cortez. What happened to her? You changed the thread title but no mention of Alicia’s exit.
You thought her name was Alicia, got criticized for it, then changed your post and pretended you never made the mistake, got criticized for it, but you don't know what my point is? Seriously?
Who cares? The edit post button is there for a reason, yes? The point is you pointing out that mistake is considered a "victory" in your book. That's kind of pathetic, but whatever makes you happy. So again, when's the parade? 🤪🤪🤪
Go ask your pal, dogdump. He'll give you the 411. And congratulations on your decisive "victory". May you celebrate your parade with your komrades with much gladness in your hearts. 😁😁😁
Wait until krl97a gets a hold of you! He accuses everyone of lying on the left, and here' s one of his team-mates lying through their teeth. I can't wait until he finishes wiping the floor with you.
Instead of spending countless posts over some trivial alleged name error (which I didn't pay attention to), I'm still waiting for you to start posting your several daily stock market threads, this time about how the Dow surged 1,293 points today.
Yep. Doggiedaddy will surely post his daily stock market threads. Any minute now....
At first it was a trivial name error. He made a mistake. No big deal. I made a joke about it, but nothing that can't be brushed off.
But then he changed the title and pretended like he never made the error, and is clinging to that obvious lie knowing the Trumpers will never call him on it.
I'm pretty sure you were referenced facetiously and that nobody genuinely expected you to call out the OP's deception. It's been well-established that Trumpers don't care when someone they approve of lies to their faces.
As I said earlier I didn't see what the name was, but even if it happened as you say have you considered the possibility that the op was having some fun with you in the later denial, watching you and a couple of your partisan comrades get exasperated wasting so much time and energy with all those posts on such a trivial issue, and laughing his ass off as some of us were?
But I do get a kick out of anyone who regularly teams up with Doggiedaddy, supports politicians like Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Pocahontas, and Adam Schiff, or watches CNN try to lecture anyone else about lying or hypocrisy, LOL.
On a far more substantive issue I see that doggie never did post any stock market threads today. Maybe he was too busy with this vital "Alicia" topic.
It doesn’t matter if you admitted it was an error on your part, corrected it by using the Edit option...you would still be raked over the coals! So why even bother? You can’t win. Why? Because we are all as per *THEM*, idiots, stupid, morons, racists, NAZIs, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, basket of deplorables. BTW, not a legitimate word; deplorable is an adjective not a noun, so who was the ignorant one who stated it during her campaign?
I’m not defending anyone. If he made an error, corrected it, then said he didn’t make an error...that’s a bone faced lie. He would be in the wrong. This same thing occurred on another board. The person who caught the mistake was then called a liar for bringing attention to it. By that time a correction was made. Thing is the person who caught the error made a screen shot and shoved it back into the denier’s face! If I write something in error, I’m called out on it, I would admit I made an error then I then would correct.
BTW, I failed to mention I also saw Alicia in his OP, but he didn’t deserve to be called an idiot for getting her name wrong. You could have corrected him without the insult. I just over looked it just like I do my best to over look the lying bitch known as AOC! But, you went on one of your holier than thou tangents to hound him over and over. If you had corrected him in a civil, not snarky manner the thread would have died.
What he supposedly did, as per you, was wrong, but you exacerbated the situation. That’s the trouble with you lefties...the incessant droning on and on...like picking at a scab. “To Infinity And Beyond!”
If that racist, sexist, unhinged, braindead, socialist, millennial moron afraid of cow farts ever gets near the presidency, I will hope and pray that I’m dead and gone, because this country will be circling the drain with no hope of a return.