MovieChat Forums > Politics > Are we O.K. with the Executive branch ha...

Are we O.K. with the Executive branch having final say in America?

We fought a war to prevent this exact thing from happening.

There are 3 branches of gov't of equal power.


That's a myth. The branches are not equal. Congress has the most power and can override any decision by the President except for pardons. If they find that he has exercised the pardon power for corrupt purposes, they can impeach him.


But when Congress is working hand in hand with the executive branch, as it is now, the President has the power of a King.

Again, America fought a war to expel a King. Now we have one and his name is Trump.


Congress working hand in hand with the President is a functioning democracy. And when activist judges from the third branch of government issue ridiculous rulings with nationwide application, the President appeals but abides by the ruling.


Any decision? Pretty sure they can't override his veto power on a bill they pass. Like a certain I can make war with Iran if I want to or need to.


They can override a veto with a 2/3rds majority.


These days the judicial branch has the final say. Hence the Supreme Court repeatedly overturning decisions by corrupt leftwing judges in lower courts who were more concerned with bad orange man than upholding the constitution.

Fun fact: you didn’t fight for anything. Our founding fathers did. You know the ones you and your communist run Democrat party/media hate. Back to your chores son.


I'm a veteran you dipshit. Semper fidelis. You don't seem to understand what being American means. It wouldn't matter if I served or not. The blood spilt in America's name for the freedom's I and every American enjoys is on our collective hands.


Thank you for your service, Bucky. You missed the point though. The founding fathers came together and mishmashed a hodgepodge of laws to uniformly be ratified and abided by the 13 colonies. What you fight for is to preserve those rights and liberties of the USA.

You don't like Trump. That's your right and that's fine, but how can you bitch about Trump when Obama clearly usurped his executive power and enacted policy without the a single vote by Congress? Pray tell me this is also wrong and because it is, DACA is unconstitutional. Don't be a hypocrite.


Thanking me for my service is such an empty gesture. Honestly I nor anybody I served with like people saying that. It's trite.

The rest of your post reads "blah blah blah, blah blah blah".



As I respect our military, I will overlook your ingratitude. Regardless if you think I'm sincere or not, it is truly disappointing that your WILLFUL IGNORANCE to the facts is preventing you from accepting the truth. You are a hypocrite from head to toe. You are living in denial. Such a disappointment you are.


Verbal diarrhea.


Go back and READ your thread title. Your IGNORANCE answered your question for you. So tell me when are you going to delete the thread title?


That’s probably his real name. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Are you talking about Obama's "pen" and "phone", and his executive actions like Daca illegal alien amnesty that he admitted were unconstitutional but did anyway?

Or are you whining about perfectly constitutional actions by Trump because he's a Republican instead of a Democrat and you're a hypocritical partisan hack?


I concur with Krl97a. DACA is unconstitutional as Obama bypassed congress via presidential memorandum. Are you gonna bitch about that too? That was dictatorial of Obama, wasn't it?


I concur with Krl97a.

And that is yet another reason (on a list of many) why no one on this forum takes you seriously.


Did Obama bypass Congress in enacting policy via presidential memorandum, yes or no? Isn't that what Bucky is bitching about? Hypocrites you are. But then again, what else is new, yes? Ignorance is Strength proven yet again.


Doggiedaddy loses again by fleeing the substantive points, as always. That's one of the main reasons why no one on this forum takes him seriously.


Concurring with krl97a - of all clowns on this board - shows your an idiot. No need to read the rest of the post.


Those days are gone. T-rump came over and changed our beloved democracy to a dictatorship right before our eyes - and his minions don't seem to mind.


The problem that republicans are not seeing(or refuse to see) is that political power is cyclical. It behaves like a pendulum. When Democrats are in power they will use the same tactics that are being used now to solidify power. There are no checks and balances in this system. Trump and his minions have opened a Pandora's box and it cannot be closed.


You failed to answer the challenges above shredding your premises, showing that you're either completely trolling or a partisan hack engaging in extreme projection.


They will try - they will try with all their might to limit the power of the next Democratic President and they will be reminded of what they let Donald T-rump get away with. And it will be a harsh reminder for them.


It will be a delicious reminder of the atrocities they performed under Trump's reign of corruption.
