MovieChat Forums > Politics > It's been 2 months already ?

It's been 2 months already ?

WOW ! The other day (February 18) marked two months that T-rump made history - the first President to be impeached in his first three years in office. Can't let this week go by without recognizing his infamous achievement!

Take a bow T-rumpers!


Doggie, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! Andrew Johnson, a Democrat btw, was impeached in March. 1968, *less than three years* after taking office due to the assassination of Lincoln in April, 1965. Johnson, the Democrat, was the 17th POTUS.


In March, 1968 Johnson was our President. I have no idea where you're getting your information from.


She will argue with you honestly, DD, which is more than I can say for most of her tribe.

Be nice.


I'm totally turned off by her in her 'karma' message about Nadler. Absolutely horrible and disgusting.


Haven't read that thread. Give me a moment.


It's absolutely horrible. She has shown her true self. Now she's trying to play innocent and 'being misunderstood' by everyone who read it. Typical.


She is hurting. Give her grace. Rise above.


I attempted to post a link to your question about Rush. I couldn’t because I deleted the OP. Here it is:


I never posted on his page, so I have no idea why you linked that page to my request.

My request is very clear : link to my thread I started here, where I can see liberals on this forum were responding in the same evil way you did in your post.


I wasn’t referring to you. I wrote others posted gleeful remarks about Rush. And I repeat, what I wrote was not evil. You still don’t understand what I was trying to get across so I won’t belabor the point. You have called us racists, part of a cult,Trump supporters are evil, any vile thing you could call us Trump voters. I’ve never hit you back, wrote ad hominem attacks against you, etc. I just let it ride. And most of all I’ve never wrote you were evil or disgusting even though you and others have called us the most disgusting names.


What you wrote was very evil and horrible. You accused Nadler's wife of getting cancer because of Karma - for Nadler telling 'lies'. Don't deny it.

That's much worse than name-calling people 'racists', 'cultists' etc. As for me calling T-rump supporters evil and vile - you've proved it in the post which you have since deleted. So again, don't compare your actions to mine.

You've gone far beyond 'name calling' - you said someone got pancreatic cancer due to 'karma' of her husband's actions, all because you don't like her husband. Horrible. (And then you have the gall to warn others to be careful of what we do because karma may hit our loved ones ???? Disgusting.)

I've said enough - I'm done with this discussion.


Oh, it wasn’t horrible and disgusting. You don’t read my posts very well. It was no more different from what you write about T-rumpers.


I have never ever posted anything horrible like that about T-rumpers. Your post is much different and pure evil. Please stop trying to compare yourself to me.




“I'm truly ambivalent about this bounty on his head - I neither condone nor condemn.”

Just a side note of a bit of your posting history. In simple terms, you wouldn’t care one way or another if the current POTUS, Trump, was assassinated? Hmm? 🤔 Seems to be rather “evil and disgusting”.

“You really showed your true evil self in that post. How horrible!”

“What a horrible, hateful, ignorant, disgusting thing to say about someone. You should be ashamed of yourself. Proves what a real low-life you are.”

Thank God I’m not like you. I would wholeheartedly CONDEMN the assassination of the POTUS!


I don't think you understand the meaning of 'ambivalent' or the term 'neither condemn nor condone'. Try again, evil one. This doesn't even come close to the evil crap you posted about Nadler and his wife.

By the way - why did you delete your post in which you said Nadler's wife got pancreatic cancer due to karma getting back to him for the lies he told ?


I posted I was deleting it due to you all being upset about it. All of you misconstrued what I was attempting to write. Apparently I failed in explaining what I meant. I didn’t write or intend to write Nadler’s wife got cancer due to him lying. I was thinking Biblically, but chose Karma. The Bible tells us our loved ones will suffer for our wrongful deeds. The sins of the father falls upon the sons. As I wrote my daughter is suffering due to my bad choices.

Evil: profoundly immoral and wicked. I am neither. I could say the same of you, but I won’t because you aren’t (or I believe you aren’t) evil. You write hateful posts and call people not very nice names, but that doesn’t make you evil.


Correction, you deleted it to save face. If you asked me whether it should be removed, I'd prefer you keep it up to show what you really think. And I'd bet the majority of people on this board would agree the post should've stay up. You deleted it because you didn't want people thinking you thought the way I and others suggested. Our take on the content of your post trumped whatever biblical fantasy you're contriving here.


Believe what makes you happy. Believe what you will. I deleted it for exactly what I wrote. I could give a rat’s patootie about saving face. You’re so used to believing anyone who disagrees with you is lying, therefore you wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked you in the face. You and your ilk are a sad, hateful bunch who exist only to cause discord, while spewing vile ad hominem attacks against Trump and the folks who voted for him. I’m at peace...maybe someday you will be also.


Of course the post should have stayed up. She said there was nothing wrong with it, and we were just misunderstood - so leave it be and let others who visit the forum judge for themselves.

She deleted it to 'save face' as you said. I guess she didn't have a Black Sharpie handy to cross out the evil stuff.


Believe what makes you happy. Believe what you will. I deleted it for exactly what I wrote. I could give a rat’s patootie about saving face. You’re so used to believing anyone who disagrees with you is lying, therefore you wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked you in the face. You and your ilk are a sad, hateful bunch who exist only to cause discord, while spewing vile ad hominem attacks against Trump and the folks who voted for him. I’m at peace...maybe someday you will be also.


I believe in the truth. Have you ever heard of that?


I believe in the truth.


Says, Doggie, the biggest liar on the board.


To krli97a,

Also, one of the most egregious posters on the board.


That’s our doggiedaddy!


Says kspkap, the evil cultist on the forum. Tell us again why you deleted your evil post ?


You calling me the pot calling the kettle black. You are doing to me exactly what the slithering snake Schiff did to Trump.

“Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor”

God hates liars/prevaricators

Proverbs 6:16-19 ESV

“There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”

I would say you fit four out of the six by what you post.


Tell us about how karma brings cancer to our loved ones again, evil you did with Nadler and his wife. This time, don't delete your post.


You calling me the pot calling the kettle black.


Poor krl97a - wouldn't know the truth if it slapped him across the face.


Cut your losses, Doggie. You're embarrassing yourself more with every reply.


I love when you prove my posts about you to be 100% correct! You're very generous.


See? Alright, explain how I "prove(d)" anything you said. Show your work.



The most hilarious thing I can think of for doggie and the bunch....they could end up with Socialist Bernie as their nominee, who never met a dictator he didn’t admire. 😅😂🤣


Shallow, lying idiots like Doggie are the type of cannon fodder dictators rely on to seize and maintain power.


Says the T-rumptard. Very believable, indeed.


Sanders was literally praising communist dictator Fidel Castro last night for supposedly improving "literacy", Berntard.

Plus while Trump favors American freedom, spending his presidency deregulating and cutting taxes, Sanders has a totalitarian mindset and wants a government takeover of everything.


Says kspkap who explained to us that Nadler's wife got pancreatic cancer because of his karma.


You know it's TRUE that Obama enacted policy and bypassed Congress via presidential memorandum, yes? Can you admit to that truth? If so, please tell Bucky, because he's still in denial. 🤪🤪🤪


Here you go from January, 2016. He still had 2 more years to rule by edict!



My error, Andrew Johnson 1865-1868


Good to see you! Haven't seen you in a few days.


Impeached and still no crime.

Uh mazing.





...And there's a not a damn thing his orange, fat ass can do about.

How that must TORTURE and KILL his starving ego.

Good. Fat fuck deserves that lifelong agony of a permanently-stained reputation and legacy.

And it DOES bother him--that's why he was trying to get it "expunged".

LOL! Doesn't work that way, you fat fuck. XD


Don't blow a gasket, Fredo. You're getting your panties in a twist over old news.

Yes, he's impeached. I'm glad you're happy. Let's call it a win win, yes? 🤪🤪🤪


It seems to me that you are in fact the one that is being tortured and killed inside. It's not healthy to live that way.


I know - impeached forever. First elected President to be impeached in his first term.

As Donnie Diapers told Hillary in 2016 - "You know what's deplorable ? Being a President who's impeached."


Gotta love the way the cultists retroactively find ways of defending Donald with that:

-"He's not truly impeached because it was a sham impeachment!"

-"He's gonna expunge it!"

And, when all else fails: -"So what?! Still better than Clinton!"


He's deplorable, as Donnie Diapers said definitively in 2016.


Donald's supporters are so pathetic in the way they defend this rich, silver spoon, undeserving, entitled family.

History is chock full of soulless, rich corporate leaders with a bevy of rubes trailing behind them, hoping for scraps from the table.


I’m hoping some day they wake up and realize they’ve been used.


By then, it will be too late.



ACQUITTED FOREVER. And even some Democrat pundits are admitting impeachment was a huge "mistake", LOL.


The first President ever to have a bipartisan vote for impeachment in the Senate!

Thank You, Republican Mitt Romney for doing the right thing!


By one guy who personally hates him and predictably voted that way. But it's also the only purely partisan House impeachment vote in history, against bipartisan opposition, and the only one where the articles didn't even allege any crimes.

Romney is finished, a lame duck, while Trump has emerged from the Democrats' clumsy coup attempt stronger.


By one guy or one hundred - his was the only bipartisan impeachment in the Senate in history. Don't take this (dis)honor away from him.


And the only purely partisan House impeachment ever, with more Democrats than Republicans crossing the aisle overall.

Given how much even leftist pundits acknowledge the impeachment stunt backfired politically, it's hilarious that you're so desperate to have something to post about that you're reminding people about it, LOL.


The sham impeachment trial backfired politically, as Republican Mitt Romney voted to impeach him. #MoscowMitch almost swallowed his chin (but he couldn't find it) when his controlled Senate was the only bipartisan impeachment in the Senate in history. He couldn't even get 100% of his own party to vote to acquit.


Who won the Democrat Iowa Caucus?

