Washington (CNN)House Republicans plan to introduce a disapproval resolution condemning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for ripping up her copy of President Donald Trump's State of the Union speech.
Nothing will happen as the same bunch that said impeach Donald will say don't do anything to Nancy. Donald getting reelected will cause a bunch of democrat there jobs as seen as do nothings to the new progressive movement.
Democrats gave Pelosi a standing ovation after she concluded her remarks, coming just hours before the Senate will vote to acquit Trump in his impeachment trial. The California Democrat then went on to salute all seven House impeachment managers by name, according to attendees.
What a clown show. Yeah, what Pelosi did was childish, but for them to call out Pelosi for a childish action while 110% excusing Donald's daily childish antics is so overly and pathetically partisan.
Honestly, you'd have to be a fucking idiot to still support, love and admire donald at this point.
I've always said I do but Trumpers call me a "liberal" anyway. To be honest, I'm growing tired of saying: "I'm not a liberal". It doesn't make a difference anyway.
Trump's whole shtick has been acting like a petulant child. Hoax, witch hunt every single effing day when he could have been demonstrating leadership and calm under fire. But no, we got the petulant child act.
She ripped up his speech because it wasn't presidential by any stretch of the imagination. It was a partisan rah-rah about how everything in life has been better because djt happens to be breathing now. It was pitiful, disgusting, totally deceitful and self serving, and if he's the best this country can have for statesmanship, let's all grab shovels and get in line because this is no longer democracy but autocracy and plutocracy.
The left couldn't accept that he was elected and the morning after Election Day you'd think an apocalypse was going on. Meltdowns everywhere! A nation in shock and disarray. From the left anyway.
The media and the Democrats were (and are) absolutely disgusting toward him. They didn't give him an ounce of respect then or now.
Impeachment talk started happening immediately once he was elected! They were constantly at him. Not just him but his family as well.
It's disingenuous if you actually believe they haven't been on a hunt day after day, cooking up all kinds of things to get rid of him or at the very least beat the hell out of him. Never letting up. Never giving him a break. Twisting just about everything he says.
They tried to break this man but found out quickly he bites back. I'm not condoning every action he's taken since this all started but many times I can't blame him because of their unjust attacks. Sometimes his response is totally deserved.
The thing is, no one has to LIKE the president but the bitter hatred for him is disgusting. They're so biased the way they report things about him or his administration.
Pundits and the public even comparing him to the likes of Hitler, for example. It's so over the top.
And when the attacks on him weren't enough they started to go after his supporters!
Don't like the president, that's fine. Don't like his policies, that's also fine. Maybe if you guys left the man alone he would do so too.
I didn't like Obama or Bush or Clinton but I just lived my life. I didn't chip away at them day in and day out.
So if you want to talk about a petulant child, there's PLENTY of blame to go around.
I don't get what the whole fuss is about. If she did it during the speech, yeah sure, I get the issue. She only did it AFTER he concluded his speech which takes on a different meaning of disagreement.