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Rockets hit airbase in Iraq where U.S. troops are located.

Thanks Trump! This is what you get when you have a President that can't think past his nose. You wanted it, republicans! You got it!


Republicans are all ordering their Melania jackets right now so they can wear them this week - the ones which say, "I really don't care do u ?"

A dozen ballistic missiles targeted the base. Can you believe this ?


This is officially a proxy war. This is on Trump. Of course the usual crew will shift the blame.


This was a choice not a necessity and is 100% on Trump. Campaign promise broken. Im worried what he'll do now. Thank God nobody was killed though it may not matter to Trump and his response may be disproportionate further dragging us into a war we the people do not support.


Trump doesn't even know what Trump is going to do next.


They will try to blame this on Hillary or Obama.


As ridiculous as that sounds they will.


"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary's emails!"


Many have. They said: "If Obama did something about this when he was president then Trump wouldn't have been put in this situation". It's never donald's fault. Everyone is accountable BUT donald...unless it's something that reflects positively on donald--then it's ONLY him. That's how Trumpers think.


Can you believe them ? Obama did do something - he did the same thing as his predecessor did from 2001-2009. Maybe T-rump should have learned something from them ?


His knuckle dragger supporters think anything short of nuking them is "not 'Murican badass' enough".

It's no wonder the lowest common denominator votes for him.


β€œ I dont”.


We all know all kinds of junk is hanging out in Iraq. So lets wait and get evidence who it was.


What does this even mean? Did you have a stroke?


I place the blame for this squarely on Trump's voters.

They own this. This is their guy. They will own all of it--every last American death. Every last death of every woman and child. They will own it.


The deflections are going to be ridiculous. Let the games begin!


They've already been deflecting to Obama and 100% blaming him for "doing nothing" and "putting Trump in an impossible situation".

They're pathetic.


Oh yeah I've been hit with that deflection. This is what happens: They listen to FAUXNEWS and right-winged talk radio and get the talking points from them. They pivot when those outlets pivots. And they call us lemmings. SMFH.


Case in point Sandcan's comment below. We have our first deflection of the day!


Was Soleimani a terrorist, yes or no?


Look kids! A deflection!


How is that a deflection? He's the cause, is he not? Now answer the question?


The point is not whether Soleimani is a terrorist. That's what makes it a deflection. Do you even realize when you are doing it? LOL

Killing Soleimani was extremely risky considering it had a strong chance of causing a proxy war with Iran. A proxy war with Iran is not in the U.S. best interest.

Is that clear enough? Now can you stop deflecting?


Was this a response from Iran because Soleimani was taken out, yes or no? If it was, then how is it a deflection? If not, then tell me how it wasn't? Now answer the question and stop ducking and dodging.

Extremely risky? When are these things not risky? All of this goes back to my original question in the other threads. How should the US respond to the embassy attack. According to you, we should've done nothing and just pulled out, yes? Pussy much? πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ


It makes a difference who a person is. This wasn't a random terrorist. He was Iran's top military guy. You tried to simplify the situation. I called you on it. It's over man. Give it up.

And yes I get plenty of pussy. Yourself?


So you admit he was a terrorist. As Trey Gowdy would say, "See. That wasn't so hard." So then how is it a deflect, pray tell?

Yeah, he's a top terrorist. Isn't it better to take out a top guy then some lackey? What's simplified, pray tell?

Again as the pussy that you are, you would've done NOTHING. You would've just pull everybody out and leave our allies to fend for themselves. You probably bitched about that in Turkey when it fit your narrative. Hypocrite much? πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ


LMAO! Dude, keep it coming. This is comedy gold.


I guess that's it. You can't answer the questions imposed on you. Dunce much? Pathetic much?πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ


You are the gift that keeps on giving. Stay gold, Pony Boy!


I am entertaining. I appreciate the acknowledgement. When dogdump sets the bar so low for the leftists here on these boards and you couldn't even meet that bar, it is nothing less than pathetic. Pray continue. You'll get there eventually.😁😁😁


Hook, line, and sinker ladies and gents. (((((BOWS))))


It made some major headline news, and people will continue to talk about it.


Luckily no Americans were killed. Hopefully Trump won't get the proxy war he was hoping for.


Buckwipe doing his best to outdo doggielemming in illustrating the height of leftwing stupidity.

Zero substance lemming.

We’ve got ourselves a horse race. Let’s watch.

Orangeman bad!


You are one of the trolls that I chose not to engage in conversation. Sorry, you didn't make the cut. Seriously. Goodbye.


Ignorance is Strength proven once again.πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š


Sorry buckwipe, the missiles hit the middle of no where. Keep wishing for the Trump and America to lose like the rest of your ignorant Democrat lemmings.

How about that speech today. Another gran slam by The President of the United States, Donald Jefferson Millhouse Reagan Churchill Washington Trump.

