Brandon Darby, Ann Coulter, Nation Building
“Why can’t we bring the military back and send them to Mexico?”
“But all of those things are treatments for an underlying problem,” [Brandon Darby] added, “...If people from El Salvador wanted to come north to work and Mexico had jobs, they would just stay in Mexico, which would be fine with me — that’s the kind of thing we have to start looking at.”
[Jack Posobiec of OANN One America News Network] noted how the U.S. engages in “nation-building” in other countries but doesn’t appear to give Mexico the same attention, despite the nation being so much closer to home.
“How ridiculous is it that we’ll do these nation-building projects in Afghanistan, and Botswana, and Burundi, [but] the one where you could at least make the argument that there’s a direct benefit to the American citizens is just south of our border?” asked Posobiec.
Coulter offered her response.
“It’s like you’re reading my mind,” she said. “Whenever I see Brandon’s articles, I want to tweet them out and say, ‘You know, this is two miles from where Americans live. This is 20 miles from where Americans live, not 7,000.’ Why isn’t the media talking about it? I mean, other than Brandon Darby at Breitbart.”
“It’s very, very strange — this is happening right on our border,” continued Coulter. “It’s as if you have ISIS and al-Qaeda together, doing their beheadings and mass murders, and it’s cheek by jowl with us, with no border in between, but no, no, no, tell me what’s going on in China. Tell me what’s going on in East Timor.”
“Of course this influences us,” added Coulter of the Mexican drug cartels. “Why can’t we bring the military back and send them to Mexico?”