MovieChat Forums > Politics > HISTORY IS MADE: T-rump is Impeached on...

HISTORY IS MADE: T-rump is Impeached on 2 Articles

T-rump has been officially impeached by the House on two articles: Abuse of Power, and Obstruction of Congress. He's the third President to be impeached in 240 years, and the first President to be impeached in his first term.


Interesting turn of events! But I doubt the Senate will remove him from office....


Sad to see a President has been impeached for trying to win the election next year by asking a foreign country for help. Sad day in history to see this.


Win by cheating. And using his power of the office to strongarm a foreign government to smear his political opponent.

Trump asked for Russia's help in winning 2016 and wanted them to spy on us which they did. In 2019, he asked Russia, China and Ukraine's help. A completely lawless politician who wants foreign interference in American elections. Amazing!

At least a few Republicans care about the Republic.


Lol! You Americans!


Where do you hail from?


Somewhere else.

(You didn't expect me to say, did you?) :)


Likely Ireland.

But could be Australia or Canada.


Keep trying. Head North by Northwest...


You've lost your damn!


Former KGB spy Putin and his BFF Trump thank you for your loyalty to mother Russia, Comrade Cruz.


You know what you can eat, communist.


The only communist is the one supporting former KGB spy Putin, his BFF Trump and their enablers Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey, Comrade Cruz.*7pTxluZkC6OnOxlknAD60Q.png


Enjoy the next five years, traitor.


The only traitor is the one supporting former KGB spy Putin, his BFF Trump and their enablers Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey who attack our elections, country, democracy and way of life, Comrade Cruz.


Blah blah Putin blah blah bff blah blah blah blah blah...


On MSNBC they were just discussing with SCHIFF how they might be able to HOLD on to the ARTICLES (like MOSCOW MITCH refused to let OBAMA NOMINATE the next SUPREME COURT JUSTICE by using the EXCUSE of the NEXT ELECTION coming up).

So wouldn't that be interesting to see NANCY do the SAME kind of thing???

Tell MOSCOW MITCH that she also plans to wait until the NEXT ELECTION before she hands them over to the NEW SENATE???



This would be great. A win for Dems all around!


Imagine the MAJOR kind of HISSY FITS that MOSCOW MITCH and the rest of PUTIN'S PUPPETS will have if that does happen !!!

They'll no doubt also be stuck with a HYPOCRITICAL " DO AS THEY SAY BUT NOT as THEY'VE DONE THEMSELVES"

reply back to them again if they do try to OBJECT to that kind of a thing happening.

PLUS NANCY also has 70% of the country WANTING to hear the WITNESSES TESTIFY at the TRIAL including 63 percent of the GOP who are also demanding the same thing.



MSNBC says MOSCOW MITCH is already having a HISSY FIT saying the HOUSE can't DICTATE to the SENATE what to do.

But didn't he also DICTATE to the ENTIRE COUNTRY his REFUSAL to let a SITTING POTUS appoint the next SCOTUS???

What a 2 FACED JERK!!!

He can DISH it OUT to others but then CAN'T TAKE it back again.

What a STATE of COMPLETE PANIC he must be in now that he thinks he's LOST CONTROL of the situation!!!



I don't want American candidates asking other countries for help in trying to win elections. If they're supposed to be running to run our country other countries should not be meddling.


Democrats should actually do their jobs.


They are which is why the crook was impeached.

Meanwhile, Congress has passed over 400 bills, but the Republican senate under Moscow Mitch has refused to address any of them. Instead of repeating propaganda you hear, it would be worth your while to open a book and read it. You would find out that Moscow Mitch bragged about being an obstructionist for many years now. He's the reason why many things don't get done in Washington.

Mitch McConnell’s Obstructionist Legacy

Sanders Calls on McConnell to End Obstructionism


Then you should run for office and be just as useless.


You are probably right about that. I also doubt that the Senate will remove him from office. But the impeachment will be a stain on t-Rump, one that will last forever.


And it's dead in the Senate. Congratulations.


He’s still impeached in his first term!! That’s how history will remember him.


Three democrats jumped ship! That's how the House will be remembered.
And not a single Republican voted to impeach. Not one.

So... bright boy... which one of those pathetic excuses was a high crime? A misdemeanor?

You're all a fucking joke. It was a pathetic little kangaroo court. And you know it. Disgusting.


That the repubs back this moron to lead their party is what is pathetic. It's beyond the rest of the world standing back in horror at this train wreck of a presidency, it's an assault on America itself. How anyone admires this cretin is beyond me.


Enjoy the next five years.


You do realize that history will not be kind to Republicans because of this. They put party before country out of fear of what the President will do to them, like a true dictatorship, and that stain will be on their party forever.


The ironic hypocrisy is so far beyond the pale...
Why am I arguing with a bunch of nutjobs?


Gloating is a bad look, Doggie.

Y'know, if this feller goes, it opens the way for career politicians all over again. People like Nancy Pelosi, or Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, or Elizabeth Warren, or Bernard Sanders.

To a non-American, this situation is quite bizarre. For as long as the US has existed, you've complained about your leaders, because they all acted like "Politicians". They all did what "Politicians" do. Then you got a non-politician, and a lot of you immediately wanted him to start acting like a "Politician".

And when he didn't, you wanted him crucified.

You Americans!


You don't understand American democracy, values, principles and history. Nobody wants a president who is breaking laws, lying, stealing, attacking American institutions, enriching himself, inviting hostile foreign governments to spy on us and attack our elections.

You're forgetting that America was a role model to the world for democracy. Trump has alienated and abandoned our allies, befriended dictators, put young children in cages, incited violent people to kill, etc. That's not who we are nor want to be.

The Founding Fathers established checks and balances in order to prevent anyone gaining too much power and destroying our democracy. The Legislature, Judicial and Executive are co-equal. Nobody can be above the law. And they also feared a president who is under foreign influence which could undermine our democracy too. We don't want a king or dictator.

Right now, Trump has attacked those checks and balances. He has replaced people loyal to the Republic with people loyal to him like Barr and he has them breaking laws and the Constitution like ignoring Congress subpoenas to testify or turning over evidence which is unheard of. He has attacked freedom of the press (4th pillar of democracy), and has divided Americans. He has placed his own interests above the nations. Trump and those around him were breaking the law by withholding Congressional approved money in order to strong arm a foreign leader to get dirt on his political opponent and then cover it up.

Right now, there are Americans who fear that we'll lose our democracy. All you need are enough corrupt politicians to attack our institutions and break laws with no repercussions.

BTW, Trump was always very political since he needed to network and buy influence in order to do real estate deals in New York City. Most people want an honest person with good values and strong principles who wants to help people. That isn't Trump.


What an excellent post! I wish everyone in the Republican party would read this.

Great job, Keelai!


Thanks, Doggiedaddy.


You don't understand American democracy, values, principles and history. Nobody wants a president who is breaking laws, lying, stealing, attacking American institutions, enriching himself, inviting hostile foreign governments to spy on us and attack our elections.

Says the person that voted for Hillary. Hypocrite much?

You're forgetting that America was a role model to the world for democracy. Trump has alienated and abandoned our allies, befriended dictators, put young children in cages, incited violent people to kill, etc. That's not who we are nor want to be.

Says the person that voted for Obama. Hypocrite much?

The Founding Fathers established checks and balances in order to prevent anyone gaining too much power and destroying our democracy. The Legislature, Judicial and Executive are co-equal. Nobody can be above the law. And they also feared a president who is under foreign influence which could undermine our democracy too. We don't want a king or dictator.

Says the person that voted for Obama. Hypocrite much?

EVERY President selects their own cabinet personnel. How stupid are you? Did Comey LIE to Trump? You wouldn't fire a person that LIED to you?

Ignoring Congress subpoenas? Clinton did the same thing. Hypocrite much?

Attacked freedom of the press? How?

His own interests above the nations? Like Biden? Like Clinton? Like Obama? Hypocrite much?

Withholding Congressional money? Like Biden? Hypocrite much?

Yes, we fear we'll lose our democracy because it might be replaced by SOCIALISM, which you are for.

BTW, Trump was always very political since he needed to network and buy influence in order to do real estate deals in New York City. Most people want an honest person with good values and strong principles who wants to help people. That isn't Trump.

Says the person that voted for Hillary and Obama. Hypocrite much? 🤪🤪🤪


I've never seen anyone - aside from T-rump - so proud to embarrass themselves on a daily basis for the world to see like you do each day.


Notice your lack of rebuttal? I did. Rekt much, dunce dogdump? That's what you get for trying to defend your komrade. Then again, what else is new, yes?🤪🤪🤪


Who wanted to rebut you? Just made an observation of how you take pleasure in embarrassing yourself here on a daily basis.



That's fine. You're stupidity is proven by your own words again. Pray continue.🤪🤪🤪


Simpleton Sandy, your comment had only lame insults, repeated propaganda, and stupid questions. Not a single argument to support your position.


The point of my post is your Hypocrisy. If you're going to bitch and moan about the things you say Trump has done, then why didn't you bitch and moan when your dems you protect do the same? Ignorance is Strength, yes? Hypocrisy is Strength, yes?

And the questions I asked? Notice a lack of a responses from you? I did. Rekt much?🤪🤪🤪


No president has committed more crime than Trump. It appears his second attorney is heading to prison, too.


What crimes has Trump committed, pray tell?


How are you calling AOC a career politician? She came on the scene just recently, unseating the incumbent, and has been fighting for regular people ever since.



So, right now you are saying Amazon shouldn't have to pay taxes. That about right?



Why is it that when it's Amazon, you bend over backwards to defend them, but when it's regular people sales tax, payroll tax, property tax isn't enough, you need to tax their trivial amount of income too? Let me get this straight, they are barely staying afloat in this system, but they should pay a higher percentage than those benefiting massively? The ones benefiting the most don't owe anything back, but the ones living paycheck to paycheck, without any sort of healthcare and poor nutrition, they have it too easy. To which I say, fuck you.


I’ve went against my #1 rule...Never discuss politics on the net. It’s the same as talking to the wall. You missed my point, but thank you for your kind reply. Merry Christmas!


We have had several conversations now. Each one, I point out flaws in your assumptions until you tap out, still holding the same retarded views but refusing to supply logic to them any longer.


First you directed “f-you” to me, then stated I have the “same retarded views”. Since you are the all knowing sage why should I waste my time?
Thanks again for another pleasant reply.


Almost everyone here argues like they are borderline retarded. I just come to see what the brainwashed and hypocritical voters are talking about. Whether I come away believing the same thing is irrelevant, the point is to test my views, and sometimes I come away questioning things. But you would have to make a good argument first.


“Almost everyone here argues like they are borderline retarded. I just come to see what the brainwashed and hypocritical voters are talking about.”

Wow! What a narcissistic statement! You actually believe you are superior in thought.

“But you would have to make a good argument first.”

Is it possible, for the sake of argument, you are among the “brainwashed and hypocritical voters”? As soon as someone differs from’s “f*** you and/or accused of having retarded views. You are incapable of debating someone without hurling ad hominem attacks, so why should anyone waste their time? Nothing is gained. Personally I would rather talk to the least the wall doesn’t insult me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Part of it might be a generational thing. I do most of my arguing on Youtube, where there is no facade of politeness. When you say something "polite" in a passive aggressive way, to me it comes across as just as much of an insult. I find fakeness unpalatable, and assume I am one of the few authentic ones, only because any benefit from trying to fit in was denied to me. That makes me feel that I have a better ability to connect with others, but only if they are also authentic. Then there's the fact I learned how to figure out critical thinking better than is taught in public schools, which I assume most people were too focused on their families and careers to put much time into learning on their own. Any narcissism I have is only based on certain aspects of my development, in other respects I will admit I'm completely incompetent. It's not as though my strengths are built on healthy foundations, I'm only this way because I was an outcast. If I had better mentorship, I would just be another cheese chaser.

But yes, if you compare my arguments to the average poster on this board, it's pretty obvious they don't care whether it's true or not, they just want to pwn the other side. My way of interacting is superior to that. Yes, I throw insults, but that's different from an ad-hominem. If I give you all the views I disagree with, and classify them collectively as retarded, that's just a falsifiable assertion that your views are indefensible, and I welcome you to falsify it. You could call me a communist snowflake soyboy cuck in the process if you want, I don't get my panties in a twist over it. Of course, if your defense is "those individuals don't matter", we will always hit a brick wall, because I fundamentally want others to be ok. I was born that way. Tried to resist it through adolescence and teenage years, but could only fight my nature so long. Now I fight the predators.


Over the last two days I’ve read your latest reply to me at least 10 times, attempting to parse your words correctly. You won’t find me dishonest. I either write what I mean or I back off. It’s not worth, as you say, getting “my panties in a twist”. Debating/arguing with an unknown entity is a useless waste of time. I admit to being a strong Conservative and dislike elitist Republicans almost as much as far left Democrats. I recall my now deceased strong union Democrat aunt saying to me “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between them!”

Now you know from whence I stand. On the Gen. Discussion bd. I debated off and on with a strong Liberal. He never insulted me when “speaking” his mind, nor I him. Two polar opposites writing their thoughts. If at times I felt the discussion was getting heated, I would back off and agree to disagree. I did much research during those discussions wishing to know true facts. If I posted a link I did my best to post from objective sources. I’m not a lemming or a Kool-Aide drinker. I don’t do Facebook or other “in your face media sites.”

Finally, I voted for Trump and will again. I don’t like him personally and at times wish someone would stick a sock in his mouth! I wish he would stop the insults and the off the cuff remarks which make me cringe. I believe he behaves badly due to constantly being called a racist, a degenerate, liar in chief, etc. I don’t appreciate being called a racist because I voted for him. I vote for those who share my ideology. I proudly wore a shirt during the last campaign with a Black man’s face on it...Ben Carson.

Maybe if Trump would curb his tongue the media would talk about the better economy...fewer people on food stamps, more people working now who weren’t working before, lower unemployment for Blacks, more money in paychecks, etc.

I can understand not liking the man, but why such bitter vitriol? Am I opening a can of worms by asking? I would appreciate honest answers without profane insults.


Just imagine if, instead of Trump, I was president, and had been insulting you the past 3 years. That's how liberals feel.

Yes, Trump is all those negative things Dems say he is. He is a manbaby, he is orange, he's a buffoon, narcissist, chauvinist, fascist, and yes, racist. I can effortlessly defend any of these points.

calls African nations shithole countries
thinks Mexicans are rapists
wants a complete shutdown of muslims entering

shuts down the government when they vote against his wall
tells members of congress to leave the country if they disagree with him
has a rabid cult following that threatens civil war if he is impeached

pays campaign hush money to a porn star to hide an affair
claims he grabs women by the pussy and doesn't wait to know them
parties with Epstein and married a mail order bimbo

thinks a wall will stop illegal immigration
wants to nuke hurricanes
swears Obama is from Kenya

Sure, you support his policies, but isn't it telling that your policies align with someone who is utterly bankrupt, both morally and intellectually? And people are supposed to be patient with that? I'm fine with sociopathic people existing, but they don't belong in positions of authority. A functional authority is one that watches for danger and leads others to meeting their needs in a healthy way. A dysfunctional authority is one that meets their own needs and tells everyone else, "You're on your own", or actively discriminates against them.

Honestly, I didn't care about his personality, I voted for Jill Stein and there were no sour grapes when Trump won. I actually wished he would do some of the stuff he said he would do, like getting us out of the middle east or making sure everyone had healthcare. Lol. I even found his personality entertaining at first, because his insults were so over-the-top! But after all this time, it just isn't funny anymore. I loathe hearing anything new he says, or any new destructive policies he enacts.


I appreciate your deep felt answers posted in a calm manner. I agree with some of your points and disagree with others. I will not belabor the latter other than to say Melania Trump does not deserve to be insulted by referring to her as a “mail order bimbo”. I have a feeling she could best both of us when it comes to conversing with people from other countries.

Your utter contempt (which is your right as I felt the same for Obama) for Trump should not spill over onto his wife or young son. But, then I’m from the “basket of deplorables” who “clings to my guns and religion.”


Which of Obama's policies did you have contempt for?


Oh dear, and this was going so civil. I’m not going way, no how. 🙅🏼‍♀️ I should not have brought Obama into the mix. 🙇🏼‍♀️Recall my #1 rule? Besides this thread is about your most favorite person! 💁🏼‍♀️😬


Again... which of his policies triggered you? Obama is a right winger. Even Obamacare was a Heritage Foundation idea that Romney had already implemented in his state. Voters wanted a public option.


😱 Obama is a right winger?? Isn’t this the guy who has “a pen and a phone”? Isn’t he the one who bypassed Congress and by edict created DACA (a new law). The Cash for Clunkers program. The fatal “Fast & Furious” debacle. Obamacare which royally screwed us seniors over. I think he’s the one, but I have been known to be mistaken. And I don’t like Romney! Oh, hells bells...I don’t like any of them!

I listened to your link and ended up smiling. Most of the points the guy made against Obama are exactly what “foot in mouth” Trump is attempting to achieve. One being the pulling out of our troops from the Middle East. He got lambasted for that.

BTW, we are a Representative Republic...not a democracy.


Obamacare does suck, and hurts seniors, we need to strengthen Medicare and extend it to everyone! See, we can agree.


Believe me when I say you don’t want Medicare. It pays diddly squat! It’s the worst boondoggle ever put upon this country. Also, folks who have good employer insurance will fight tooth & nail against it. We had good retiree insurance plus Medicare, total of $900.00 pr mo. OCare passed which caused our premiums to go up over $2000.00pr mo! We had to drop the retiree ins. & purchase separate plans for supplemental health, vision & dental. I no longer have drug ins. My husband uses the VA. There’s an old adage I heard years ago: “Every time the government does something or gives costs me more money! I don’t gain.”

I’m on an iPad & the text space has shrunk. Why? I don’t know. Others have complained. I think it’s the web site format. I now have enough room for 4 - 6 words per line. I won’t be able to reply further in this thread.

Edit: Just enough room for the following: “The real cost of 'Medicare for all” From:


The following is why I detest elitist Republicans and ultra left Democrats:

“During a panel discussion on CNN, Richard Painter, the former chief White House ethics lawyer who worked under George W. Bush, got into a bit of a verbal dust-up with former senator Rick Santorum while the two were discussing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.

For Mitch McConnell to say he’s working with the White House, coordinating with the defendant in this trial before the trial has even begun is atrocious. He may think he’s a judge impaneling an all-white jury for a Klansman trial in Mississippi in 1965. That’s not the kind of trial we have,” he concluded.“

BTW, Tom Daschle did the same for Clinton.


calls African nations shithole countries
thinks Mexicans are rapists
wants a complete shutdown of muslims entering

Lots of places in Africa are shitholes! In the 80’s all they did was have food drives so Africa could eat. Food is so scarce on those lands that some tribes have to resort to cannibalism.

You ever heard of the Mexican cartel? They do kidnap innocent young women, some just children, and turn them into sex slaves. The cartel is a nasty bunch who have no remorse or conscience. Obviously, Trump, wasn’t talking about all Mexicans.

The Muslim issue is a tough one, but when we were at war with Japan, we put a lot of Asians in concentration camps. The problem with the Muslims is, you can’t tell who is friend or foe. For the safety of the American people and also to avoid another 9/11, I feel like he made that decision in our (Americans) best interest.


Yes, I'm aware Africa is messed up. Unless you throw all the foreigners out and give Africans control of Africa's resources, I don't see how that's gonna change. This is why Ghaddafi was toppled.

The cartels control Mexico. The drug war gives them a monopoly, so legalize and regulate recreational drugs. Starve their funding. Mexicans just trying to cross the border and look for work are not involved in that. Build a wall so they're theoretically trapped with the sadistic cartels, very humanitarian.

Why wasn't Saudi Arabia included in Trump's travel ban? Is he a Saudi cuck?


Yes the legalization of cocaine and crystal meth is a smart idea! You win.


Yep, we could follow the Portugal model. Worked for them.


You’re an idiot. Get your head out the clouds.


You need to look up the definition of gloating.

No one's gloating - just reporting the sad day in American history. And it is a sad day when a President is impeached, or has to resign from office.


Just reporting? Do you really think people come to this board because you're such a great news journalist? I would venture to say that most people, myself included, come here for the laughs you all provide.


Yup not gloating- just reporting. I have no control over what others do and why they come to the forum.




It does seem to be a colossal waste of time when there's no chance of removing him.

It's pretty obvious he abused his position, but people didn't vote Trump in for his irrefutable honesty and moral fiber did they? If anything, he will use the opportunity to tweet up a storm of smoke and mirrors and solidify his support and before we know it we'll all have another four years of The Apprentice: White House Edition to look forward to. Why not? I'm almost beyond caring.

I just pray the bastard keeps his finger off the nuke button.


"I just pray the bastard keeps his finger off the nuke button."

I don't know about that. A fresh start would be nice.


The benefits he's accomplished for Americans would literally take, LITERALLY take about five pages.
Why do I bother to tell you what you already know? I voted him into the White House to do exactly what he's doing.
Hey - know why he's a Republican? Because he used to be a Democrat but they wouldn't nominate him. So he switched sides.
Take about 30 seconds to think about that.


You are a psychopath. Your five pages would be overrun by 500 pages of what he's cost this country, maybe 5000.
I can't begin to enumerate how sickening this autocrat wants to undermine everything this country shoud stand for.
The Creep in Chief. I wouldn't want him to babysit your children, couldn't trust him to not corrupt them the minute you turned your back. He's evil incarnate. All his Lock Her Up morons who get their chuckles being a mob should be made to live in a border holding cell. An utter embarrassment to our nation.


Do you bother to read the garbage you lay down? And I'm the psychopath? OMG that's too fucking funny!

Enjoy the next five years, loser.


If you choose to emulate this creep in chief, I hate to see what your children will inherit. My mind is boggled why any thoughtful person would support this awful example of human-un-kind. It's like an episode of The Twilight Zone. Let's all support the Fascist! It's good for the World ! OMG !!


Don't talk about my family.


Your mom and dad fucked.


You're still in grade school, aren't you? I'm sure if you try really really hard, you can come up with something even more childish. Ask your nanny.


You're pretty. Pretty lame!


Good boy! I knew you could do it.


Thanks, your encouragement means everything to me. NOT!


Now I'm not sure if you're a child or just stuck in sixth grade from 2005. Or maybe it's the 89 IQ that's confusing. Either way, at least your mind has yet to reach puberty. Go ask your mom if you can stay up late to keep making a fool of yourself.


I never matured past 16.


So you're 16.

It's Friday night! Why aren't you out doing... whatever teenagers do now. Oh man, please don't tell me that this is it.
Honestly, why are you in a chatroom when you should be out ripping it up?


I was playing videogames and trolling the internet.


Cheers all around.


Landslide 2020


Wow in 10 years when the press changes and writes about other things than what the extinct white people,nobody will even remember this.


Hopefully, no one will even remember T-rump.


The change in press stories will guarantee no more Bill or Donald.


I just hope it's enough to sway the election away from him.

If he loses the election, I hope he resists leaving so that we can watch the military police drag him, kicking and screaming, out of the White House. No way will that blob go quietly.

Then we can watch krl and the other morons around here making a bunch of threads trying to defend his idiot ass.


When he loses, this forum is going to go nuts with all the crazies who support him.


Popcorn will be ready. ;)


Yes, yes, yes, Doggie!!! I was hoping the House would impeach t-Rump. And it happened!! Hurrah!!!!!


Pelosi knows EXACTLY what she's doing and how to remain the most powerful woman in Washington.


The first Orange President who is Bad. LOL.


First President impeached in his first term! By a wide margin! LOL


Just a thing that is due for the ending of white history.
