Democrats should be outraged!
This guy's a republican stooge, yes? This guy is racist, yes?
This guy's a republican stooge, yes? This guy is racist, yes?
I've seen very few democrats say there isn't a need for immigration reform or preach about open borders as Trump alleges they do. Also Obama didn't spout any bullshit about making Mexico pay for a wall which was the cornerstone of Trump's campaign promise. Did you really listen to the video and if so can you honestly not see a gigantic difference in both tone and content from Trump's words? In this video Obama speaks with compassion about dealing with the illegal immigrants that are already here and correctly points out that they work hard at tough low-paying jobs and that their children's dreams are much like ours. He doesn't call them rapists or an invasion. He speaks coherently and poignantly. I don't know why anyone, left or right, would be offended by this video.
shareHe's a Trumper--he'll do anything and everything to stave off guilt from that bloated, fat, sweaty cheeto puff and plant it on someone else. It's what they do. It's literally the ONLY way they can think of to try to defend that unethical, orange, fat toad. They know he's a piece of sh!t who's guilty as hell--they just don't care. Deflections are all they have.
shareNotice how there isn't a single defense to what Obama said? It's just Orange man bad! How blindly ignorant you are that it's okay for one person to do it and not the other. Again, let me reiterate you are the dumbest and most ignorant poster here.
shareI never voted for or even like Obama and I called him "Obozo" online all the time.
The intention of your post is nauseatingly transparent and, in the end, it doesn't erase the fact that Donald Trump has said many thing he's hated for. No amount of references to Obama will change that.
I swear, every single Trumper I've ever seen online acts like every other Trumper I've seen online--it's as if you guys share some sort of a hivemind. It's unnerving, really.
So then you agree with me that Obama is also a racist like Trump, yes? You also agree with me that dems should be outraged, yes?
What are my intentions, exactly? You don't strike me as intelligent at all, so I have to ask.
That TDS is really bad. Maybe some sunlight therapy will make it go away? Take a stroll in the noon day sun. I think that'll make you feel better.😁
So Obama is also a racist, yes? Obama separate families, yes? You do know that two congressional budgets ago, the democrats left off DACA benefits, yes? Hypocrite much?
shareYou apparently didn't read anything I wrote and truth be told I'm not sure why I bothered responding.
shareI've yet to meet a single intelligent Trump supporter online. Not one. I know a grand total of three intelligent Trump supporters offline. Online? Zilch. They all sound the same--as if they came off an assembly line.
shareI for the most part try to limit my criticism to Trump and other politicians. There are definitely posters here that I don't like but getting into a personal back and forth is just exhausting and not worth the effort. Also fact checking and responding to all the bullshit would be a full time job in itself and I don't have the time or energy to deal with that. I need to go back to just talking about movies lol
shareIt IS exhausting. I never really discussed politics at all in my life until Trump was elected. Yeah, I made fun of Bush Jr and Obama online a lot but I didn't really get into too much meat of the politics. Donald Trump changed all that. I was so damned shocked by his election (still am, to be honest. I don't think I've ever fully accepted it and I don't mind openly admitting it here) and in such disbelief over watching literally MILLIONS quickly rally around and cheer for him that I just had to finally say something about it.
It lit a fire under my ass like never before and this became the first time in my life that a presidential election caught my attention. Donald was just THAT different and THAT dangerous.
Never in my life have I been as disenchanted with my country and fellow Americans as I am now. I constantly look upon all the bullsh!t that's gone down since he was elected and wonder in my mind: "When did such a huge chunk of our country go batsh!t insane like this? Or...were we always like this and Trump just removed the veil?".
It IS exhausting. What's more exhausting is that Donald is SO crazy and much of his base is SO insane, it's literally impossible to tell the real Trumpers from the trolls. They both say ridiculous things. Like this Sandman guy--I have no idea if he's just trolling or actually believes this...this horsesh!t he's spewing all over the board. I just don't know. I've seen real and fake Trumpers say the same sh!t. It's like Flat Earthers: some are real, yes, but many are just jumping on a troll bandwagon. The concept/following is so dumb that you just can't tell real from fake anymore.
That's part of the reason why I want Trump's fat ass removed before 2021: I'm ready to leave political discussions behind. I just can't do that until Trump is gone. The guy is like a train wreck: I just can't pull away.
I'm in such utter disbelief in the massive support this obviously-insane individual has that I often wonder if most of his supporters are just Russian trolls online and, in reality, his real supporter base is much smaller and full of people who are just indoctrinated to believe the horsesh!t he spews.
As an independent, I fully understand the frustrations people have with some dems/liberals/this stupid Woke Agenda--all of that. But...Donald Trump? Seriously? NO problem in this world is worth embracing the devil (Trump) to defeat.
This is my number 1 reaction to every single Trump post I see online these days, be it this board, Yahoo comments or any other comments site: "Is this person for real? Do they really believe this nonsense they're spewing?".
It's scary: the thought of an obviously insane individual being embraced on such a large scale. Boggles the mind, really.
Bush and Obama pissed me off, yes, but those guys never had me sitting back, wondering if we'll still have a country by the time they're out of office. Donald got my attention. I'm so damn anti-politics and he managed to get even my attention. I HATE political discussions and here I am, partaking in them. Donald Trump is just THAT bad, I guess.
I'm in largely the same boat. I was never into politics and honestly I want to go back to not caring about politics (not sure I'll ever be able to). I also can't tell the trolls from those who really feel that way. I think many on this board fall into that grey area where they know he is full of shit, but they also legitimately support him and will vote for him but are also having fun pushing the buttons of people that oppose Trump (sadly we do make it pretty easy sometimes).
Flat earthers seems like a good much of what they say flies in the face of common sense and rational thought but every once in a while I find myself wondering if I'm the crazy one lol
I know what you mean about the "not sure if I can go back" bit. I feel the same way. Now that my attention has been turned onto politics, I can't just blot it out anymore. Look where we're at now. For the first time in my 35 years, I'm worried for our country and how it will affect my life and my wife's life.
Scary times we're living in...
Yeah it's like trying to unring a bell....just can't be done. I'm leaving the politics board for a while. There are movies and other dumbass topics in general discussion that need my input (or not but they're still going to get it). Good luck over here dteam...and play nice lol!
shareGood luck to you as well! I think I'm just going to stop responding to several clowns here. My notification box has already blown up with several of them responding to me and I'm not even bothering to read them.
It's getting old, really--much like Trump's melodramatic presidency.
Correction: You got indoctrinated when Trump got into office. The fire of SOCIALISM burned deep in your heart and you saw the chance to mooch off of other people rather than earn for yourself.
What were you critical about Obama, pray tell?
Disenchanted with our country? Move to Venenzuela! Problem solved!
Can't pull away? Like a bug to a zapper that knows it'll be fried, you just can't resist, can you? The diagnosis is TDS.
The indoctrinated are told the free thinkers are indoctrinated! 😂🤣 When you idiots label everybody that doesn't fit your narrative as an ist/phobe, it's easy to tell which one is indoctrinated.🤣
As an independent that voted for Hillary! You'd rather have a known corrupt politician that is a proven liar and proven used her influence for financial gain. You can look the other way in this instance, yes? Hypocrite much?
Do I believe what I say? Yes. It is unbelievable just how hypocritical and ignorant you are to follow a narrative that doesn't require you to use your brain. You are devoid of INDEPENDENT THOUGHT and are just another stupid NPC. Your posts more than prove that to be true.
Again, you should do something about that TDS. It's making you stupider at each passing second. You still are the most ignorant and probably dumbest one posting here still. There is a lot of competition though, so keep at it. It's good to be first in something, yes?
Frankly, anonymous internet forums like these have always had that same mixture of posters you couldn't tell were serious (albeit batshit crazy) or just trolling. That is how Poe's Law came to be a thing.
Sandman has to be trolling for attention though. No question. No serious Trumper would go around calling people comrade while criticizing Hillary for basically doing the same thing. The constant "tee hees" and "fairy" references proves he's just here to push people's buttons. I exposed him a week ago as a complete fraud. His reply was basically 'ahh ya got me, how does it feel? Tee hee!' So on top of having no substance, the guy is a complete dork.
So, another clown. Pfffttt!!! I figured as much...
shareI just saw this post. I'm trolling for attention and you're not supposed to feed the trolls, right? And yet, here you idiots are! You keep coming back. If I'm trolling like you say, then why the hell do you keep feeding me? Really, how stupid are you UV?
"No serious Trumper would go around calling people comrade while criticizing Hillary for basically doing the same thing."
What does this even mean? When did you stop going to grade school? 3rd grade?
"The constant "tee hees" and "fairy" references proves he's just here to push people's buttons."
What do you care? Oh yeah, because this is dogdumps alternate account! Now that makes sense.
"I exposed him a week ago as a complete fraud. His reply was basically 'ahh ya got me, how does it feel? Tee hee!"
You did? You mean when you put your grammar nazi hat on caught a misspelling? Yeah. You got me!
What a fraud I am.😂
"So on top of having no substance, the guy is a complete dork."
And like a bug to the zapper you keep coming back for more. Stupid much?😂
By the way, are you for sanctuary cities, yes or no?
I've yet to meet a single intelligent Trump supporter online.
Your posts don't even resemble those of an actual human being. You speak as if you're some sort of a malfunctioning Breitbart/Trump android that is just spewing and spewing right-wing talking points. All of those sh!tskids you call posts around here are the equivalent of throwing handfuls of spaghetti at the wall, hoping something will stick.
Your posts amount to a bunch of mindless blather and nothing more.
You DO provide a great amount of unintentional comedy, though. You have a rubber nose on and don't even know it. :)
See? Just vague, feeble attempts at insults so generic and detached from reality that they read like the same worthless garbage you post about anyone here whom you perceive as an opponent. As usual your mindless comments are unbuttressed by any specifics. I didn't even mention Trump or Breitbart in the post you replied to. You just dusted off canned reply #2 and dropped it like a turd.
You're banal. The only reason I bother glancing at your posts from time to time is that occasionally you really do provide unintentional comedy with a spectacular emotional meltdown, like this hilarious display (note how I support my claim with evidence):
Now that's entertainment. 😄😄😄😄
If what you say is true, then why haven't the dems submitted a policy proposal? It's because this is the narrative and they want to bitch and moan about it and indoctrinated NPCs like you wouldn't realize it or even care. So right there, you're claim is false.
Who cares about what he promised? Look at what the dem nominees promise. Look at what all of the previous Presidents' campaign promises? Did they all fulfill them? Use your brain for two seconds. Seriously, if you buy all of the campaign chepooka from candidates then you're naive. Simple as that.
Is the wall a good thing? I would rather not have a wall, but the simple fact is that illegal crossings are an issue and walls work. Proven in history. Can we make Mexico pay? We could in a heartbeat by taxing Mexican bank transfers. That would affect Mexico by the billions and they would capitulate, but lets hope it doesn't come to that and diplomatic channels will suffice.
Oh, he speaks with compassion. That's the difference. He's still separating families and deporting illegals. So if Trump spoke with "compassion", then it would be the same, yes? It's not the policy, but the way the policy is conveyed that makes the difference in your eyes? What a joke!
He speaks with compassion about illegals already here and yet where is the compassion from the dems that left the DACA funding off the congressional budget ON PURPOSE? Spare me your sanctimonious chepooka. The dems left it off intentional so they could have another reason to bitch at Trump. Of course idiots like you buy it because you're simply too stupid to know what the hell is really going on. Ignorant much?
So really all your saying is that, since Obama and Trump are doing the exact same thing, the difference is the way Obama said it. That's it. Seriously? Snowflake much? Pathetic.
What else you got, dunce?
Use your brain for two seconds.
Ignorance is Strength, eh Marshal? What else is new?
shareNo, as I said to dteam, getting into a personal back and forth is just exhausting and not worth the effort. And fact checking and responding to all the bullshit would be a full time job in itself that I don't have the time or energy to deal with that. I also don't particularly like being called names online (it's cowardly) and would rather just stick to posting in general discussion and about movies where people treat each other with a modicum of respect (Marvel/DC forums aside).
shareOh, so you want decorum here on these forums? Are you going to scold all of your socialist pals on all the names they've called Trump? Decorum goes both ways, does it not?
You never answered my question anyway. If you the policy is exactly the same and the only thing that you're bitching about is the way he said, it makes you a hypocrite to criticize Trump for enforcing the law, yes? So I will take back calling you a hypocrite, if you state here that Trump is doing the same thing Obama did. You also do know that illegal crossing have dramatically gone up after 2016, yes?
By all means, go back to the movie threads. Nobody is twisting your arm to post here. However, you are Ignorant. Saying I didn't respond to your post and then giving you a detailed response you walked away claiming it takes too much time and effort. If that's so, you never should've engaged in the first place. As my son would so eloquently put it, "You got rekt." Either put up or shut up.
Oh, so you want decorum here on these forums? Are you going to scold all of your socialist pals on all the names they've called Trump? Decorum goes both ways, does it not?
You never answered my question anyway.
If you're going to bitch to me about decorum, you should be bitching to dteam about it as well. I didn't see you do so, which only proves how one sided you are. These things aren't that hard if you TRULY BELIEVED what you say.
What's the percentage of people being civil here on these boards? If you thought you would engage in a civil discussion here, then you are even more naive than I thought. I don't think you're naive. I just think you're ignorant and I say that based off of your replies.
I appreciate your admission. I have a higher respect for you now. No sarcasm. And yes, my son is cute.
I'm not bitching about it, because bitching about it wouldn't change a thing. I'm also not looking to police the boards...I'm not a moderator and that's their job. There are many here who seem perfectly happy to be called names because it gives them the green light to do the same. I just have no interest in being on the giving or receiving end of that. I can't control others but the one thing I can control is choosing who I want to interact with and when someone calls me an NPC or a dunce, I'm out.
Yeah, looking for civil discussion on a politics board in 2019 IS argument there lol. Have a good one.
I formally take back everything I said about you and I formally apologize for insulting. You actually do seem like somebody that has independent thought, which I am pleased to say.
Now I'm going to ask you if Trump is enforcing the exact same laws Obama is and separating families because illegals are bring them and they don't want to put children in the same detention area as the parents, aren't these anti-Trump poster being hypocritical?
Thank you and apology accepted. To your other question you have my word that I will respond tomorrow morning with my thoughts. I'm beat and it would be a long post that I'd rather do on my desktop as opposed to my iPad (hate typing long on this thing).
shareIt's very simple.
Under Obama, illegal border crossings were a civil violation, not a legal one. That is how it was even before Obama. Because illegals weren't all deemed as criminals, the only time families needed to be separated was when there was a visible threat to the child.
Under Trump, illegal border crossings were deemed an automatic legal violation. Parents that crossed with their kids were considered criminals immediately and were split up. This of course led to massive amounts of kids in cages, and because of the backlash, Trump had to change the separation policy that was not a problem beforehand.
This is why Trump pointing the finger at Obama for having a separation policy didn't work on intelligent people. It only worked on MAGA chuds.
No policy was enacted when Trump took office that changed the law. The law was established in the 90's by Clinton and went into effect around 2001. The says that illegals were to be detained, but they didn't want to put children in a prison, so they were separated. That's a Clinton law and there is nothing inhumane about not wanting to place children in a prison.
Show me the "cages". This is your Orange man Bad narrative that is a pure lie you and your ilk like to perpetuate.
It wasn't a problem beforehand? You mean because Obama chose not to enforce the law?
I know you abide by the indoctrinated script you were handed in your indoctrination meeting, so your scripted answer only makes sense. Ignorance is Strength, eh UV?
Now go back and put your dunce cap back on. Remember, it's not to remind people that you're stupid. It's to remind you.
No policy was enacted when Trump took office that changed the law.Of course there was a change in policy. Are you really going to sit there and say ICE did nothing new under Trump?
It wasn't a problem beforehand? You mean because Obama chose not to enforce the law?Not sure why this needs repeating. Under Obama, families weren't separated just for crossing the border. They were separated if there was a threat to the child. So yeah, it wasn't really a problem if the only kids being separated were the kids in harm's way. share
Yes, ICE did something. They began enforcing the laws already established.
What are these people bitching about if Obama didn't separate families, pray tell?
Yet Trump is struggling to deport undocumented immigrants at the same rate Obama was.
Trump screwed himself by being so verbally anti-immigration. Undocumented immigrants went into hiding to hide from ICE, so Trump had to put more money in it.
You're wrong that ICE wasn't doing its job under Obama. Its just that under Obama, undocumented immigrants weren't putting as much effort into hiding, because nobody was warning them that ICE was coming for them. And so they got deported with less effort.
Because nobody was warning them that ICE was coming for them? So then you are against sanctuary cities, yes?
shareI'm just explaining to you how Obama's deportation numbers were so high, and why Trump has to put in more effort to get those numbers. It has nothing to do with sanctuary cities, but I believe in states' rights so if that's what they want then that's what they want.
shareEverything you said in the previous post has to do with sanctuary cities! Now you claim Ignorance? I don't care what the state believes in. I'm asking YOU. Are you for sanctuary cities, yes or no?
shareStill on about sanctuary cities even after your ridiculous claim [re:the term's origins] that I debunked with the very first result of a Google search? Why do you ask so many questions, anyway? I'm thinking your childhood dreams of being a police investigator were shattered when you couldn't make the cut at the academy...
shareWhat did you debunk, exactly? Pray tell how your "debunking" has changed the argument?
Now, let go of your dick, Dick Dick because I want you to focus on your reply rather than the reach around. This should be good.
Hey Dick Dick, aren't you done with your reach around yet? I understand it's hard to help yourself, but try to focus for two seconds and answer my question. I'm even waiting for UV to answer, but he suddenly gone dark too. How convenient!
Should I take your silence as your answer? Okay then.
Now I'm going to ask you if Trump is enforcing the exact same laws Obama is and separating families because illegals are bring them and they don't want to put children in the same detention
Worse during those weeks/months of detention there is substantial evidence they weren’t provided with the most basic of materials to maintain some sort of hygene and being left in soiled clothing without access to showers, toothbrushes…we’re better than this. To date seven children have died in US immigration custody under the Trump administration. I can find no cases of this under the Obama administration.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. I don’t think the Obama administration was perfect but like I said the differences I see are vast. Also going back to an earlier comment I will say that yes I do think the tone and the manner in which a message is delivered matters…especially when you’re communicating on the world stage. Speaking from a place of compassion or just plain kindness is the difference between a talk where you can meet in the middle or an argument that becomes just noise where no points are made because what’s important is getting the best insult in. You can have the last word here…really not looking to get in a long drawn out discussion or debate. I really do need to avoid this board and stick to movies and other topics. Politics brings out the worst in me…I doubt I’m the only one.
Uh-oh! You two were playing so nice together and now you've posted actual facts that don't fit the narrative...
"Splodey heads keep 'splodin'!"
I love how you jump in and add your "intelligence" to the conversation Dick Dick. It is amazing to see the years wasted and zero wisdom gained. Thank you for taking the bullet for everybody in that experiment.
shareFirst of all, comparing a prepared speech to the American people to a campaign rally is apples and oranges.
Do you agree that the mainstream media leans left, yes or no?
I agree Obama didn't start the policy of separating families. It was started by Clinton.
So the law separates children from their families because they don't want children to stay in a detention facility. Should children stay in the facility with their families awaiting process?
You do agree that illegal crossings are at an all time high, yes?
Do you agree that ICE and Border Patrol are filled to capacity to house these illegals as we speak?
Hypothetical: If a homeless shelter has a capacity of 100 people, but 500 people show up, what is the shelter supposed to do?
Would these children have died had they not made the trek to cross the border? Reading the circumstances, no other than the one with a congenital heart defect.
Homeland security asked repeatedly to congress for additional resources and receive none. So without additional personnel and additional facilities and an increase in illegal crossings, what do you expect is supposed to happen?
Finally, back to my original question. Being that Trump is enforcing the exact same laws Obama was, isn't it hypocritical to label Trump a racist?
I have no issue with you having your say but as I said in my post I'm not getting in a long drawn out discussion or debate so just know I'm not going to answer any more of your questions, hypothetical or otherwise. I gave my views on the difference in the ways the laws were implemented based on available evidence and you are free to consider, ignore, or rebut in any way you'd like. It's not personal (and I mean that) but conversations like this are futile. Neither of us will convince the other and I have better things to do with my time (well actually I don't really have much else to do with my time....but I just don't want to do this anymore lol). Take care man (and again, I mean that).
At the very least, tell me you took my questions to heart. I'm not asking you to reply, but rather asking you to not be ignorant to the things I've imposed.
The one thing we agree with is that illegal crossing is an issue regardless of who is in office. I think that's a fair statement we both can agree on.
On the movie boards, I know people are entrenched and my posts are not to suede a person from their like or dislike of a movie, but I do post the reasons why a movie is bad or good knowing that taste is completely subjective.
However, if what you say makes sense, there's a chance the people that read your post regardless of what side they are on, will come away with a glimmer of enlightenment. They won't admit it, but they might take it to heart.
Don't discount yourself marshal.
We could in a heartbeat by taxing Mexican bank transfers.
TexasJack, I'm your huckleberry on this one!
shareFirst Trump lies to you morons that Obama was doing nothing about immigration. Then he puts his stupid wall idea in your head even though any wall we build can be climbed and just becomes another structure for Trump to put his name on to make his cult members rejoice.
Now a whopping three years later and you finally get the news that Trump (and Fox News) lied to you about Obama's immigration policy.
Congratulations, you're a fcking idiot.
He was doing nothing. He stopped enforcing the law at the end of his term. He stopped doing his job because it benefited his party. That's unacceptable.
Let me ask you something. Why does Disneyland, the happiest place on Earth, have a wall around it? Does that wall work?
Now go back and put your dunce cap back on. Remember, it's not to let people know you're stupid. It's to let you know.
Obama's massive deportations brought illegal immigration below net zero. We had more illegals leaving than entering. You don't believe it because you've been lied to by heir Trump.
Or you do believe it, but you're just here to "tee hee, Trump won, Hillary lost, tee hee."
First of all, this isn't true. Second, Obama has deported more than Trump so far. That's true. Just to clarify, that's a good thing, yes? So why is Trump a racist then when Obama has booted more illegals? Do you see the hypocrisy yet?
All this makes sense as there wasn't anything known as a "sanctuary city" until Trump took office. That means local law enforcement will not aid ICE and in some circumstances alert illegals that a raid was imminent. That's 100% counterproductive. So how can Trump boot illegals out when more illegals are coming in, local law will not support ICE and ICE and border patrol is working at capacity already?
And these are the things you dems want? So you can be a hypocrite and call Trump a racist? How anti-American can you get?
"All this makes sense as there wasn't anything known as a "sanctuary city" until Trump took office."
"Berkeley became the first city in the United States to pass a sanctuary resolution on November 8, 1971. Additional local governments in certain cities in the United States began designating themselves as sanctuary cities during the 1980s."
OK Trumper
Wow! Did that take you all day to research? Good for you! I am thoroughly impressed. Here is your cookie. 🍪 And Dick Dick, give yourself a reach around while you're at it. You earned it!
Actually it was the VERY FIRST GOOGLE RESULT...Perhaps you should ask your grandson for help with your computer!
So why did it take you all day for you to research it then, Dick Dick? Perhaps less reaching around would help you concentrate at the task at hand. Oh, the reach around IS the task at hand. I see. Nevermind then. 😁
shareSo why did you tell an outright lie that is so easily debunked?
Is that what you deem an outright lie? The first time the word was used historically? You do know that it doesn't change the argument being made, yes? And yet that was enough to trigger you? Snowflake much, Dick Dick? Nevertheless, kudos for you for your arduous research! Now you can give your komrades the reach around they've been waiting for! 🖐
shareSays a total liar!!! Hahahaha!!
shareHow many illegals does Joe Biden employ at his resorts?
shareThere are differences though. Obummer was deporter in chief while Trump is importer in crisis. More people started pouring from Central America than ever before after Trump enacted the zero tolerance policy. I don't recall people talking about huge ass caravans during Obama's reign. Also, Obummer didn't separate families, only under Trump it happened. If Obummer did separate them, it was entirely of different reasons than just to separate them to deter migration. Both of them did put people in cages though.
shareWhat do you mean by importer in crisis?
Why did people start coming after the zero tolerance policy?
So what was Obama's reason for separating families?
More started pouring in under Trump because America got great again! 😜
Think about it though, if it's SO BAD here and if we're living under a "fascist," "racist," and whatever other ist/phobe you want to add to describe our president, why oh why would people be so desperate to claw their way in here??
I think everyone knows the answer.
shareObuma is a hero for deporting illegals while Trump is a villain for doing the same thing.
Hypocrisy at its finest.
The rabid dems and their stooges are too blind to simply open their eyes and take a look around. It doesn't take a genius so c'mon stooges, I know you can do it. Take your blinders off, pull the TDS stickers from your eyelids and take a real clear look at your country.
For God's sake stop thinking about your petty little selves!
There's a Hell of alot more at stake than just you, ya little crybabies.
I never cared about all this foolishness till about 4 years ago. Back then Trump running for office was nothing more than interesting. He started ignoring the way things were "always done" and made promises that actually made sense. Then he made office and, lo and behold - he didn't hit the ground running... he hit it in a dead sprint! Then, no matter what barriers were erected in front of him, surprise surprise - he started fulfilling his promises! OMG when the Hell has that ever happened? Twice in my lifetime and this is one.
So yeah, you're damned right he got my vote and he'll get it again. And guess what crybabies... no matter what you say, no matter what you do or will do -
He's Still President of the United States of America!!
And will be again.
Let the bashing begin.
I really don't see how Trump will be re-elected in 2020. When Trump was running for president most Americans didn't know him. Now that Trump is three years into his presidency most Americans see how much a disaster Trump has become and will vote against him in the next election. One of the reasons Trump won the election is because many Democrats didn't vote believing that Hillary's win was guaranteed. Democrats will not make that same mistake again.
Also Trump's mental health appears to be in decline and it's just getting worse every day. He can barely complete simple sentences when he's not reading off a teleprompter and ends up repeating himself and babbling nonsense. I'm pretty sure you've noticed this but you would never admit it. I just hope that you won't be too devastated when Trump loses in 2020.
Oh sure. You're right. No one knew who Donald was. Except for the 63,000,000 Americans who voted for for him!!
Yeah yeah they're gonna vote against him in the next election. Except for all the people who pack the stadiums And Stadium Parking Lots at every single rally he holds Even In Historically Blue States!!
Oh and one more thing - he actually sounds like a regular American and not a pathetic talking head politician and fake news stooge that can literally talk about nothing but President Donald John Trump!!
Yep I'll be just devastated when he loses in 2020.
Don't hold your breath, pal.
Typical Trump supporter. Stupid, gullible and completely out of touch with the rest of America. You've been brainwashed. The fact that you believe Trump speaks like a regular American proves this. How does it feel to be conned by an imbecile?
shareGo get something for your TDS and come back with a real argument.
You. Got. Nothin'.
The funny thing is, to me, that Trump assumes he has all these inviolable powers, setting tariffs at will, etc., which he does not have.
But there is a power that he absolutely DOES have: He can put a stop to legal immigration. No one enters the United States without some sort of visa obtained from some State Department office abroad. No more stamps. No more foreigners.
Not that I think this is a good policy. But with his rhetoric, shouldn't he be taking these actions?