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Suicide alert! Obama deputy FBI director and CNN bff Andrew McCabe about to be indicted.

1 down. Add comrades Brennan, Clapper, and Comey and a message will be sent. Time to restore justice to the Department of Justice.

Note: when The Fake News York Times is on defense for their communist brothers, lying under oath to federal investigators is now called, “lacked candor”.


Hopefully, because as even liberal legal analyst Jonathan Turley observes, now that Wolfe has been indicted for the same crime McCabe committed, along with McCabe being involved in the investigation of General Flynn, who was also prosecuted for what McCabe is accused of, not indicting McCabe would prove there's still a legal double standard at the DOJ and that Barr is the wrong man for the job after all.

If that happens then everyone at the top level of the DOJ including Barr should be fired and they should rebuild a new culture of leadership in the department from scratch.


The Clintons will get him off ,and he will have a book out in time for the election.


Look at all you Trumpists gleeful about a McCabe indictment without any of you even knowing what its for.

'Trump no like McCabe = McCabe bad!'


Not a chance of finding a jury in Washington DC that would say guilty.Some trade will happen with this goes away with his lawsuits goes away.


Wrong (he lied to investigators about leaking material to the media), but Democrats really did hold a vote to impeach Trump without being able to articulate a single specific reason for doing so apart from "We lost! We hate Trump! Impeach! WAAAAH! WAAAAAAAAH!!".

It's always projection with you people.


"...But criminal charges? At least based on what’s in the inspector general’s report, this is very far from a criminal case. Criminal dispositions on false statements matters in internal investigations are exceptionally rare."


Trump is using his office to go after his enemies which is something dictators do. How unfortunate that Trumpites believe this is OK in a democracy, but they lack analytical skills and support Trump blindly. They don't even know that McCabe is a Republican.

Anyway, the case is weak. One key witness gave supporting testimony to McCabe's case to the grand jury. A prosecutor left the dept. in protest.

We already know that the Justice Dept. has replaced Michael Cohen as Trump's new fixer. Afterall, Barr is planning to pay Trump $30,000 even though that's illegal. Something the head of the Justice Dept. should know but obviously doesn't care about.


comey will be in jail by this fall...
