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The secret Conservative plot to make Dems/Libs look like utter fools

It’s called Operation Just Let 'em Speak and -- to be expected -- is working fabulously!

It's not necessary to waste time trying to stop an enemy when they are busy DESTROYING THEMSELVES.


Fox News Poll:

Biden 49%, Trump 39%
Sanders 49%, Trump 40%
Warren 43%, Trump 41%
Harris 42%, Trump 41%
Buttigieg 41%, Trump 40%

Solid strategy. Keep it up.


People still believe in polls? C'mon ultra, has 2016 not taught you anything? You should see how CNN were championing Biden in reaching double digits leads again.


The polls in 2016 were correct. Hillary won the popular vote by the margin predicted in those polls. Trump squeaked by last time but it won't happen again.


Why Sure! If what you say is true then WHY were Dems/Libs moping in the late hours and evening of Tuesday, November 8, 2016, as they lost state after state?

That's not what the fake polls predicted, they predicted an overwhelming victory by Clinton.

Yes, Hillary won California with all its fraudulent 'votes'; take that out of the picture and she didn't win the "popular" vote.


"People still believe in polls? C'mon ultra, has 2016 not taught you anything?"

Those 2016 polls were national polls showing Hillary was up about 2% in the popular vote :)


Pollsters were spot on in 2016 - said Hillary would win, and she did win the popular vote by 2.9 million more votes than T-rump. What the pollsters didn't take into consideration was the Russia would be interfering with our elections to make sure T-rump won.

T-rump did say he heard 'from very good people' that the elections were rigged just a few weeks before election day. He was right - though we never realized he was warning us they were rigged by the Russians in his favor.


Well if those polls are right, the dems shouldn't even bother going out to vote. It's in the bag.


In the bag without voting? Not sure what thats supposed to mean. These are polls of people who plan to go out and vote.


Whats worse? One blue hair transgender millennial saying something dumb on twitter? Or the leader of an entire nation and representator of the republican party saying something dumb on twitter AND national television?

Or is it only bad when a liberal does it?


Dems/Libs are confused about what bathroom to use, so I don't think they can handle running a superpower nation.

And you might not like what Trump tweets but, generally speaking, it's true and good for the nation. A national leader frankly speaking reality (rather than worthless PC bullsheet) is refreshing. "The truth hurts," as verified by your post, but "the truth shall set you free."


And you are confused as to what a big block of voters the LGBTQ community and their supporters make up, so whenever you or someone who mistakingly thinks themselves equally clever purport to represent conservatives with comments like that you just further alienate people who's vote counts just as much as your own.


Conservatives -- aka people with common sense -- are a much larger voting bloc and yet Dems/Libs have been grossly alienating them for decades, e.g. Hillary's backfiring "basket of deplorables" comment. We respectfully put up with it, but we've finally had it with your perverse fascism. It appears you don't like tasting a little of your own medicine. That might help explain your curious Trump Derangement Syndrome.


That might help explain your curious Trump Derangement Syndrome.



Well, it's sadly pathetic and pathological when otherwise intelligent people continually and hatefully LIE about a person and put a negative spin on everything he says and does -- not to mention brand him a "racist" even though he wasn't ever accused of that UNTIL running against the Dems -- just because he beat their candidate in an election. And THEN to refuse to accept the results of their witch hunt into "Russian collusion" (rolling my eyes), even after Mueller's pitiful hearing wherein it was clear that he wasn't very familiar with his own (allegedly) report.


not to mention brand him a "racist" even though he wasn't ever accused of that UNTIL running against the Dems

You're actually right....they should've branded him a racist much sooner, like when he spent years promoting the birther conspiracy theory despite it being easily disprovable from the start. The media gave him and his subsequent campaign way more attention than it deserved (which was none) because it was A) good for ratings and B) they didn't take him seriously. They were wrong and they should feel shame for that. By not calling him out as blatantly racist when he started promoting birtherism, they gave him an undeserved sense of credibility.


As usually, you Dems/Libs are all about slandering/accusing innocent people, reminiscent of someone else (Revelation 12:10).

See LordBAElish's nearby post for a quick example of why Trump is not a "racist" (rolling my eyes) and never was.

As far as 0bama not being born in America, I don't believe he was based on the evidence, which I know you won't look up and -- if you did -- you'd go to Leftwing non-sources. This has nothing to do with "racism," but rather the simple facts of the case.


You mean the two Hawaiian newspapers that announced his birth? That evidence that even Bill O'Reilly tried to convince Trump of? Yeah birtherism was racist and deserved no attention. But the stupid shit that conspiracy theorists like you believe in is catching up and the rational part of America is acknowledging it and it is going to be evident in 2020.

P.S. the earth isn't flat.


"As far as Obama not being born in America, I don't believe he was based on the evidence"

There wasn't any evidence. Which is why you will never present any even though you just said it was "based on evidence." Pretty much every piece of "evidence" was non-factual bullshit that Jerome Corsi of WorldNetDaily would write about to build up a birther fanbase.

In 2008, Hillary and McCain were asking for Obama's birth certificate. Obama released his Certification of Live Birth, which is the short form version Hawaii gives you when you ask for it. Hawaii requires extra steps for you to go through if you want the long form. However, Hawaii confirmed over and over again that they had the long form in their records. And that Certification of Live Birth that Obama got was considered a valid proof of citizenship by all 50 state governments as well as the fed.

So whats the problem? Why was it not good enough for Trump? Because Jerome Corsi was gaining clout from the birther movement. Trump wanted in. Trump was also stupid enough to think Corsi might be right. Fox News was smarter than that. They knew from the beginning that Corsi, WND, and Trump were chasing fairytales.

Even to this day, even after Trump embarrassed himself, you still think theres truth to the fairytale. The answer why is simple. Obama wasn't white guy. He was different and he had a funny name. Thats all Corsi needed to get you on board.


In 2008, Hillary and McCain were asking for Obama's birth certificate.

Just to be clear Neither Hillary Clinton or John McCain ever asked for his birth certificate. From the start of March 2008, rumors that Obama was born in Kenya before being flown to Hawaii were spread on conservative websites, with the suggestion that this would disqualify Obama from the presidency. In April of that year, some supporters of Hillary Clinton circulated anonymous chain emails repeating the same rumor; among them was an Iowa campaign volunteer, who was fired when the story emerged.


Hillary started the birther conspiracy during the 08 primaries


Not true.

“There has never been evidence that Clinton or her campaign started the birther rumors,” said Ben Smith, editor in chief of BuzzFeed, who as a POLITICO reporter in 2011 linked the origin of the “birther” movement to a fringe politician in Illinois. Some hardcore Clinton backers circulated the rumors in 2008, but the campaign itself steered clear.




As opposed to the source you provided (which was provided no source).


I am a better source than BuzzFeed.


You're not. If you actually care about facts though, there is plenty of info easily available. Here are three non-buzzfeed links. If you only care about info that makes you feel warm and fuzzy without regard to whether it's factual or not, then I can't help you.


You're right that Hillary herself did not ask for Obama's birth certificate, but I remember it being mentioned by her campaign. Soon after she released her BC, and McCain released his, Obama released his Certification of Live Birth and that was the end of it.

Trump suggesting that Hillary started the birther movement is one of his more obvious lies. The Hillary camp and the McCain camp never had a problem with Obama's COLB. Never. Not once did they say it was insufficient.

Jerome Corsi of WorldNetDaily had a problem with Obama's COLB. A failed bubble-headed bleach blond lawyer by the name of Orly Taitz also had a problem with Obama's citizenship. Corsi and Taitz were the king and queen of the birther movement.

Trump shifted it over to Hillary because he knows his base hates the Clintons so much that they will take any lie as fact if it slanders the Clinton family in any way.

People like LordBootLick will go along with it because they enjoy the fiction more than reality.


You need to brush up on Trump history.
He and his criminal father were born racists


Jesse Jackson loved Trump before he ran for President. Said he was a great for black people. Trump was awarded Ellis Island Award, so how can he be racist?


$ talks


People put way too much stock on what a tiny group of loud, in-your-face, mentally ill people have to say. 9 million nutjobs vs. 322 million normal people is pretty disproportionate, wouldn't you say?


Tell that to Trump.

He won't shut up or stop posting online.


As they say, "the truth hurts." Yet as someone else has said: "the truth shall make you FREE." But only IF you accept the truth, aka reality.


The reality is Obama and Hillary employed the strategy of remaining absolutely quiet to allow Trump to talk himself into becoming a one-term president.

Trump is behind five candidates on the democratic side, and he's still blaming Clinton and Obama. He does it because of the 30% of voters that like to hear it. The rest of the voters are ready to move past this silly troll experiment.


Trump is clearly playing 12d chess when it comes to making the democrat media/party look like fools. We’ve never seen a campaign more successful than this.



Yes, the idiocy we get on a daily basis from Trump is just part of some deep strategy to defeat the democrats.

Believe it!


According to Fox:

Biden 49%, Trump 39%
Sanders 49%, Trump 40%
Warren 43%, Trump 41%
Harris 42%, Trump 41%
Buttigieg 41%, Trump 40%

Solid strategy. Keep it up.


hillary will win in 2016 according to the polls...oops...


Yeah, the lamestream media had it at 91% chance of Hillary win the day before the election -- FAKE NEWS.


Hindsight is 20/20. If it was early November of 2016 and you had knowledge of the future that one candidate was getting 3 million more votes, you know damn well you wouldn't have played the "umm well, lets see if that candidate wins the electoral vote." Oh hell no. You'd be swearing up and down that you knew exactly who the winner was.

By the way, the real secret plot was with Obama and Hillary remaining absolutely quiet while Trump buries himself with his own tweets, still trying to blame them for everything three years later.


For one thing, she didn't actually get 3 million more votes, unless you count fraudulent votes of dead people, repeat votes, illegal aliens and machine switcheroos. If you don't think the latter happens, it happened to my wife: We live in a Dem-controlled area and she voted Conservative, but was surprised to see the key races strangely switched to the Dem candidate upon reviewing her votes. She pointed this out to the nearest official and he basically just shrugged it off.

Also, take Dem-bastion California -- where there's massive voter fraud -- out of the equation and the race wasn't even close in the rest of the country (disregarding dyed-in-the-wool blue states), which blows your whole argument.

Besides, we don't go by the "popular vote" for these very reasons, as well as it obviously not being wise to have New York, Los Angeles and Boston control the entire nation. What is it about the electoral college don't you get?

What was really going on with this "Hillary has a 91% chance of winning" bullcrap is that the liberal media (who's blatantly in the pockets of the Dems) wanted to discourage enough Trump supporters from even going to the polls. It didn't work though, did it? You... lost.


You believe in PizzaGate and Obama being born outside of Hawaii. Of course you're going to eat up conspiracy theories of Hillary getting fraudulent votes. Yet no investigation has ever yielded any truth to it. But you don't care. Because the fiction sounds better than reality to you.
