Thoughts on Andrew Yang for U.S. president + his ideologies?
I've only heard of him in the past ~4 months, give or take. I had never really heard of concepts Yang mentions (especially) like his "freedom dividend" -- and the seriousness of technology overtaking human work capacity, rendering more people unemployed due to machines/A.I./etc. doing endless labor work and replacing people who would've done them otherwise (I think big numbers).
I really grew fond of his ideals -- one of the only candidates I've actually grown to like somewhat. UBI or universal basic income is something I never even knew existed until not long ago. Overall I think Yang makes lots of good points and doesn't seem like some copy and paste drone type of candidate who just robotically belches out the same stuff in different ways. He's pretty much the only candidate I actually would/am consider(ing) backing due to his slightly new-formed approach to things (like the UBI).
I was wondering what some opinions of him are around here. Has anyone heard of him and do you support him or at least agree with his points? He has me sold over any of the other candidates I know of thus far. I don't know about voting for him, but I'd encourage everyone to at least consider his points/ideologies before only going for their initial favorite candidates.
I am not endorsing/sponsoring him -- just wanted to make a topic and get some ideas going here on subjects surrounding the U.S. issues; and of course how Andrew Yang proposes he can fix/improve them, like UBI for poverty/unemployment/lost jobs/etc.; basic healthcare for all which is easier and simpler (like Canada I guess -- not too knowledgeable in this area); and just overall economic/financial/social factors. You can dig deeper than just the surface level considerations on these specific subjects & consider how they could work out in the longer run too. I know healthcare for all isn't magic & UBI won't end income inequality, but the real factors are in considering whether any of these changes COULD bring significant positive feedback & change in people/society/work somehow, if implemented well.