MovieChat Forums > Politics > Reparations? What???

Reparations? What???

To whom?

By whom?

For what?

Former NFL star Burgess Owens knows...
NFL legend and Super Bowl Champion Burgess Owens, does not agree with the Democrats about much. However, he does agree with them about reparations, except he believes the Democrats should be the only ones who have to pay them.

During stirring testimony in front of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Reparations, Owens blasted the Democratic Party “for all the misery” they’ve brought to blacks; citing everything from the party’s support of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and abortion.


Wow, Burgess Owens just stunned everyone:

“I used to be a Democrat until I did my history and found out the misery that that party brought to my race… Let's pay restitution. How about the Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought to my race…"

— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) June 19, 2019


Slavery started in North America a century before the United States founding. Better hit up the countries responsible. Like England, France, Portugal, Spain and Ghana.

If we’re going to hold the current US residents accountable for an institution that was ended almost 150 years ago. Then we better hold the current leadership and members of the demokkkrat party accountable for slavery as since they fought for slavery. We can also hold them accountable for founding the militant wing of the democrat party, the Ku Klux Klan. The demokkkrats founded it, the demokkkrats own it. We can also hold the racist demokkkrat party accountable for voting against the civil rights act of 1964.

The reparations should be paid once those who suffered under the institution of slavery are located. Unfortunately the last slaves died a century ago.

The demokkkrat party won’t be so lucky.


Sadly the DNC already was lucky, as Rev. Perryman's exhaustively researched lawsuit on systemic racial discrimination was never heard.
Based on these findings, I sent the attached (April 5, 2004) letter to the DNC requesting that they issue an apology to African Americans. In 2005, I sent a second letter to the DNC, again requesting an apology. When the DNC ignored these requests, I filed my first lawsuit on December 10, 2005. Prior to my letters, members of the Congressional Black Caucus sent former Congressman JC Watts the letter below (on January 28, 1999). In that letter the Caucus told Mr. Watts and his Republican counterparts t“Clearly and publicly distance themselves from the CCC and any other white supremacist, anti-semitic or hate groups….” In my letter to the DNC, I expressed similar sentiments. I told the DNC “An apology is one of the only ways modern-day Democrats can distance themselves from the party’s racist past while bringing some closure to the African American Community.” Instead of apologizing, Howard Dean hired one of the most powerful law-firms in the country, to defend the party’s racist past.

Without an apology and repentance there is no way the Democratic Party can ever sincerely honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Ms Rosa Parks; two individuals who literally gave their lives to destroy the racist programs, policies and practices that were established by the Democratic Party. And without an apology and repentance there is no way the Democratic Party can ever respect African Americans. Their past programs and practices from slavery through Jim Crow which literally destroyed the lives of millions of blacks, was an act of mass murder. And to hire an attorney to defend that racist past is not only an official endorsement of murder - it is an insult to the entire black race and to those whites who gave their lives to eliminate racial injustice.


Black people of today benefited from the slavery of their ancestors. They should be happy about slavery because if their ancestors weren't brought over here they would currently be living in some AIDS infested African shithole country.


You mean as opposed to living in some shithole American ghetto?


You don't know real poverty until you see Latin America, Africa, etc. All the ghettos are in liberal run sanctuary cities


So Americans who only have to live in American ghettos should feel thankful then.


Geez, I can't believe there are people in America who actually think like him and GD5150. We've fallen so far behind in education, it seems.


I can't believe anyone would pigeonhole all black Americans as living in "ghettos"...

Which "ghettos" do Cory Booker and Kamala the whore live in?

You leftards are such relentless bigots, always.


Kamala the whore

WOW! Minority women really frighten you. You just can't hide being a racist, misogynist, white nationalist can you?


WOW! Minority women really frighten you. You just can't hide being a racist, misogynist, white nationalist can you?

The only part of her whore act that is race-related is her John, er..Willie...

Btw - you used up all your ad hom cards on one losing hand, LOL!



Minority women really frighten the poor little racist misogynist T-rumpanzee.


Why are you engaging in more personal ad hom when we were instructed not to?

You lose again.



You obviously don't understand the term " engaging in more personal ad hom".


I read you like a book.


You obviously can't read, just like the rest of T-rumpanzees.





Or, they could have stayed and contributed to making Africa great, instead of making the beds of their rapists and murderes for generations.


Africa today isn't such a functional place, now is it?
Being a farmer in South Africa, especially if you are a white farmer, can be a life-threatening occupation. The exact numbers of crimes against white farmers are hard to come by, because South African police doesn’t track farm related crimes by race. According to BBC, the best available data shows that overall farm murders are at their highest level since 2010-2011.


America is built on the back of slavery. You pay your workforce, right? We all agree slavery was and still is wrong, right? America owes its workers past wages. America as an institution owes the works, or in this case their families, back wages. It’s not really hard to follow.



I dont think so either, yet people seem to be oblivious. Glad we can agree though, bud. So much nicer than the usual tedium.



No precept of American nor even English common law calls out retribution for the sins of the fathers upon the sons.

You're fucking crackers!


I didn’t say it was legal issue, but we hold governments to account for their actions all the time. For example West Germany paid reparations to Israel in the 50s. What difference does it make if they pay it in the 1950s or 2350s? Does time some how affect the actions of the government? The native Americans were already given reparations in regards to the land stolen by the United States. Is there some reason stealing people is different from stealing land? And before someone plays the it was the Dutch card, the United States set a market.

But let’s say you ignore all that. Are you happy to profit from slavery? Because America has. Greatly. So I guess if you want, it’s a moral issue. How moral a people are Americans?


"For example West Germany paid reparations to Israel in the 50s. What difference does it make if they pay it in the 1950s or 2350s?"

It makes ALL the difference in the world to the actual SURVIVORS of said travesty as opposed to their great grandchildren and non-related immigrants.

"The native Americans were already given reparations in regards to the land stolen by the United States. "

Specifically based upon lands held in. violation of treaties signed - totaly different.

"Is there some reason stealing people is different from stealing land? "

Yes, those people and the ones who 'stole" them are long since dead and gone.

"Are you happy to profit from slavery? Because America has. Greatly. So I guess if you want, it’s a moral issue. "

My ancestors had not the slightest history of slavery nor profit from it given their places of settlement and time of arrival in the USA.

The same can be said of any immigrant flouting our laws and jumping our borders today.

In fact --- I DEMAND reparations from Mejico and central America - paid directly to all border state hospitals, law enforcement, social services and the taxpayers thereof.

Sound fair?


Oh great, stating the obvious. The point was, does it make a difference to the fact it happened? Is the government absolved of its responsibility based on the passing of time? And if so, does that mean all a government has to do is drag this kind of thing out long enough?

You are, right now, profiting from slavery in the past. If slaves built a house, and you love in that house, you’re profiting from the forced labour of slavery. America is the house. Industries lived only because of slavery. All the money made using slaves feed into others and carried on all the way down to today.

And not for nothing, but YOU are not the point of this conversation. It’s about America. All of it.


1.) No absolution in the moral sense can be given, but by the Creator. At this late stage that is all that the deceased principals and victims can be made whole by. Our petty payments and money transfers here are a form of guilt trip abomination for acts not perpetrated in this time space continuum by those now charged with paying for or profiting from the crimes and abuses of our ancestors.

2.) All nations were through time places of oppression, indignity, violence, and warfare. You want meaningful reparations? How about for every woman ever made the victim of violence by males? That'll be long payments list won't it?

3.) America is what we make of it, not what we decry about its past. The fact these things ARE past us is every reason we ought not go back and flagellate ourselves for the actions of those now long dead and gone. We can't undo them - ever!

Reparations are guilty conscience proggie self-loathing seminar in how to ruin a nation today for the ruination it caused innocent people 200 years ago. A such they are a form of social suicide.

Do you feel you need to DIE today for the sins of our fathers?

Because I don't.


The united states of america is the creator. It created the laws that governed the lands. Its not enough to say "they were doing it first". And no one said you had to rape, torture and murder people.

The government built a country on the backs of slaves. The people of united states profit from that everyday. Its not a past issue, its a current one. Or have you been ignoring they treatment of people that survived generations or rape torture and murder? I wonder, if they were jews, would it see this much push back?


"The united states of america is the creator. It created the laws that governed the lands. Its not enough to say "they were doing it first". And no one said you had to rape, torture and murder people."

True, no one said that.

Just as no sane person would conflate America today with America of the late 1700s.

" The government built a country on the backs of slaves. The people of united states profit from that everyday. Its not a past issue, its a current one."

It is not "current" because everyone in America today has civil rights, right down to the minute but noisy LGBTQ demographic.

How this nation was built and on whose backs it was is as irrelevant as the geology under your very feet. It exists as bedrock foundation to an environ we all modify and improve (hopefully) on a daily basis.

As such the oppression of the past is non-conjugable today. It can't be, all the principals on all sides are long dead and gone.

"Or have you been ignoring they treatment of people that survived generations or rape torture and murder? I wonder, if they were jews, would it see this much push back?"

Why then exclude the "Chinamen" upon whose backs our rail industry was built?

Didn't Irish children work in sweat shops as immigrants here?

Weren't Polish people oppressed and compelled to form and live in ethnic ghettos?

Isn't every animal ever abused and used for chemical and product testing also due reparations?

Go on then - make a FULL list.

Then prioritize it.

Then attach dollar figures to it.

Then tell me why every male in this nation doesn't owe every woman reparations for male dominance, rape, spousal violence, the glass ceiling, etc.

You recall how Yoko Ono referred to women don't you?

"Woman is the nigger of the world."

Fix the global problem before you come mewling about America's past because we ALL live on this planet and men have ALWAYS taken dominion over women.



I smell an awful lot of "whataboutisms". Perhaps, the families of those slaves that were raped, tortured and murdered at the hands of america want to focus on those that directly wrong them. Perhaps then they well move on to the others who built their empires on their backs.

America created a market. It created a law system that allowed them to raped, tortured and murdered. America made it so that even when they did gain their freedom, they were 2nd class. America then actively now continues to treat their descendants with contempt. America, an empire built on the backs of men it beat, and murdered. And now that they have some semblance of a voice to be able to ask america to right its wrong, your answer is "you should have said something sooner."? How? they had no access to any of the benefits the whites did. So how were they going to claim the right of reparations then for what was done to them for generations?

Rape. Torture. Murder. Paedophilia. Theft. More rape. More murder. More torture. And you think its asking too much that they have a fair share in the wealth they helped create. Shame on you.


I smell an awful lot of "whataboutisms". Perhaps, the families of those slaves that were raped, tortured and murdered at the hands of america want to focus on those that directly wrong them.

Through what, seance reparations?



America made it so that even when they did gain their freedom, they were 2nd class. America then actively now continues to treat their descendants with contempt.

America does NO such thing at all, if anything their nominal "descendants" treat our National Anthem and flag with disrespect, while still making multi millions as high paid "farm hands' in the feudal world of privately owned sports franchises, the ultimate plantation mentality. One they aspire to systemically from an early age.


Rape. Torture. Murder. Paedophilia. Theft. More rape. More murder. More torture. And you think its asking too much that they have a fair share in the wealth they helped create. Shame on you.

What "wealth" has any person of color today helped "create" save for their own or their employer's?

Should Jerry Jones pay "reparations" to Michael Irvin for making him filthy rich?

Does the Spanos family owe LaDanian Tomlinson reparations for making him rich, or do the ancestors of Tomlinson Hill?

And what does LT himself have to say about that?

"Thank you to the Spanos family. Dean, your family gave me my first opportunity in the NFL and now as your special assistant, my most recent. My friendship with you, Susie, John, and AG is one of the most important in my life. When I got to the NFL, it seemed all I worked for and dreamed about for 15 years had come true. "

“The family legacy that began in such a cruel way has given birth to generations of successful, caring Tomlinsons,” he said. ‘My story is America’s story. All of our ancestors, unless we are American Indian, came from another country, another culture.”

“My great great great grandfather had no choice,” he said. “We have one.”

" I firmly believe that God chose me to help bring two races together under one last name, Tomlinson. I’m a mixed race, and I represent America. My story is America’s story. "

" I pray to dedicate ourselves to be the best team we can be, working and living together, representing the highest ideals of mankind. Leading the way for all nations to follow. " mention of "reparations" there...


That’s some hardcore ignorant shit bro. Congrats, you’ve become a bigot. Take a bow for the peanut gallery.


Quoting a Hall of Fame African American running back on his family history is now "bigotry"?

You haven't jumped the shark, you've gone straight into its gaping maw.


So he’s African American, so what? They’re all the same? Dude. A grip, go get one.


One more:

“Every bad thing that’s happened to my race over the years, you can go right back to the Democratic Party,” said Burgess Owens, retired NFL safety and Super Bowl champion, in a Wednesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

Earlier on Wednesday, Owens testified at a hearing on slavery reparations before a House Judiciary subcommittee. He proposed that the Democrat Party pay for “all the misery” brought upon blacks across America’s history.


And the point of your ultra right wing source is what? That one black mans opinion is all we need because all blacks people are the same? You get why I’m calling you a bigot right? There’s no need to dig that hole deeper.

As for parties, sorry, but both parties make up the government. Whether it was under red or blue, doesn’t matter. America benefited from slavery and still to this day benefits from that slavery.

The only question I have is are you really this dumb, or is an act of party nonsense?


And the point of your ultra right wing source is what? That one black mans opinion is all we need because all blacks people are the same? You get why I’m calling you a bigot right? There’s no need to dig that hole deeper.

I COMPLETELY get what you're trying to do here with your ad hom accusations of "bigotry" which is why I'm reporting you for said.


You’re reporting me for pointing out the absurd nature of your argument? You’re treating black people as black people and not people. “This black guy said...”. So what? If trump says something does that make it true for all white propel? Or do we all get to have our own opinions and the colour of fucking skin doesn’t come into it?

I’m not trying to do anything, you did it without any help from me.



Racism, perfect.


Yup. This reparations crap is black racism, pure and simple.


Yes, imagine thinking that Jim crow laws would come back to bite you racists in the ass, huh?


Given they were the handiwork of Demotards, not a huge surprise is it?
In 1832, the phrase “Jim Crow” was born. By 1900, every former Confederate state (including Wyoming, Missouri, Ohio, Utah, Kentucky, Kansas and Oklahoma) had enacted “Jim Crow” laws prohibiting everything from interracial marriage to racially integrated public school systems. These state laws served to place blacks back on a virtual plantation. Similar to the “Black Codes” that came before them, Jim Crow laws were numerous. However, one denominator codified their sound support in Southern states: They all resulted from Democratic legislators of the “Solid South.”


Still with the red and blue shit, huh? I imagine you have a point, but I doubt its going to be anything but more nonsense. But go on, shock me. Whats your point?


Demotards USE minorities and then lie to them and then discard them.

Ipso facto.


If only it was a party issue, you might have a point. Such a shame that its not. Oh well.


History has again kicked you in your nuts.
Over the last 100 years, Republicans have stood up for African Americans while Democrats not only stood on the sidelines, but in fact served as obstructionists to civil liberties.

Here are at least 12 examples in which Democrats voted against African Americans, and Republicans voted to free them:

Democrats voted against every piece of civil rights legislation in Congress from 1866 to 1966 – a whopping 100 years. That is a dismal record for today's Democrats who would like you to believe that history has been on their side on this issue.

It hasn't.

Democrats voted to keep Africans Americans in slavery, opposing the 13th Amendment which officially freed the slaves. Only four Democrats voted for it.

Republicans also passed the 14th Amendment which granted slaves U.S. citizenship; Democrats voted against it.

Republicans also passed the 15th Amendment which gave slaves the right to vote. Not a single one of the 56 Democrats in Congress voted for it.

Shame on them.

Furthermore, Republicans passed all of the Civil Rights laws of the 1860s — including the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Reconstruction Act of 1867 following the Civil War.

The Republican Party itself was founded as the "anti-slavery party" in 1854. The party subsequently gave us President Abraham Lincoln and ultimately, the Emancipation Proclamation which led to the liberation of slaves.

Republicans supported African Americans not only in the 1800s, but in modern times as well.

In the 1960s, with the exception of Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson, who was instrumental in the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act in the wake of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the truth is that Democrats were the largest single blockade to civil rights.


Again, its not a red and/or blue issue. See this is the problem with people when all they can do is see party lines. Youre so busy trying to make this an issue about party, when its about people. All people. Maybe if you could see that, you wouldnt keep on posting racist garbage.


Again, its not a red and/or blue issue.

Mastery of the obvious as those are very recent lamestream media labels.

That said Dems have moved on (mostly) from blacks and over to Hondurans.

The shell game plays out again.

Case closed.


Maybe if you could see that, you wouldn't keep on posting racist garbage.

Stop personally attacking me, it's against forum rules.


When you demand that youve won the argument, it just means youve lost it and you know it.


Non sequitur.


We're not falling for it, so get a job.


Yeah, you are. Just not the way you think.


Nope, not a chance. Looks like you'll have to start selling drugs again since you wont get it from the government.


The slaves have been dead for a century. At the height of slavery 1.5% of Americans owned slaves. The most equitable reparation would be providing transportation to all the kings and queens who’s great great great great great great grandparents were unfairly sold by their tribes and brought here. I’m sure those suffering by living here today against their will would love to give back their Nike’s and Obama phones for a nice dung covered walking stick.


Perhaps, don’t get your facts memes. Then you might get taken serious. The census information for 1860 doesn’t calculate 1.6%(you can’t even get the meme right), it was in the region of 24% of households in the US that owned slaves. But that’s only ownership, and doesn’t account for households that rented slaves.

The families of those slaves, are still alive to day. You know them as “black people”. And do you really mean to suggest that because they were sold, or stolen that they deserved to be raped, tortured, murdered by the American slave owners and masters who bought them? Do you really want to suggest that generations of slaves who helped build the untied states aren’t entitled to see the profit from their hard work? Americans today, enjoy the benefits of slavery.

Never mind what anyone else was doing, no what about this and that, this is about America and the stain it has on itself. It raped, it tortured, it murdered, and it benefited from the sweat of a group of people at has treated like 2nd class up until around 60 years ago. Racism and bigotry are still rife. And for what? Because they look different? Because their skin is darker? America made a market of supply and demand. They stole people from their lands, forced them to work for free and enjoyed raping them, torturing them, and murdering them. That people we are talking about. People. And all want to do is make grass jokes about shit on sticks, not once taking into account the fact the country of Africa might be the way it is today because of America and other nations kicking the fuck out of it for generations. Stealing it’s people, it’s resources and demanding debts returned that were forced on it. Shame on you, to make light of such atrocities.


Do you really want to suggest that generations of slaves who helped build the untied states aren’t entitled to see the profit from their hard work?

Yes, REALITY really means for us to see that as they are long since DEAD and gone.

No more institutionalized slaves exist in America, only those being trafficked for the Dem Pizzagate pedo cults and their other sick sex slavery like NXIVM.


And all want to do is make grass jokes about shit on sticks, not once taking into account the fact the country of Africa might be the way it is today because of America and other nations kicking the fuck out of it for generations.

America kicking Africa:
In 2012, the United States provided nearly $12 billion in official development assistance (“ODA”) to African nations. The ODA is allocated to education, health, infrastructure and economic development programs in recipient countries. Currently, the United States allocates foreign aid to 47 African nations and USAID operates 27 missions on the continent.

US Foreign aid to Africa began in the 1960s as many African nations gained independence and the United States sought strategic alliances to counter the influence of the Soviet Union. With the exception of disaster and famine relief, most foreign aid to Africa began to decrease with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

In the 2000s, President Bush more than tripled aid to Africa by establishing programs such as the Child Survival and Health Programs Fund as well as the Global HIV/AIDS Initiative.

Black Africa kicking itself:


So, if your father built a house and my father didnt pay, and you found out about it after they both died. You wouldnt want that money from me? What about if my father stole a watch from your father, and you found out about it after they were gone, you wouldnt want the watch back?

Jim crow laws were in force until 1965. You think theres no one alive today that was around in 1965? Thats gonna be a hard sell, but I have a feeling youre gonna go for it. I honestly cant wait to read this.


Jim crow laws were in force until 1965. You think theres no one alive today that was around in 1965?

The reparations proposals do NOT call out only those alive during Jim Crow and you know it - stop bullshitting us.


They dont call out anything. Nothing has been decided. Its a conversation at the moment, and look at the state of you. Angrily typing out nonsense, following me about the board repeating nonsense again and again.

But fuck it. Lets say it was just to those alive during the jim crow days, what say you to that?


They dont call out anything. Nothing has been decided.

Do you even bother to research what they are?
One of the most recent polls on the subject of reparations was conducted by YouGov in June 2014 (five long years ago). The questions that were asked concerned "Reparations — Do you think the government should or should not offer the following things to black Americans who are the descendants of slaves?" The percentage who said "should offer cash" to blacks for reparations was 6% of white Americans, 59% of black Americans. When the question involved supporting "Education and job training programs," 19% of whites and 63% of blacks responded "should offer."
Almost all of the Democrats who have announced that they are running for the top job in 2020 support "free" college education, which might be seen as a kind of reparations without actually using the "R" word. Others are openly endorsing reparations for blacks. For example, Julián Castro, the first Latino Democrat to declare for president in 2020, recently took the plunge. According to an interview with The Root, a leftist, race-based publication on February 21,"Julián Castro Calls for Reparations for Black People."

Marianne Williamson, the spiritual teacher who, although a "longshot candidate" in the Times' view, has more Twitter followers than any of the other 2020 Democrat candidates so far, also supports reparations — to the tune of $100 billion.

In recent years, ideas pushed by the radical left, like the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011, established the powerful meme of the "1% vs. the 99%," resulting in the escalating demands for "social justice" to combat income inequality. These efforts have softened up low-information voters to be more susceptible to leftist candidates' pitches for promises of freebies and income redistribution.


But fuck it. Lets say it was just to those alive during the jim crow days, what say you to that?

Shocker to you, I say...,

We stand on sound legal PRECEDENT as far as that is concerned:

Payments to WWII Internees to Begin : Reparations: The budget agreement clears the way for the program. The oldest survivors will be the first to receive the $20,000 checks.

The payments were authorized by the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, but $1.25 billion for the program wasn't allocated by Congress until last October. Congress approved $500 million for 25,000 payments in fiscal 1990, the same amount the following year and the remainder beginning in October, 1992.

That was based on estimates that about 65,000 internees were alive in 1988, but Bratt said his office had found about 70,000, nearly three-quarters of whom live in California.


I'm not paying a cent for reparations. I had nothing to do with slavery so all the libtards can kiss my butt.


Amen to that!


Why should I, a white person who never owned a slave in their life; pay money to people who were never owned by other people as property?

For those of you claiming my ancestors MIGHT have kept slaves, I'll educate you a little bit. One, my dad's ancestors didn't even come to America until the early 1900s, meaning that slavery had already been outlawed for 40-50 years before they arrived. Two, people on my mother's side of the family lived up in the north, were part of the Union, and were so against slavery that they helped with the Underground Railroad.

And by the way, punishing innocent people today for what their ancestors did is about as stupid as demanding the execution of a small child, just because their great-great-grandpa was a mass-murderer. Do you see the lack of logic behind that?

Tell you what. When every rich member of the DNC empties their bank account to pay back reparations to these whiner babies, then I might consider doing something equally as stupid.


You didn’t, but chances are your family did. Or maybe just rented. No matter the actual connection, the country as a whole benefited from slavery. So unless you want to suggest that slavery is ok, I’d stop where you are. This isn’t a party issue. They’re are no sides in this. America benefited from slave labour. Or to put in your language, extreme selective communism. Do you support that? That people only exist to serve the state? Are you a red?


Most people came to the country after slavery ended. At the height of slavery 1.5% of Americans owned slaves. Most fought against slave ownership in the civil war.

Better prepare to pay the Chinese Irish and Italians too who were all treated worse than dogs when they came here decades after slavery ended.

The fact is black Americans were doing fine until the Johnson administration implemented social programs designed to re-enslave blacks in inner city plantations. They destroyed the family and encouraged women to have as many kids as possible out of wedlock. Their programs have been a tremendous success for the Ku Klux Klan founding demokkkrat party. Blacks continue to vote over 90% for the Demokkkrats.

It’s changing though. Despite leftwing fascism censoring black conservatives online, more and more are educating themselves and getting free of the shackles of their slavemasters like Sharpten and Jackson of the demokkkrat party.

But you go ahead and keep spouting your ignorance. We’re used to it.


I read this copy pasted meme already. No need to spam the board with it.


Then why not just shut up?


lol triggered.




Some body just found out they can use emojis on their phone when posting here. You would have known that sooner if you didnt spend so much time being racist.




is that candy corn poop...?


I'm not sure what comprise's doggiedaddy's diet...


They’re are no sides in this. America benefited from slave labour.

America benefitted from Chinamen building railroads too, tough titties.


"chinamen"? Are you even self aware?


What do you believe they were called at that time?


Oh, its "at the time", so its cool. Gotcha. I wonder, is that the excuse you always use when being racist?


Oh, its "at the time", so its cool. Gotcha. I wonder, is that the excuse you always use when being racist?

I use the idiom of the day the same way we say Jim Crow.

If you continue to libel me as racist I will alert the moderators.

Your call.


Go ahead, report me for calling you out on your language. That’s certain,y easier than modifying your behaviour.


Did and done.

I might even look into taking some legal action.


good luck, let know how it turns out. [spoiler]not well for you lol[/spoiler]


You will be surprised then, enjoy.


I wont be surprised. I know exactly how it will go, and how you will be laughed at.

You: "the mean man on the internet has an opinion about me, make him stop!"

the lawyer: "Am I being punked?"

What kind of sad loser thinks legal threats are going to get him the last word? Pathetic. But hey, what else can you expect from some one who throws around racial slurs?


You: "the mean man on the internet has an opinion about me,

Your pallid attempt to invoke "opinion" after libeling me numerous times in this very thread is REJECTED!

Nice try though, albeit too late in the game.

"1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, distinguished from slander which is oral defamation. It is a tort (civil wrong) making the person or entity (like a newspaper, magazine or political organization) open to a lawsuit for damages by the person who can prove the statement about him/her was a lie. Publication need only be to one person, but it must be a statement which claims to be fact, and is not clearly identified as an opinion. While it is sometimes said that the person making the libelous statement must have been intentional and malicious, actually it need only be obvious that the statement would do harm and is untrue. Proof of malice, however, does allow a party defamed to sue for "general damages" for damage to reputation, while an inadvertent libel limits the damages to actual harm (such as loss of business) called "special damages." "Libel per se" involves statements so vicious that malice is assumed and does not require a proof of intent to get an award of general damages. "


OK, let try this. You called the chinese nationals that built the railroad "chinamen".

"America benefitted from Chinamen building railroads too, tough titties."

You then when on to claim some gibberish about that being the spoken term at the time.

So, lets take that rule and apply it to another term and see how your bullshit and "term of the time" holds up.

"America benefitted from (insert N word here) building railroads too, tough titties."

Still want to go with that was the term at the time?

You see, truth is a 100% defence to liable. See when you present the opinion of one black man as true for all black men. Thats racist, even if you dont agree that it is. Youd also have to prove that your reputation was damaged. Being that everyone already thinks youre sad little racist wum, I dont see how I could have done so. Youd also have to prove that you(whatever your real world name is) has been damaged, which it hasnt as you are anonymous. Thats strike three and you are out of here!

Sad. little. Loser. And you cant spell benefited ;)


OK, let try this. You called the chinese nationals that built the railroad "chinamen".

"America benefitted from Chinamen building railroads too, tough titties."

Both are true.

1.) They were men, men from...wait for it...China!

2.) The applicable noun of the day, through all known reportage and historical record is...wait for it..."Chinamen"!

3.) We did benefit from their nearly slavish labors, oh well. Same can be said of the labors of miners, foresters, and farmers - many of whom had LEGAL immigrant status.

~ end of useless race-baiting by a libeler ~


Jesus christ. Look at your post you clueless fuck lol


You see, truth is a 100% defence to liable. See when you present the opinion of one black man as true for all black men. Thats racist, even if you dont {sic}agree that it is.Youd {sic} also have to prove that your reputation was damaged. Being that everyone already thinks youre sad little racist wum, I dont see how I could have done so. Youd also have to prove that you(whatever your real world name is) has been damaged, which it hasnt as you are anonymous. Thats strike three and you are out of here!

1.) There is NO truth in calling me a "racist" - you are ordered to cease and desist immediately - fair warning given once again.

2.) Presenting the opinion of one or more black men here is not racist.

3.) No statement was made as to the universality of said opinions, you lie again.

4.) I certainly DO believe that your misrepresentations are just that.

5.) The false appeal to forum consensus is noted and confirms your intent to turn the entire forum against me by the use of your specious racism charges.

6.) I can very easily prove my reputation has been damaged, and you're in a bad spot.

7.) Whether you can "see" this or not is immaterial to the libel you have committed.

8.) My "real world" address is available here, ergo real world damage has occurred.

9.) Your regular dropping of contractions is noted.

10.) You're in some trouble now- only a full PUBLIC APOLOGY for libeling me will suffice.

~ make it now or suffer the consequences of your libel ~



Cease and desist from libeling me right now!


I havent done so, Ive only told the truth of you from my observations.


You have and you are directed to cease and desist.


I havent, Im only coming to a conclusion based on your posts.


You have been lawfully warned.


I havent, Im only coming to a conclusion based on your posts.


Yes, you observably have been warned.


I havent, Im only coming to a conclusion based on your posts.


[quote]I havent{/quote]


"Qberto (947) a day ago
Cease and desist from libeling me right now!"


Racist liar.


what else can you expect from some one who throws around racial slurs?

From you = more projection...and...LIBEL!


go on then, what section of the communications decency act strips me of my protections?

Do you even know what that is? quick! to the google mobile!


go on then, what section of the communications decency act strips me of my protections?

You are neither a website owner nor tech business nor service provider for this forum.

The United States also has a unique law governing accountability as it relates to acts of online defamation -- Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. In short, the statute absolves Internet service providers (hosting companies, websites, developers, etc.) of defamation liability over user comments and content.


Apologize for libeling me NOW!


How do you know?


Apologize NOW, libeler!




what about reparations to indians?...


An actually relevant question - BRAVO!

Thousands of American Indians are now in line to receive part of a $3.4 billion settlement with the federal government, ending a long-running dispute over government mismanagement of tribal lands and accounts.[/i]

The deal follows a class-action lawsuit, filed in 1996, which accused the U.S. Department of the Interior of failing to account for and provide revenue from a trust fund representing the value of Indian assets managed by the government.
The missing funds at the center of the class-action case involve what are called Individual Indian Money accounts, which are supposed to represent the property of individual Indians. The accounts are held by the United States as trustee.
[i]The lawsuit had accused the government of failing to account for the money, failing to make proper payments, and converting tribal money for the government's own use.

"It's not fair," Cobell said then of the long process to reach a settlement, but "in the future we may be treated more fairly."
The agreement calls for $1.5 billion to be distributed among those who were part of the lawsuit.
Another $1.9 billion will go into a "land consolidation program" that will allow people to sell fractions of land they own, which are slivers of once larger ancestral plots that have been divided and subdivided over generations.

Rather an apples and oranges comparison, ergo a functional non sequitur as far as slavery reparations are concerned, do I need to bold the REASONS why for you or will italics suffice??


This is nothing more than Democrats buying votes with taxpayer dollars and keeping the flames of racial tension alive and well.

Contrary to popular opinion, slavery was not invented to oppress blacks from Africa. It existed LONG before then and was essential in the building of virtually every major civilization in history. Should Nordic states pay reparations to all the nations they pillaged, raped and plundered? Should modern Italians pay reparations for the actions of the ancient Roman empire? What about Egypt, should they be paying money to the descendants of the slaves who built the pyramids? If you have half a lick of sense, all that sounds absurd. Same for slavery in the US. The US was not "built on the backs of slaves". Slavery was an integral part of this country for a good while but let us not forget about the pioneers, trappers and settlers who REALLY built this country. In our rush to judge our forefathers by today's standards, let us also not forget what a brilliant thing they did in setting us free from England and creating this wonderful place we live in today.

Yeah, slavery happened, it was bad. It ended. It's time to get over it.

Yeah, native peoples suffered the worst. It's also in the distant past. Time to get over it.

Absolutely no good can come from any of this. Unless what you want is another revolution. In which case, the democrats are going to lose again. The race card is vastly overplayed and all it serves to do is create division where none would exist otherwise.


So is the "its a conspiracy" card. Do you have any arguments that arnt "whataboutism"? Im guessing not.


What are you talking about???


That reading comprehension still an issue, huh?


I forgot, you think this is a good idea and have spewed metric tons of nonsense in this thread. I shouldn't expect your responses to be on point or make sense. Yours is an argument of perpetual deflections.


No, mine is an argument of facts, both stated and presented. Yours is the typical tedious nonsense of wannabe wums that cant do anything but make ad hominem attacks when you get cornered in your thunderdome of bullshit.

ITs been laid out, and all Ive gotten racist nonsense thats been reported and deleted. Youre childlike reasoning means nothing to these conversations. The fact you think this is just about slaves says a lot. 1965 was when the jim crow laws went away. But they didnt go away did they? Not really. Look at your posts as an example.

Americans are so funny. Hate communism and socialism, but are happy to exploit the benefits of slavery everyday. You couldnt make it up.


Yours is the typical tedious nonsense of wannabe wums that cant do anything but make ad hominem attacks when you get cornered in your thunderdome of bullshit.

There you go again - more ad hominem and personal attacks in violation of forum policy!


Just playing by your rules, racist.


You are reported yet again.

Stop libeling me.


I havent, Im only coming to a conclusion based on your posts.


Yes you have. Now cease.


I havent, Im only coming to a conclusion based on your posts.


You have been lawfully warned.


I havent, Im only coming to a conclusion based on your posts.


Yes, you have.


I havent, Im only coming to a conclusion based on your posts.


Stop lying.


Said the liar.






You present no facts whatsoever.

The fact that slavery is even brought up today is proof that people like yourself seek only to create division where it would otherwise not exist.


Do you tell Jews to shut up as well?


You really think that's the same thing???


People being treated as 2nd class? Raped, tortured, murdered because of who they were? No, not the same thing at all...because Jews are prominently white. Im sure you have a much more fascinating answer though. Lets see how this pans out, Im going to guess you'll say something to the tune of...actually, I have no idea what youre going to say. This is going to be a surprise.


Sorry but race has nothing to do with it.

Jews = genocide.

Africans = slavery.

Jews = 70yrs ago

Africans = several centuries, ending 150yrs ago.

Jews = rounded up in their own countries and exterminated by their fellow citizens. In a modern industrialized, civilized world.

Africans = rounded up in their own 3rd world countries, by their own countrymen and sold as slaves. Which they have done for millennia.

Contrary to popular belief, African slaves were sold by Africans. Slaves were valuable and expensive property and not treated as harshly as people seem to think. Many were educated. They might've been treated as subhuman and forced to work in horrible conditions but they were not slaughtered like livestock. Jews were assumed to have no value at all and were exterminated like vermin.

Jews aren't looking for handouts.

Big difference.



That’s just precious.

1. Jews got their “handouts” and are in fact looking for more.

2. The Jews suffered for 5 years? The Africans you kidnapped suffered for centuries.

3. The Jews were German. So they were, in fact rounded up by their own people.

4. You created the market, you created the problem. America doesn’t want slaves, no one forces people into slavery to sell to America.

5. Rape, torture, murder, hundreds of years.

6. After slavery was abolished, America continued to treat Africans as second class. Often continuing to rape, torture and murder them. The Jim Crow Law’s came to an end in 1965. For those of us with trouble doing maths, that’s 20 years AFTER hitler stopped killing Jews.

7. Since 1965 white america has continued treating the black community with contempt. Various examples of hatred, persecution, rape, murder. Less legal, but still happening all the same.

So while the Jews were rounded up for extermination in a very short amount of time, America’s sustained attack on its black community goes back hundreds of years.:and to this day continues to prosper on the basis that it was allowed to thrive by slave labour.

You, fucking suck at this. Pedantic, tedious, disingenuous arguments based on nothing but the desperation to be right. Well, you’re not right. You’re wrong as fuck. You don’t wanna pay, that’s fine. You’re allowed to think that. But to pretend that it didn’t happen? Honestly, I’m shocked you accept that the holocaust happened. But then again, they are white and that’s all you really care about.


You're the racist and you don't even know it. You're also obviously a moron who can't debate without the F-word. This ain't high school, so it adds no power to your argument, it subtracts from it.

1. 150yrs after it happened?

2. "I" kidnapped??? They were in fact, kidnapped by their fellow Africans. Just as they have been for millennia.

3. No shit.

4. "I" created the market? "I" was not alive then. My ancestors did not own slaves. So "I" am not part of the equation, except the part where people who were also not alive then want someone to pay them now, just because they want it.

5. Mostly work.

6. That kinda happens when you go to war for power and real estate but sell it as a big lie to free slaves. Not to mention the destruction to the South and its culture. Over 600,000 people died in that war. It tends to cause issues. As does Lincoln's party forcing freed slaves to vote for them, which is the real reason why the Klan was founded.

7. So we're going to pay them because some of them were treated poorly in the 1960's?

Sustained attack? Still happening? Where?? When??? I have lived in the deep South all my life and I've never seen it. I'm not "pretending it didn't happen". I'm stating that it happened in the past and that is where it should be left.

And it's all predicated on the fallacy that you can bring someone up by giving them something they should have earned for themselves. It doesn't work that way, read a little Thomas Paine. It is NOT going to have the desired effect and that is the saddest/stupidest part. You can't bring people out of the ghetto by writing them a check. Blacks today have more opportunities than whites but few take advantage of it. All this is going to do is further divide us, create MORE racial tension and lead to conflict.


Dear god, how do you not fall down more?


You're a liberal, I don't expect you to understand. You live in a world of puerile feelings, devoid of logic and inconvenient facts. You have your narrative and are sticking to it. Anyone who contradicts it gets a highly ironic bad person label like racist, fascist, homophobe, xenophobe, bigot, etc.. There is no live and let live, compromise or even productive discourse with you people. Everyone who disagrees with you is the enemy and that is what is sad about the good ole USA today.


No I’m not. I’m just not an ignorant racist.


You are a racist and ignorant of it.


Good one.


Godwins law level farcical response.

Stop trolling.


Said the troll.






Cease and desist libeling me.




Cease and desist libeling me, you forum criminal.




reported again, sigh...


They've thrown around the label "racist" to the point that it has very little meaning left. Too stupid to realize it. It's funny that they do not see the hypocrisy in their behavior. They are guilty of that which they accuse others but are too blind to see it.


Indeed so, yet their fraudulent natures prevent them from seeing the real Smollett grade damage they do to race relations for all by running the meaning of the word into the ground and making it some sort of IKYABWAI low order partisan tag term.

Pathetic lot.




I do hope at some point the moderators will enforce the rules with you.




Prohibited Content:

Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization

YOU are in flagrant VIOLATION of terms with your continued specious incitement of racial hatred.

Stop it now.



Forum violator.



I know something that can end this crapola right now. Make a law where only people who pay taxes can vote. It would destroy over half of the Democrap voter base in one night.


Yes and make it so only living US citizens can vote. Demokkkrats would lose 20 million votes including the state of CA.


Good thing we don't have any psycho necromancers with real magic out there. If they tried animating every dead person who ever voted Democrat (even if they were Republican in life), we'd have a zombie apocalypse.




Do you believe Coulter's claim that we may have 60 MILLION illegals in this nation???

That one blew my mind, 25 or 30 million sure...twice that?



This is why I just make fun of you. Youre not worth debate, as you just spout nonsense. As of 2017 the number was 10.5. That was 14 % drop since 2007. If you had a clue, you might be dangerous.


If you had a mind to READ and LEARN you might be credible, alas...

Straight out of the chute, FAIR assumes that there are only 12.5 million illegal immigrants in the country, approximately the same number we’ve been told for the last 15 years as we impotently watched hundreds of thousands more stream across our border, year after year after year.

The 12 million figure is based on the self-reports of illegal aliens to U.S. census questionnaires. (Hello! I’m from the federal government. Did you break the law to enter our country? Now tell the truth! We have no way of knowing the answer, and if you say yes, you could be subjecting yourself to immediate deportation.)

More serious studies put the number considerably higher. At the low end, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Yale study last year put the number of illegals at 22 million. Yet Bear Stearns investment bank had it at 20 million back in 2005, and Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporters Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele reported in 2004 that 3 million illegals were crossing each year — so simple math would put it at well over 60 million today.


lol see what I mean? Racist.


No one sees what you mean, you're a pariah even amongst your own ilk.




Prohibited Content:

Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization

YOU are in flagrant VIOLATION of terms with your continued specious incitement of racial hatred.

Stop it now.






Some body just found out they can use emojis on their phone when posting here. You would have known that sooner if you didnt spend so much time being racist.


The usual suspect trolls are OK paying this.


Make the illegals pay too, fair is "fair"...right?

Oh and LGBTQs get sex discrimination reparations, but it goes back to slavery descendants = moot payment.

Straight out of the chute, FAIR assumes that there are only 12.5 million illegal immigrants in the country, approximately the same number we’ve been told for the last 15 years as we impotently watched hundreds of thousands more stream across our border, year after year after year.

The 12 million figure is based on the self-reports of illegal aliens to U.S. census questionnaires. (Hello! I’m from the federal government. Did you break the law to enter our country? Now tell the truth! We have no way of knowing the answer, and if you say yes, you could be subjecting yourself to immediate deportation.)

More serious studies put the number considerably higher. At the low end, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Yale study last year put the number of illegals at 22 million. Yet Bear Stearns investment bank had it at 20 million back in 2005, and Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporters Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele reported in 2004 that 3 million illegals were crossing each year — so simple math would put it at well over 60 million today.

So, right there, the FAIR study underestimates the tab for illegal immigration by at least a factor of three, meaning the real cost is about $350 billion a year. That’s triple what Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass.) free college tuition plan will cost in a decade.
