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Neil Gorsuch

I would bet the bank on this. Had Hillary won and picked Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court almost every Democrat would support him.

If Trump picked Jesus himself the Dems would not support him because of their hatred of Trump. To hell with what is good for Americans.

Just stop Trump.


You got it. It's tit for tat obstructionism by the Dems.
In the meantime, Hillary is still trying to manipulate her supporters with her mantra of " stronger together ." Could they be any more obvious with their hypocrisy ?


And this is why politics is so stupid these days. Neither party cares about doing the right thing. They just want to block anything the other party does.


It's stupid because they have the unmitigated gall to assume the Average Joe can't see through the facade !


Sadly I don't think most people can see through the facade. Look at MSNBC and Fox News, one was pro Obama and anti Obama and now one is pro Trump and anti Trump. They both skew the news in their favor to make a point. People have been so brainwashed thinking that one of the Parties is evil.


The important thing is being able to discern, discriminate. It's become too easy to be a 'sheeple,' to jump on a bandwagon which is nothing more than a precursor to a mob mentality.
I recently watched a documentary about William Wallace, the inspiration for Mel Gibson's Braveheart. Now there was a true freedom lover !


Trump should appellate his decision to choose Neil Gorsuch


You just hit the nail on the head, sandman.

