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French, female politician wouldn't wear a headscarf....good!

"Sometimes, it’s not what’s in your head, but on it -- or rather not on it – that gets you remembered. France’s populist candidate for President, Marine Le Pen, just had such a moment. She’s feeling good about it.

Le Pen, who is running for her country’s top job on the right-wing National Front ticket, was in Lebanon this week to meet that country’s president. She also had a session scheduled with the country’s top Sunni Muslim cleric.

Her talk with President Michel Aoun, who is Christian, went well enough, according to most press reports. But when it came time to meet with Sheikh Abdel-Latif Derian, the French candidate was told that women were required to don headscarves before entering the presence of the religious leader.

Le Pen refused, and after a few awkward moments between her staff and the sheikh’s, abruptly called off the audience and left. “I consider the headscarf a symbol of a woman’s submission,” she said afterward. “I will not put on the veil.”

She's not muslim. That's stupid to expect a foreign dignitary to dress to meet your silly religious beliefs just to meet with you. Yeah, shove the stupid head scarf up your rear. They act like she was nude or something. It annoys me when ANYONE from the west bows down to this stupid demand. I see reporters and other western women wearing this junk from time to time.


Good! No Western women should lower themselves to Muslim standards.


Lepen is no snowflake. I need my clap emoticon.


There should be MASSIVE APPLAUSE for this woman from the feminists, but something tells me since she's on the "wrong" end of the political spectrum, as well as her action being against a brown Muslim man, she'll get based instead.
