MovieChat Forums > Politics > If the US had an extra $10 mil to spend ...

If the US had an extra $10 mil to spend every day, how would you spend?

So let's say you were the Decider in Chief. How would you spend that extra $10 mil each and every day for the good of the US?

"You only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away from them." Solzhenitsyn


Taco Tuesday for the entire country.

Even the angry right wingers couldn't object to that.


Oh my - REAL Mexican tacos, or pseudo-libitarded, Chipotle culturally appropriated "tacos"?


There's nothing wrong with being influenced by other cultures. I don't agree with a lot of Democrats on that cultural appropriation nonsense.


I tend to be in your camp, but it was way too enticing to run their own slavishly puritanical ethnic rhetoric and self-righteousness right back over them.

I may need to order Chinese takeout lo mein for some contextual nourishment tonight.



put in the bank and give the interest to the american people...


I can endorse that if you substitute "bank" with "social security trust fund"...
