The movies peaked with Azkaban
Don't get me wrong, none of the films are bad, but Azkaban is in a league of its own. Forget about the books. Azkaban works brilliantly as a film. Cuaron hits the right balance between whimsy and darkness and directs a film so creative that it's a shame he only stayed for one film.
Upon rewatching the series (again) I think the other films are decent, but not really outstanding as films on their own, only in bits and pieces. I have to admit the Yates films have some scenes and moments up to the quality of PoA, but as a whole they don't feel nearly as satisfactory and complete as PoA. I will however excuse him a little for adapting at least two of the worst books in the series IMHO. Columbus and Newell were blessed with better material, but did a mediocre job.