Goblet of Fire
Not have Dumbledore yelling at Harry, "Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Way out of character.
Make it clear that several days have passed in the scene after the finding of Crouch's body. That confused me greatly.
Not have the twins fight after getting the beards. Again, out of character.
Not have Hermione's head moving around like a bobble head doll when she's telling the twins why their plan won't work. Just too distracting.
Prisoner of Askaban
See more of Pansy Parkinson. The actress always seems to be half hidden or at a poor angle. Why put her in the movie if you're not going to show her?
Deathly Hallows
Have the trio mention Voldemort's name in London. That way it makes sense for them to get found so quickly.
Have Ron explain that Voldemort's name is now taboo and can be used to find you.
Ditch the Harry/Hermione dancing bit.
There's more, but I haven't watched the movies in a while now and when I have, the boards won't be here anymore.
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It's all like some bad movie.