Does anybody think AGONY's Hell seems worst than DOOM's Hell?
To me, this version of Hell makes DOOM's Hell look like Disneyland.
To me, this version of Hell makes DOOM's Hell look like Disneyland.
None of the Doom games feature a hell, or any other level, that is remotely similar in any way to anything we see in the footage for Agony. They just don't. You seem to be looking at things through a rose colored nostalgic tinge and holding the 2016 Doom to an unrealistic standard because of your fandom for the older games.
When you look at the monster design for example in the 2016 Doom compared to the previous 2 games I'm really not sure how you can realistically argue that the new games designs are more "boring" than what's come before. For example:
Putting aside nostalgia can you really look at the first two Revenant designs alongside the design for the 4th game and genuinely claim the fourth one is in any way worse? Because I can't.
looking at level design I'm not really sure how this: is any more inventive and visually interesting than this:
There are plenty more examples I could go through but I imagine you get my point.