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What have you turd biscuits been playing lately?

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth - I'd almost forgotten how long Japanese role-playing games can be. I'm about forty hours into this one and I think I'm about seventy percent through it, and it's a game you're expected to play through twice. I warmed up to this a hell of a lot more after I'd gotten my crew levelled up since even an average enemy can't nuke my team. I don't think I'll ever understand why any role-playing game would have you choose everyone's action at once without giving you the battle order or any way of interrupting their actions. Some of the higher level enemies have an debuff where your guys will take half of the damage they deal themselves, so if it gets its turn first, puts that on your team, you can screw yourself completely without really being able to plan for it. A lot of odd choices in games like this. The characters are mostly what holds up the game. There are other things I like about it, but those are mostly just mechanics from the persona games.

Overwatch: Siege - I'm starting to remember one of the less remembered reasons why I stopped playing multi-player shooters back in the day. Mostly because they started to be kind of *beep* but also because I tend to not finish other games as much because playing a match or two feels easier in some weird way.

Mafia III - Only played through the opening, but was pleasantly surprised. Very well done. Soundtrack also seems quite good. I've heard almost nothing but bad things about this game, though. Maybe it turns to poop once it really opens up?

I am on fire, but an extinguisher is not required


Doom - 5.6 hours played - Status: Shelved
You tried, Doom, there are things about you I like more than just about any FPS I've played but at the end of the day you're just another FPS - albeit a very well crafted one.

Shadow of Mordor - 10.2 hours played - Status: On Hold
Of all the games I've played that use the Arkham fighting style I think this may be the weakest. Too often you end up fighting multiple enemies who can only be dodged and the dodging isn't worked into the flow very well - this makes the fights, while never really difficult, often really dull. As I have no interest in the world or story this leaves me low on motivation to continue.

Kick Beat - 5.8 hours played - Status: Complete
The only idea I've ever had for a game that someone else hasn't done yet is a kind of Rhythm Action Fighter, so I was curious to see how Kick Beat played. It's fun, but by god does it ever feature some appalling music. I may have played more at higher difficulties were it not for this.

Double Dragon Neon - 6.5 hours played - Status: Complete on Normal
Wayforward are a great little Dev, they have a few bumps along the way but anything in which Matt Bozon is closely involved is pretty much guaranteed to be a total joy. This adds a couple of layers to the old school gameplay with dodge and light juggle mechanics and River City style shops that open up some levelling and buffs.
It looks great, is genuinely funny, and I'll be going back to replay higher difficulties at some point.
My only disappointment is that there's no unlocking further playable characters. You can't even play as Jimmy in 1p.

The Way - 3.8 hours played - Status: Ongoing
Started this last night and I'm really enjoying the way it's been building so far. Ostensibly inspired by Flashback the gameplay more often recalls Another World - but more often still is its own thing built around an intriguing story and good variety of puzzles.
Update - This is starting to feel almost metroidvania in the way it keeps evolving the more you play. Excellent stuff so far.


On the PS2 - Rez and Silent Hill 3

On the PS4 - Overwatch, Gravity Rush and I've recently given up on Doom and Mankind Divided

Doom was pretty fun but I just felt like I'd had my fill after 5 or so hours. Mankind Divided is a train wreck, the dullest game I've played since Watch Dogs.

Gravity Rush makes up for it though; it's slightly too easy but it's charming and consistently fun to play.


Doom was pretty fun but I just felt like I'd had my fill after 5 or so hours.


I've been meaning to play Silent Hill 3. Tried the PS3 version, which was *beep* beyond belief, but the surreal horror angle was definitely intriguing.

I kind of agree on Doom, though my time frame lasted almost until the end. The game ended, like, five or ten minutes after I felt myself getting bored of the game. Competent shooter, but, I don't know, feels a bit... overrated? In my opinion, of course.

Mankind Divided had an endless list of problems, but still enjoyed myself enough to finish it and be annoyed that it wasn't longer.

Gravity Rush is great. Glad that it managed to outlive the Vita.

I am on fire, but an extinguisher is not required


I don't really know how far you got after 5 hours, any hint?

"I'm gonna get medieval on your ass!"


I can't remember the exact moment. I was maybe an hour and a half into the hell portion of the game.


Not to be that guy, but yeah, if that's when I think it is I think you've missed out on some of the better levels in the game. Shame, but glad you enjoyed it for a while.

"I'm gonna get medieval on your ass!"


RE7... I can't believe I actually like it. It feels like a western AAA game more than the other ones. Guess the team finally started taking notes on what kind of horror appeals to Americans. Having an American writer helps I guess. Granted, this is only the second RE game I've ever owned (5 was the first) because the previous games were on consoles I didn't like. And 6 didn't look appealing at all.

I don't use ignore, because I don't need a safe space
2017: The Scorpio rises - HAIL XBOX!
